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Editorial Edmonton Sun - To give hope

military granny

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“I’m proud of what I do,” Parenteau said.

“We don’t want to die,” he went on. “But we want to change this country – to give hope.”

This interview thankfully took place before Bloc Quebecois Leader Gilles Duceppe decided to cynically and manipulatively use the Afghan mission as a reason to drag the country into an unwanted general election. Unless, that is, Prime Minister Stephen Harper “rapidly and profoundly” modifies Canada’s role in the conflict.

That’s right, the French-speaking Royal 22nd Regiment has seen little more than benign guard house duty in Afghanistan. The bulk of the combat work and “peacemaking” has been done by the Edmonton-based Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry, who are looking at yet another deployment after Christmas, and Ontario’s Royal Canadian Regiment.

Not a bad article. One thing I've noticed is when the news speaks of the PPCLI they always mention Edmonton and tend to forget 2 PPCLI, out of Shilo. They have been a part of the past roto, as well as this current one, and have been hit with huge losses as well.
That’s right, the French-speaking Royal 22nd Regiment has seen little more than benign guard house duty in Afghanistan. The bulk of the combat work and “peacemaking” has been done by the Edmonton-based Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry, who are looking at yet another deployment after Christmas, and Ontario’s Royal Canadian Regiment.

I don't like Mr. Beazley's take on the R22eR.  The Van Doo's who are deployed are doing EXACTLY what they've been assigned to do, as are the Patricia's, Royals, Sigs, and various CSS troops.

His statement quoted above smacks of a western based reporter's desire to appeal to the bias of his target audience, and has absolutely NO validity regarding the quality or motivation of the R22er.

Aside from that, an interesting article.  Unfortunately, the above quote taints the entire thing.
WOW i tought that I heard it all!
Your comments about the Soldiers from Valcartier being prepared for Afghanistan and that Canada should CUT and RUN now that the VANDOOS will go is an insult to those who already been there,an insult to the menbers of Le Royal 22e Regiment.
I am a former member of the Vandoos ,I have served along PPCLI's and RCR's.They are good soldiers!Are you implying that they should bear the brunt of defending Canada while the Vandoos stay at home?Are you saying that the blood of VP's and VRI's is less important than the blood of Vandoos?THink again WE are ALL brothers
Mr.Duceppe read and educate yourself......Vandoos have ALWAYS paid their dues when the time came.WE do not need the kind of BS that you feed the people of Quebec.The Regiment WILL go and WILL keep the time honored tradition of serving Canada.
By the way I am from Quebec and I was a CANADIAN soldier.
You should be sorry for such undignified comments....guess you just joined class with Jack L.
Je Me Souviens :
To ALL serving members of the Canadian Forces,Ladies and Gentlemen...WE the people of Quebec DO support you.WE retired soldiers DO support you.
Originally I had decided not to post here as I am from an other erajoined 1964)but leaders like Duceppe and Layton have a way of getting me upset when they talk  of what they don't know.or is it maybe that their grandfather went to the bush instead of fighting for Canada.
You all keep safe
Antique: the liberals are also looking to voting with the PD and NPD.
Pea said:
Not a bad article. One thing I've noticed is when the news speaks of the PPCLI they always mention Edmonton and tend to forget 2 PPCLI, out of Shilo. They have been a part of the past roto, as well as this current one, and have been hit with huge losses as well.

Maybe 2 PPCLI will be noticed in a year from now when they send out about 600 ppl to Afghanistan. CBC National hadn't included it either on their "Road Stories" The losses from any base hit everyone in the military across the board. Even if 2 VP is not talked about as often we still feel connected to the military community across Canada. It is nice to see, hear, and watch how everyone in the CF pulls together to stand up for their "extended family" and stand up against nay-sayers. This forum I think is the best there is on the internet. When a person is wrong you all let them know, when a person is down you all unite to cheer them up. Thank you to all of you for all that you have done for the CF and families.