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  1. AndrewS

    "The Mighty Eighth"- proof of concept film (re-titled)

    I originally thought the same a few weeks back but the quality did not add up for me... so I did digging back then. The Hanks/Spielberg series will be called Masters of the Air, and is still in the writing stage. The "Mighty Eighth" trailer you are seeing on youtube is a proof of concept from...
  2. AndrewS

    Another example of nerdom

    I thought it was rather hysterical ;)
  3. AndrewS

    The Rugby Thread- Merged Over The Years

    Well today Setanta just come on the air on Rogers, Shaw, Bell Expressview, and Starchoice.. and should be on the air on Cogeco by early September. Well it's true Setanta doesn't have a channel license, it is able to broadcast(and IS) as a Sports PPV Pack. What this essentially means is...
  4. AndrewS

    Game off Discovery Channel

    heh fun little game.. 158900 15/15 first try... maybe i found my calling ;) ... ICBM at lvl 14 was a real hassle for me
  5. AndrewS

    Jericho Is Back!

    Ah great!  That's like the only show on network television i actually watch, TV is just filled with so many useless reality shows and stupid Dancing with the Stars/idol crap.  I believe they were replacing it with some reality show based on children going wild without their parents for 4 weeks...
  6. AndrewS

    Your Beer Brand of Choice

    Keith's.... or umm that wheatbeer i used to drink from out west... I wanna say Warthog.    correction: Grasshopper from Big Rock Brewery
  7. AndrewS

    Is Stephane Dion Out to Lunch?

    I'm really not a fan of  Dion.... this liberal, from a family with ties to the Liberal Party going back 90 years, is ready to vote Conservative for the 3rd straight time.
  8. AndrewS

    Remembrance Day: National holiday?/"Veterans' Day"? (merged)

    This is a tough one.... My memories of Rememberance Day were going to the Auditorium, where students would put on plays reenacting the different wars, mothers recieving news of their son's passing, women who lost their husband. Readings of poems and war accounts.  Veterns who would tell us...
  9. AndrewS

    Meet Bunny

    [GRAPHIC WARNING!!] Bunnies doing bad things! ;)
  10. AndrewS

    8 Canadians killed in Israeli airstrikes, Ottawa sends ships for evacuation

    I also have friends there visiting family. One is christian with his family of 5. The other is muslim went with his family of 6, they went back to visit and for a wedding.  So like SeaKingTacco says.
  11. AndrewS

    Happy Canada Day (Army.ca Red Theme)

    my insight on the theme change didn't last very long did it? lol
  12. AndrewS

    CF warships arrive at Hawaii for RIMPAC exercises

    One of my best friends is there.. wonder if he'll get anytime to see the sites and enjoy the nice hawaiian weather... bah lucky b*stard if so!  Personally I hope he's stuck cleaning  the sh*tter. ;)
  13. AndrewS

    New Army.ca Game (HEADLINES)

    A Halloween pictorial of Downtown Ottawa For this year's theme, NDHQ decided to go Imperial.
  14. AndrewS

    "O'Connor has $8B military 'wish list"

    I noticed that after I posted, but at the same time the french news story mentioned the Chinook. Which  is where i got my chinook fixation plus some posts earlier in the thread.  If it is a competition, why would they know the cost of the helicopters to be bought?  Do we normally say we want...
  15. AndrewS

    "O'Connor has $8B military 'wish list"

    4 billion for 15 chinooks?  I know lifetime maint. costs and spare parts are included in the package but isn't that a little high for just 15 Helicopters?   Didn't the Aussies just order 30+ odd NH90s for 2billion AUD?  I know they aren't the same class of helicopter, and I'm not suggesting...
  16. AndrewS

    One for the good guys

    Good work guys! Lets not forget the interperter here.. get better Junior. When civilian personal who assist us in operations are wounded, where do they go? Are they treated in local afghani hopsitals, or would he be off to an american hospital in Germany, once stabalized?
  17. AndrewS

    False allegations from Iran: Jews to wear Insignia in public

    JPost is still running the story, they picked it up off National Post. http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1145961377561&pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull
  18. AndrewS

    False allegations from Iran: Jews to wear Insignia in public

    Hmmm.. Interestingly the 2 stories have been pulled from the National Post website.  There was quite alot of people replying in the sound off section that there was no other confirmation from other news sites and that the story was false.