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Search results

  1. little_mp

    CEOTP (Continuing Ed Officer Trg Plan) 2003-2018 [Merged]

    I'm not sure if this is the right place, but I have been looking around and haven't been able to see the answers I am looking for. I was a MCPL in an infantry reserve unit. I have been in for just over 10 years and a couple of years ago I was asked by my unit if I would consider taking my...
  2. little_mp

    Online "Kit" Websites

    I think just about every site I can sure think of has been posted on here   ;D One I didn't notice and sorry guys if I over looked it is http://www.icetactical.com/ A US Army officer friend of mine showed me their kit he has a few pouches and such off there and it looks like pretty good stuff...
  3. little_mp

    Cambrian Patrol

    Yo Talk to Mcpl Robinson or Sgt Donachie they were both on the team that year, remeber they spend a bit of time in the summer telling us about it, or maybe that was on SQ before you were there but yea they went and got bronze, aparently beat some Navy Seals and such but its not a 1 2 3 for gold...
  4. little_mp

    From Australia Happy New Year!

    Hey I just want to wish everyone a Happy New Year I spent my night at the City TV bash at Nathon Philip's Square across from city hall in Toronto it was awesome! Great night ;D well have a safe and happy year everyone! :salute:
  5. little_mp

    Goverment Rates, and Entilement!

    What the hell, it sound like you are questioning why I joined the CF I didn't even consider those infact I did not know until recently they existed and I've been in a Year now so its not like I'm right threw the doors asking about perks here I just heard lots existed and was curious, Further...
  6. little_mp

    Pointing Lasers at Aircraft

    Whats this medical have to do with a terrorist threat a chrashin a plan? Im failing to see relevance here...
  7. little_mp

    Pointing Lasers at Aircraft

    HAHA lasers whats next Osama is actauly living in the white house using his Invisible suit   ??? I'm starting to belive from the lack of common sence some of you would belive that on here ;) :salute:
  8. little_mp

    Goverment Rates, and Entilement!

    Do you guys seriously have to bicker about every little thing? I was just wondering because i don't know what I'm entitled to and I would just like to know so every now and then I could save a little money because being a student isn't cheap these days... but if some feel its too much of...
  9. little_mp

    Pointing Lasers at Aircraft

    Thank you T.I.M thats what I've been trying to say but as soon as I mention I don't think terrorists would use them they start accusing me of being some sort of terrorist expert  ??? either way as for that Rommel quote who knows you will never know seems he died of forced suicide on October 14th...
  10. little_mp

    Pointing Lasers at Aircraft

    Right here, http://army.ca/quotes/?string=%22If+I+had+American+supply+lines%2C+British+planes%2C+German+officers+and+Canadian+troops%2C+I+could+take+over+the+world%22&search_attrib=case_sensitive&function=searchQuote
  11. little_mp

    Pointing Lasers at Aircraft

    Well hey they hire Professionals and Experts on terrorism to look after those things I mean it was probably a lot more secure then I thought I mean come on as some members have pointed out I'm a 17 year old what do i know?
  12. little_mp

    Pointing Lasers at Aircraft

    heck at pearson if you drive to Customs HQ you Pretty much are on the runway without going through any security check points at least thats how it was just over a year ago, I was actually quite shocked we just drove down there in a PMOV and were right at the base of one of the terminals pretty much.
  13. little_mp

    Pointing Lasers at Aircraft

    Thats what I'm trying to say here ill put it this way so no one can rip it apart my opinion is that its very far fetch and i cant see it happening like i said by the time someone goes to the lengths go get in there and be able to effectively use a laser to blind the pilots, good enough to cause...
  14. little_mp

    Pointing Lasers at Aircraft

    Alright let me clarify it all i am NOT an expert on terrorism, and futhermore I did live in Berlin for 3 years I am Canadian but my Father was on an overseas assigment in Germany and mostly Berlin so  our family lived there for 3 years, and there are 3 diff english schools in Berlin theres JFKS...
  15. little_mp

    Canadian soldiers return to Kandahar

    Thanks pbi I apricate you taking the time to type that all out to better the knowledge of an idiot like myself ;)
  16. little_mp

    Pointing Lasers at Aircraft

    Actually when I live in German and I was in Berlin when September 11th happend I was directly affected as I was Attending a US Government school I also Knew the Director of the FBI for European Affairs, he told me quite abit about these terrorists, and alot of what I am saying about terrorists...
  17. little_mp

    Should the toast to the Queen be omitted from Mess Dinner's

    Well if it wasn't for the crown we would probably just be an American state today, and the main basis of English speaking Canadians were UEL at one time, that would say something about Canada and Canadians. to be Canada always will have some what of a link to the crown and remember the Queen is...
  18. little_mp

    Pointing Lasers at Aircraft

    yea well at this rate pretty soon i think that people are going to be afraid of their own shadow  :P :fifty:
  19. little_mp

    Meaford Pictures

    HAHA Break i heard about that pic... Yea I'd love to see it if anyone has it!
  20. little_mp

    Should the toast to the Queen be omitted from Mess Dinner's

    I was born into a British family, and I myself am a British citizen along side of my Canadian citizenship, make no mistake I'm Canadian first :cdn: however my dad side of the family is a stirct Royalist Bristish family and you could be shot in my house for saying such a thing   :o further more I...