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  1. clk320

    Is there any way to know what the INSIDE of a PMQ looks like BEFORE moving ??

    On a lighter note; Well for a good look at a kitchen go to the War Museum in Ottawa and you got a display :) Seriously I presently live in Greenwood in a single house (since I am deployed can't send you inside pics) but they are like army.girl said very nice indeed.  Most of them have been...
  2. clk320

    Not Covered On "Off Duty" Travel? [Split Topic}

    GINge well if you have to travel 1500km they should give you 3 days (500km for each day) CFAO 209-7  And the DCBA ref below and the CF member responsibilities and what the Training school is telling us also at the bottom. So I don’t agree with the principal of PteMacPooi when he says this...
  3. clk320

    Essay paper on Canadian Forces in Afghanistan

    FW: “Cosmopolitan Society, Human Safety and Rights in Plural and Peaceful Societies” http://www.akdn.org/speeches/2006Feb12.htm  Speech by His Highness the Aga Khan This could give you a global perspective of the world situation.  After present the CDN views and role in Afghanistan and then...
  4. clk320

    Not Covered On "Off Duty" Travel? [Split Topic}

    shall be considered to have completed the journey within the following time frame: CFAO 209-7 para 3 -  So GINge if you say two days of travel that he has to fit in this:     a.  for a journey of 250 km or less -- one half day;     b.  for a journey of between 250 and 650 km -- one day...
  5. clk320

    Not Covered On "Off Duty" Travel? [Split Topic}

    Indeed interesting to read since The DCBA benefit aide memoire of April 2006.  quote Members of the CF are on duty 24 hours a day 7 days a week unless on authorized leave unquote (p.13).  Despite that it refers to TD response it state a fact.  Your a.. belongs to the crown and they should be...
  6. clk320

    Not Covered On "Off Duty" Travel? [Split Topic}

    indeed the only waiver to sign is the request for PMV travel/ waiver of financial entitlements i.e. you agree to the lesser amount.  I never sign any waiver for off-duty travel as soon as you got a lve pass you are covered and even more a CF99.  Remember you are on duty 24/7.  Heck back home I...
  7. clk320

    13 Mar 2006 Address by PM Harper to Canadian Forces in Afghanistan

    Not sure if you guys caught the news on Radio Canada I would presume this evening but morning for us overseas Celine Galipeau just did a speech comparison of Mr. Harper (while he was in Afghanistan) and Mr. Bush (back in march while he addressed the troops in Iraq).  Basically it's the same...
  8. clk320

    Anti-War Demonstrations - Halifax

    Well to reply to Mack674 and I don't want to fuel the debate.  I am serving overseas at the moment and don't feel one bit offended by the protest that happen back home because it's  :cdn: where everyone one of us can express our opinion freely.  Some of the folks don't agree with the CF being...
  9. clk320

    Fallen Comrades (serving Canadian military)

    Thanks for the info on the trust fund have pass the info to TSE CoC.  Anyone know about a similar fund for Cpl Davis ???
  10. clk320

    Tim Hortons in Theatre Merged Thread (in AFG, no plans to preposition)

    Now i wonder if they will make a pit stop at TSE - CM  ???  Beats going to starbucks and paid $5.00 US for a cup of Java BTW: ref: <<PM>>.  It is no longer forbidden to mentioned Camp Mirage since an article appeared just recently in The Maple Leaf 22 feb 06 vol 9 no. 8 on page 10.  The OPSEC...
  11. clk320

    Fallen friends

    Always a great idea to have something to remember our brothers(sisters) in arms.  TSE Camp Mirage will shortly be erecting a memorial cairon as per KAF did when they transfert theirs from KB to KAF ref...
  12. clk320

    Chances of a service couple doing a tour at the same time in the same place.

    We have a couple prensently at TSE CM and as per other email no problem if Known by the CO and your follow the policies in place. 
  13. clk320

    CFHA Residential Housing Unit (RHU)-old PMQ [MERGED]

    Greenwood: A single house 2 br. is $325.00 with fixed hydro at $49.00 and oil for a year no more than $600.00.  The Q is in good shape and was redone in 2002 except for the kitchen.  Actually you can see the kitchen display in our new war museum it's kind of funny and scary at the same time.