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It's been a long time coming but I've got the call....


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Shortly after graduating university in June of 2005 I submitted my application to my local CFRC as a DEO Logistics Officer,
but due to the competitive nature of Log O selection I was passed over several times.  After almost a year with no luck my recruiter
suggested that if I still had the motivation to serve, that I should perhaps look at some local reserve units who are
looking for people.  Sure enough, the local Communications Regiment just happened to be looking for 3 Signals Officers.
Cool.  I signed up, CFRC forwarded my file to the unit, interviewed with the CO, and my file was sent off to Group for final approval.  

2 days ago I got a call from my recruiter.  It seems that on the latest selection board I was selected for Reg. Force Signals Officer.
This came as a complete shock because:

1)  I had no idea my file was still in the running for a Reg. Force slot :o
2)  My mindset was already geared for the Reserve/Civvy lifestyle and planning my future along those lines
3)  CFRC needs a decision by Mar. 20.

Suddenly, I'm faced with having to tell friends and family that I'll be leaving Vancouver and all that's familiar, the place I've called home for the past 15 years, for who-knows-and-how-long my posting will be.  A Brand New Start.

Make no mistake, I'm taking the job.  I'd be nuts not to because as you can see, these kinds of offers don't come around too often.  Still, having till Monday to make a major career and lifestyle change will require much contemplation over the weekend.  

I have to call the recruiter at the Res. unit tomorrow and tell him the bad news.  I had been really looking forward to working for them
and especially my good friend who's a MCpl. and currently in Kandahar.

That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.
Hello bro,
    Congrats on the call. Now don't take this as being a smartass or anything because it isn't but you talk about having the weekend to contemplate and figure how to tell everyone your moving and how to deal with leaving everthing you know. Did you not think of this when you passed in you papers, were you not prepared to move through the application process? So why would it be so hard now that it has happened?
As I said I am not coming down on you or anything, but I served with a few people who were pretty upset that they were posted so far from home, and always wondered how they did not see it coming and weren't prepared for it.
Good luck with your new career too.
As he said in his post, he assumed he did not get the Reg force position, so he started making plans towards a civie/reserves lifestyle.  The reg force offer came as a shock because he thought he was completely out of the running for it.

But good luck PaulD, glad to hear you got what you were originally going for!  Once the shock starts to fade, you'll probably be very pleased :)
I understand that but it shouldn't be that hard to comprehend if he was already ready to go for a year. Plus unless you tell your recruiter to cancel you file and you don't want to join, it will go through all of the processes as per normal. They keep your file open for I believe a year even if you aren't in contact with them. So even if you change your mind, as he did, but don't cancel your enrollment process a job can still come in for you many months later. And as I stated I am not trying to start any type of argument, or E thug defensive replies just pure interest because I have heard these types of situations before, people didn't know they had to close their file, etc.

I was wondering, if you do choose to enter as a DEO, when will you be sworn in and when and where will you be on course? I'm curious because I was sworn in yesterday into DEO ARMD, and will be going to IAP in ST. Jean April 10th. 

Let me know if you are headed there too.
Former291er said:
So even if you change your mind, as he did, but don't cancel your enrollment process a job can still come in for you many months later.

100% my fault.  My CFRC recruiter had forwarded my file to the Res. unit and I assumed that once I had started the process for signing up with the unit, that CFRC will cancel my application for Reg. force.  Again, totally my fault as I made the wrong assumptions and didn't know how to ask the right questions about my paperwork. 

Here's a new twist though.  CFRC just phoned me today and told me there's been a big mistake with that Reg. force slot I was given. It turns out that someone in NDHQ(?) never noticed my V4 eyesight classification and in their rush, gave me a DEO pilot slot. I'm taking all this in stride. So right now, my recruiter trying to sort things out and awaiting clarification if there's even a Reg. slot for me. Totally not his fault and he was very apologetic that I'm being given the runaround.  I know all this sounds a little bizarre. If a Reg. force slot doesn't materialize I'm shifting back to Plan B and still go ahead with joining the Res. unit.

Hadrian, assuming a slot does materialize I was told I'll be going to St. Jean in September.  Sorry mate, hopefully we'll run into each other in the future.

Lesson learned: "Don't assume anything"  :-[
Cool, hopefully now that you got the offer, it doesn't get taken away from you. That could be a little depressing.
Good luck with everything.
Thanks Former291er!  Slot has been confirmed, offer accepted.  I just now have to decide when I'd like to start BOTC.  I've got a lot of reading to do on this site before then.  Git 'R Done!
Good stuff. Hope you have a good basic training experience.
Getting sworn in tomorrow at HMCS Discover at Stanley Park.  Things are starting to happen quick here.  Just have to get my ship out date sorted out as I'm currently on a civvy work contract until mid-May. 