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  1. BEN 621

    CH-148 Cyclone Progress

    hmmmmm... couldn't have seen these problems coming with a new helicopter as opposed to an off-the-shelf model. What are the odds EH would jump with the EH-101 in if the Sikorsky contract is canned? Might be a common sense move to bring some commonality back into the picture.
  2. BEN 621

    Silver Fibers

    The new body armour carriers issued by my police service are made of this - the interior part against the body. I was wondering why it doesn't hum as bad as my old cotton body armour carrier at the end of a shift on 30 degree days.... Now I can sleep at night with that mystery solved.
  3. BEN 621

    CSOR on CBC Sept 10, 11:00

    If anyone is home today, on the CBC main network they have a 5 minute piece airing every few hours on the all-day 9-11 special. It covers the formation of CSOR, it's potential roles & has interviews with the CO and a few troops. Good clips of footage of some of the training and the FTX in the BC...
  4. BEN 621

    Our Friend Pakistan

    Have a read of "Ghost Wars: The Secret History of the CIA, Afghanistan, and Bin Laden, From The Soviet Invasion to September 10, 2001" by Steve Cool. A long read, but very objective & informative. It sheds a lot of light on Pakistan's interference in Afghanistan and their very real interests in...
  5. BEN 621

    PAK Sending LO's to ISAF????

    Major OPSEC issue. Have a read of "Ghost Wars: The Secret History of the CIA, Afghanistan, and Bin Laden, From The Soviet Invasion to September 10, 2001" by Steve Cool. A long read, but very objective & informative. It sheds a lot of light on Pakistan's interference in Afghanistan and their very...
  6. BEN 621

    NDP call Canadian troops "terrorists" and say the CF is "Bombing Afghan villiages"!

    Funny, I received the same chain letter reply within 5 minutes of sending Layton, Crowder & Creba a blast of s**t. So I sent them another blast back re. that they don't have the parts to reply individually or to do a formal TV/radio/print apology.
  7. BEN 621

    Coffee Without Electricity

    Good idea, but I find these too bulky... What I discovered my last few years in the army were Maxwell House's individual 'coffee bags'. It's a large tea-bag, but has coffee inside. Add boiling water, let it brew for a minute, and it's pretty damn good coffee. Each bag is sealed in a foil bag...
  8. BEN 621

    NDP call Canadian troops "terrorists" and say the CF is "Bombing Afghan villiages"!

    What is it we say in the army about 'assuming'...? Something about making an a** out of..... But I guess the NDP can be forgiven for not being familiar with the concept.
  9. BEN 621

    NDP call Canadian troops "terrorists" and say the CF is "Bombing Afghan villiages"!

    I wonder if Jack has seen Rick Mercer's blog re the agenda for the NDP-Taliban peace talks, and realises how foolish his comments were on that. Did anyone notice Layton's fumbling & back-pedalling on that subject on Tuesday's interview on The National when Peter Mansbridged challenged Layton on...
  10. BEN 621

    Bivy Bag usage

    I second para-cowboy's motions, except the big fat arse part. I have a scawny, boney arse, and I too kept the pad outside & under the biv bag/fart-sack combo. And keeping the sleeping bag inside the biv bag when you pull-pole prevents the bag from getting wet as opposed to placing it inside the...
  11. BEN 621

    5 Stages of a cop's career

    Amen. +1 The trial of the accused is merely a sideshow. The trial of the investigation is the main event. (or something along those lines, was passed down to us on our first day of criminal law in recruit classes)
  12. BEN 621

    How to wash a Beret?

    Throw it in the sink, soak it, wash with shampoo (I used baby shampoo), rinse, wring out, dry it overnight shaped as you would wear it on a volleyball or something similar to the size of your melon.
  13. BEN 621

    Idiotic responses to the idiot who shot 2 Mounties

    Sirukin & Dustyboots... Unless you were there, you don't know what happened. Do us all a favour and save your desire to be heard for the Globe & Mail's "Leave a comment" section. I'm sure they will appreciate your intellect and contributions.
  14. BEN 621

    LEO Witticisms

    For the drunks looking for a ride home: "I know you're drunk, so I'll clarify: it says 'POLICE' on the side of my car, not 'TAXI'. So no, I won't drive you home because you drank your cab-fare."
  15. BEN 621

    LEO Witticisms

    Zipperhead_Cop: I almost pee'd myself reading your nurses story. They never learn, do they? Same rule applies for paramedics too.
  16. BEN 621

    LEO Witticisms

    Re. the typical smart-a** quota comment: "Actually, I met my quota yesterday. This one is for fun." I find that stuns them for a few moments. And guarantees court time.
  17. BEN 621

    2 PPCLI

    My vote is for the Recce Pl canteen. We could smoke in ours. I would put TOW's & Mortars tied for second. Sigs, you guys needed work.
  18. BEN 621

    CF experience relevant to RCMP, civ policing? (merged)

    No Neck & Spot On: both bang on on your earlier postings. Cruising around and found this topic. CF Infantry Sgt retired (makes me feel old saying that), 2 yrs reserves followed by 9 yrs regs, and now a constable with a large municipal police service for the last few years. I'll exapnd more or...
  19. BEN 621

    Absalon Loading Pictures

    Reviving this topic... some issues eating away at me, Ex-Dragoon. - I'm all for the defence spending and proposals recently announced (JSS for now, what about this mythical BHS?), but is Canada realistically going to be able to participate in a full-out amphibious assault? I don't see any...
  20. BEN 621

    Absalon Loading Pictures

    more info/specs on the L16 Absalon class 137.6 m long, 6,300 tons displacement 9,000 naut mile range, 23 knots service speed 100 crew, total capacity for 300 900 lane metres of vehicle storage Roll-on/Roll-off capability 2x LCP (landing craft - personnel) 2x EH-101 type helicopters 1x 127mm...