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From Australia Happy New Year!


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Well, now after field testing over 1/2 of a 700ml bottle of CC, I just thought I would be the first to say Happy New Year!

01 Jan 2005 is just about 62 minutes away here in Sydney.

I will be hung over tomorrow. I am well on my way to a long night. So when its 1900 in Vancouver on NYE, its already 1400 here on NYD.

Cheers, and beers where ever you are.

Right back at ya Wes, and everyone else.
Have a good one Everyone !!!

Reminds me of the passage to Y2K. I was in Timor, and on the morning of 01 Jan 2000, I called my family at 0900 after returning from an overnight patrol. It was 2000hrs in Montreal on NYE, and I told them the passage to the year 2000 was painless...   ;D
My best wishes to all (Americans, Australians, British, Canadians, etc, etc, etc ...), too, for a happy, prosperous and safe 2005 ... especially to those serving or about to serve overseas.

To all you reservists, of whatever class or category of service: my salute to you.   I don't know who said it, but I agree that the reservist is twice the citizen and we, ordinary citizens, are grateful for your service to us all.

Happy New Year.

I spent some time with the Australian Combat Shooting Team while I was in Bisley in 2001 and at CFSAC 2001. A great bunch of lads.

Enjoy the night!!
Hi Wes,

Thank you very much.   :) All the best to you and yours in the coming New Year. And the same for all the other posters on these forums.   ;D

Drummy    :blotto:
Happy New Year Wes,

Celebrated New Year's in Kabul with His Excellency John Ralston Saul making the rounds to the deployed soldiers.

It's 1630 and I'm on my way to the liquor store then my basement to begin a night of misbehaivour
Happy new years Wes and happy new years everyone else.!!!!
Navalsnpr said:

Happy New Year.

I spent some time with the Australian Combat Shooting Team while I was in Bisley in 2001 and at CFSAC 2001. A great bunch of lads.

Enjoy the night!!

I can think of WO2 Peter Richards, WO2 Grant Howells, SGT Russ Teal, WO2 Ian Beattie to name a few. Those blokes are still around WO2 Beattile retired in November.

Well its after 0800 here on NYD, and I am not as hung over as much as I thought I would be. Here is a pic of WO2 Richards, after he won the Champion Shot of Army in November 2004. See any familiar faces?


Yes, I remember Peter and Russ especially from those times.

Peter's looking mighty proud up in that chair..... as he should be!!

Good on him!!

Rusty Old Joint said:
  I don't know who said it, but I agree that the reservist is twice the citizen and we, ordinary citizens, are grateful for your service to us all.

"The Reservist is Twice the Citizen" - Winston Churchill

And thanks ROJ, it's appreciated.
So what does that make a reg force soldier?  :p

Anyhoo, Happy new year from the west coast of Canada.

Nothing happening here so I'm just in the company of a 2 ltr of white wine, kicken back, watchen movies...


Sitting at home, have had dinner, little girl off to bed, wife relaxing, me I've had a couple of beers (Castle Lager and Coors light) starting my third  Bombay Matini, and just got off the phone from an old army buddy and closest friend.

Life doesn't get better than this, what a better way to ring in the new year!!

Jost got in from my new years night out,
Quite the entertaining evening on the town.

A funny thing to do for all you up and commers out there (heres an adult setting a good example by the way, enjoy) is call guys "princess' and "darling"

Only advisable if your friends are well over 200 pounds and 6 feet, but still very entertaining to see some of the reactions.

Happy new years to all, time to crawl in to bed and sleep for the next 3 days until it's time to leave North Americas TP.
Che said:
A funny thing to do for all you up and commers out there (heres an adult setting a good example by the way, enjoy) is call guys "princess' and "darling"

Only advisable if your friends are well over 200 pounds and 6 feet, but still very entertaining to see some of the reactions.


Done that one a few times!..

Anyways Cheers again, best of luck to all of you in '05
Twas a good night out for the New Years celebration.

So many people still take their shot guns out and shoot them off at midnight...... in the middle of a city of 450,000!!!!

Glad no one has gotten hurt.

Hope no one has any serious hang overs today!!
Hey I just want to wish everyone a Happy New Year I spent my night at the City TV bash at Nathon Philip's Square across from city hall in Toronto it was awesome! Great night ;D well have a safe and happy year everyone! :salute: