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Search results

  1. H

    Enhanced Reliability Check (ERC) - Merged

    It's quite possible that the recruiter may only call you or notify you if there is a problem with the security check, I knew mine had been run on me because i had to provide some additional info. I would just relax, they will contact you when they are advised on the status of your file. In your...
  2. H

    What happens at the swearing in?

    there is lots of info on this, but anyways.... When you get to your CFRC det., you'll be called into an office where you will be asked if anything in regards to the status of your application has changed. If you have taken on any more debt, been criminally charged, had any medical problems...
  3. H

    Just Got Sworn in!!!!!!!

    Grats! I got sworn in yesterday...it's one hellova feelin!
  4. H

    It's been a long time coming but I've got the call....

    Pauld, I was wondering, if you do choose to enter as a DEO, when will you be sworn in and when and where will you be on course? I'm curious because I was sworn in yesterday into DEO ARMD, and will be going to IAP in ST. Jean April 10th.  Let me know if you are headed there too.
  5. H

    My DEO application

    Update: I passed my fitness testing!! I am being sworn in at CFRC Kingston tomorrow. The test today was actually rather relaxing a helped alot to boost my confidence, the instructor was very good. I was pretty anxious going into it, hadn't had a smoke in 2 days... She started out by taking my...
  6. H

    Basic Training (BOTP/BMQ) - Borden - April 10, 2006

    Hey, I'll be in St.Jean April 10th!
  7. H

    Got MY call!!! DEO Armoured!!!

    April 10 - July 14th and 33 weeks of second language training.
  8. H

    Got MY call!!! DEO Armoured!!!

    If I have any choice I'd like to serve with the Royal Canadian Dragoons (first choice),  or Lord Strath's. I'm just happy to have the opportunity!
  9. H

    Got MY call!!! DEO Armoured!!!

    WOW, I'm shaking! I got my call with an offer of employment on the condition I pass my express test! I was offered a position as A direct entry officer/ armoured.  I will be sworn in after completing my PT on march 21st. This is amazing! My course will start April 10th in St. Jean. Let me know...
  10. H

    Got tha infamous Call

    Congrats! Best of luck to you, it's a very proud moment for you.
  11. H

    Hi.....am a little scared about joining

    Don't be nervous, be prepared.  Keep working out and try taking some government aptitude tests, if you use the search function you will find loads of info and a few practice tests (try to practice test taking, time yourself, do this several times). Doing well on these practice tests will give...
  12. H

    Credit Check Superthread- Merged Topics

    0007, If you are having problems be up front with it, I was in a similar situation, i took a credit hit for defaulting on some payments. I can now pay for my debts with my civ job, so I answered yes to the question " can you pay for your debts currently," however, After contacting my debtors...
  13. H

    My DEO application

    Going in for my PT testing March 17th. I'm very excited, and can't wait to move on to the next phase of my application
  14. H

    Confusion about being merit listed and being put on a job quota list

    Thanks for the reply, turns out that everything is going along fine, my confusion was a result of a misunderstanding on my part. I have recently been contacted for a PT test, so I guess patience was the obvious answer in this case :)
  15. H

    What do I do now?

    I would call CFRC Montreal and politely ask if your file has been sent. If the person who normally handles your application is out, then politely ask someone else in the office if they could advise you if it has been sent. If you are unable to find out if your file has been sent, you could ask...
  16. H

    The Sleep Superthread- Apnea/ Disorders/ etc.

    I don't know alot about the particulars of your condition, but If I were you I would at least attempt to follow your dreams and goals. It sounds like you are making a great effort to get back into shape, so when you are ready why not give it a shot?  On the bright side, my brother was applying...
  17. H

    Confusion about being merit listed and being put on a job quota list

    Hello, I am applying for a D.E.O Armoured  position.  After waiting 3 months since my medical was done , I called cfrc Kingston to get an update the status of my file. I was happy to hear that I was fit, but confused when my file manager mentioned that I had been placed on a national job quota...
  18. H

    References Superthread [Merged]

    Unless the Driving instructor has known you for 3 years, I wouldn't bother asking for a reference. If you've played any sports, ask a coach; The employers references will be useful, in any case.
  19. H

    References Superthread [Merged]

    That looks like a good start, maybe add someone who can vouch for your learning ability, like a teacher, instructor or professor. Institutional professionals' opinions of you will generally carry more weight....Even a member of the clergy if you know one could be helpful. I used my University...
  20. H

    Interview advice (merged)

    At my interview, I was made to fill out a prep sheet, but didn't hand it in( I wasn' t asked to), nor did I take it in with me, but just doing it helped out; it allowed me to anticipate the direction of the conversations. My advice would be to try and make your interview feel as natural as...