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  1. A

    The Military Police [MP] Superthread

    I just had a few questions, with regards to the educational requirements for becoming an mp, it's my understanding that it is a 2 year law and security diploma or police foundations diploma...but what about "law and security administration customs and immigration"??? I also wanted to get a...
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    CBSA arming

    One of the main points that has been raised here has been whether or not Customs officials would be willing/able to carry firearms and what to do with the ones who are not willing to carry, or don't qualify? why can we not stick those officers in an airport, i believe a customs officer himself...
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    CBSA arming

    unbelievable...using an honor system when dealing with suspected weapon/drug/ hell people smugglers ?...I'm just graduating high school and i think thats a sh*t way to go... Then to top it off they want the officers to not only deal with these criminals (who if they have their sh*t wired are...
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    Future Canadian Airborne Capability and Organisation! Or, is it Redundant? (a merged thread)

    I'm not sure if this has been addressed yet, but it was my understanding that the old ariborne regiment had attatched units of airborne gunners and engineers. I'm just wondering if the new regiment will have somthing similar to this structure? Adam
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    ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

    i plan to, so that means i could go and get a degree in criminology and be an officer in the infantry or armoured corps?
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    ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

      i am planning on attending university and becoming an officer in the army, what i was wondering was in the ROTP civilian university do they have any say on which university you go to and what you take or could i apply for say university of ontario criminology and still be within the ROTP i...
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    CBSA - Canada Boarder Services Agency ; Good? Bad?

    just as an after thought do you think customs agents should be armed? to my knowledge they only carried what most police officers would carry on their duty belts ( mace, baton, hand cuffs...ect...ect) but no fire arms. i think it would make their job a whole lot easier wouldnt it. they don't...
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    CBSA - Canada Boarder Services Agency ; Good? Bad?

    - When you apply to the Border Service for a job you must have completed the Canadian Firearms Safety Course, << this course covers virtually nothing on Restricted or Prohibited Firearms (hand guns).  I have a few friends who work for the CBSA and they will tell you to look at the roof over the...
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    The Military Police [MP] Superthread

    point taken lol thanks for all your help MP 00161 ill continue to look into the military police trade cheers
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    The Military Police [MP] Superthread

    first id just like to thank fasteddy and mp00161 for responding to my questions answers provided were great i just had a few other questions what are the sizes of detachments i mean in the rcmp their are detachments in the north with like 2 regualr constables and a couple native specials is...
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    The Military Police [MP] Superthread

    hi im in high school and i always wanted to join the military when i was a kid and now im also gaining an interest in law enforcement, i was just wondering what are some of the best and worst postings you guys have been to ( im just curious not that this will affect my decision to join the cf)...
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    The Military Police [MP] Superthread

    i was just wondering do military police work in partners such as their civilian counter parts? i was just curious as to the policy on that. i was also wondering what kind of calls the mp's take during a shift...i have heard a lot of domestics and traffic accidents is that true?...and finally...