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The Military Police [MP] Superthread

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Does anyone here have any experience or anything about the Miltary Police that they could perhaps share with me?

For example: The ups and downs of the life, the boring things, whether it is a fun or depressing job.

The reason I am asking is because I am strongly considering it after I attain my Crim. Diploma, but I do not want to join if it will be a boring job that I will regret for 5 years of my life. ..

If you could help me, please. I will greatly appreciate it.

:cdn: :salute:
Is Field MP any good?  And would you have a choice of going Field MP or Base MP?

Well for number 3 money shouldn't be much of a motivating factor. For myself as long as I have enough for three meals, a cot, and some things here and there I'm fine. By the way I'm going into the regular force infantry.

From what I've heard being in the MP's may not be as much of a benefit as once expected, and in some cases slows down an application to civie forces. I think your best bet would be to directly apply to civilian forces, and only apply to the MP's if you really enjoy the CF and want to be in law enforcement. Just my 0.02 cents.
As a reserve MP, no, you dont get the choice of doing anything but field, right now... Reserve MP do "security" jobs on bases(Maple Flag for example) but we have no "police" duties whatsoever.

In the reg force, You might be lucky and get posted to 1 MP pl or 5 MP pl, the field platoons. But typicly, reg force do the policing role more than any other.
Wizard of OZ said:
An argument for both higher learning and military experience can be made and in MOO has been made.   Former CFPM's have stated that in order to specialize the branch the education was needed.   The Currnet CFPM will continue this in order to maintain our specialisation within the forces.   This does not mean that education is the only key.   Knowledge of how the politics of the army game are played can play a vital role in the everday workings of an MP.   I think that the combination of life experience and education can go along way in making this work.

That being said i am tired of hearing individuals who used to MCpl or Sgt in another outfit come to a guardhouse as a PEP and try and run the show.   Time in does not count for anything in the MP world unless it is Time in Trade.   Sorry but that is my opinion.   I don't care if you used to be an Infantry Sgt and led a group of 10-15 guys.   Or you have more time in Reverse in an Iltis then have of your shift.   When is the last time a Infantry guy had to process an Impaired or attend a domestic (that they were not a party to :P) and the list could go on.   If the shoe was on the other foot there would be no way these people would listen to the advice of some FNG.   Bear with the process people it is there to make sure the bar is set high and you have to work to achieve a passing grade.  

Last i looked we as a trade in whole are over our manning requirements so things may change again but we all have to work together to maintain the higher standard that the military has for us.   There will always be a bad apple or two that is with every facet of life. Stay the Crse and we will continue to be strong.

I often hear these complaints from junoir members about remusters, however the one thing that our branch  lacks is leadership, particularly at the guardhouse level. We cannot promote  members on technical ability alone to the exclusion of sound leadership potential.
From York Regional Police site


Will my military experience help?

Each applicant is viewed individually. Military service is neither an advantage nor disadvantage.

Peel Regional Police

Will my experience in the Military help?

Each applicant is viewed individually. Military service is neither an advantage nor a disadvantage.

Toronto had something similar in their recruiting FAQs but either they took it down , or I just can't find it. But you get the idea anyway.
Also read my post here http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/30943.15.html and you will get an idea of Police recruiters (in Toronto anyways) think about military experience.
Really interested in joining, just afraid of being sent anywhere and ive searched and searched to find out how many reg platoons there are but havent found out really anything. Like how does it work is there one for every base in canada and the world. Can you choose the bases you want to work or do choose a region, like i really have no idea how it works. Im pretty sure i have all the qualifications itd be just a matter of applying. If someone could "pm" me or email me that would be greatly appreciated.


Poops said:
Really interested in joining, just afraid of being sent anywhere and ive searched and searched to find out how many reg platoons there are but havent found out really anything. Like how does it work is there one for every base in canada and the world. Can you choose the bases you want to work or do choose a region, like i really have no idea how it works. Im pretty sure i have all the qualifications itd be just a matter of applying. If someone could "pm" me or email me that would be greatly appreciated.



Dear Poopsie, I am delighted you are considering a carear in the MP, however your great concern over the variety of posting availabilities. Troubles me to say the least, in that, your decision to join the Cdn. Army depends solely on where you might be posted.

As in life there are instances and times where things are pleasant, comfortable and accommodating. Then there times that the complete opposite occur. The Army is no different.

Regardless of the opportunities and military life style the Army offers, you are joining the Army to be a Soldier and a Soldier above all else. A Soldier does what he's told, A Soldier goes where he's told and a Soldier enjoys being a Soldier.

I would suggest you review your motives or reasons for joining the Army.

I have no problem doing what im told. But when ive already started my life and have a decent setup, im just not sure if im willing to sacrifice it all to spend a 3 year tour in the N.W.T guarding icebergs, im gonna get some flames on that one.  Ive been thinking about it really hard for the last 6 months. Papers are all filled out just havent handed them in. Thats why im asking questions ! So where do you guys typically get sent to actual bases like Borden and Trenton. Or do you guys stay where ever your stationed and then respond to those bases when theres a problem.
There are a wide variety of postings: field platoons, base MP (air, nary, land) the Service Prison and after a few years maybe if your good enough the National Investigation Service (MP Detectives) or the National Counter-Intelligence Unit. You can ask for a certain geographical area and they will usually accommodate you if there is space, however service requirements will ultimately dictate were you will go. The good thing is if your not happy at a certain place you will only be there for 3 or 4 years. Hope this helps.
Thanks guys.
I guess im just gonna go for my local police force..

If an admin reads this you can delete it, the topic above this one is kinda the same question..
i was just wondering do military police work in partners such as their civilian counter parts?
i was just curious as to the policy on that. i was also wondering what kind of calls the mp's take during a shift...i have heard a lot of domestics and traffic accidents is that true?...and finally whats the schedule like i mean its shift work isn't it like 4 on 3 off something like that i presume? and what do you guys do over seas i mean i know mp's handle prisoners right but how often does that happen? you guys patrol bases and camps do you guys go on Vehicle patrols? sorry for all the questions I'm just very curious

thanks for all your help I'm currently in high school and am going to college next fall and was aspiring to become a military police officer and was just wondering what the job was like i mean Ive been to the dnd recruitment site but i don't know how much of that is actually what you guys get to do day in day out i just wanted to hear it from the real thing

anyways thanks again  :cdn:
hi im in high school and i always wanted to join the military when i was a kid and now im also gaining an interest in law enforcement, i was just wondering what are some of the best and worst postings you guys have been to ( im just curious not that this will affect my decision to join the cf)

anyways thanks
Adam_18 said:
hi im in high school and i always wanted to join the military when i was a kid and now im also gaining an interest in law enforcement, i was just wondering what are some of the best and worst postings you guys have been to ( im just curious not that this will affect my decision to join the cf)

anyways thanks

Very admirable Adam_18, In the Military Police there are no bad postings, but some are more interesting than others.

I'm glad to hear that your first priority is to join the Military. You will always be a Soldier first, then a MP.
The Army and Military way of life is an experience which is not to be found any where else.

As for the present day locations, stay tuned to this thread as one our regular Active MP contributers will surely bring you up to date.

Good Choice and Good Luck.

FastEddy said:

Very admirable Adam_18, In the Military Police there are no bad postings, but some are more interesting than others.

Too true FastEddy.  As well, perceptions on a posting are very much an individual thing so my saying that I really loved "x" but hated "y" would not really tell you much.  My experience has been that the single most important factor making someplace a good or bad posting is the people and the actual geographical location is secondary.  You can be in the worst armpit in the world but if everyone is tight and working as a team, the experience can't be beat and it will be a "good" posting.  Of course, the opposite is true as well and one malcontent or ineffective leader can ruin the experience even if the geographical location was Shangri-la.  Finally, we must not forget that spouses may also have a significantly different viewpoint on what is a "good" or "bad" posting.
first id just like to thank fasteddy and mp00161 for responding to my questions

answers provided were great i just had a few other questions
what are the sizes of detachments i mean in the rcmp their are detachments in the north with like 2 regualr constables and a couple native specials is their anything similar in size in the cf?

2nd what is that screening like at mpac ( dont get me wrong im not looking for answers to tests or anything i just would like to know what type of testing takes place)

3rd are you always patroling in partners or are you by your self or is it a mix i know most forces have partners if im not correct

4th and most shocking ( lol sorry couldnt resist) does the cf mp's employ tasers?

thanks agian
cheers Adam
1)   2 - 90+? pers.   It is very dependent upon the size of the Base and the mandate the MP have.   Places like Ottawa and Halifax have very large Detachments, other places have many MPs in numerous units (ie.   Edmonton has the Guardhouse, 1 MP Pl, 1 Grn MP Coy HQ, 15 MP Coy (RFC), CFNIS, CFNCIU and the CFSPDB which brings the total number up to around 80-90).   ASU's like Calgary, St-Johns etc can have 2-3 MPs...

2)   Screening at the MPAC is comprehensive.   You'll have to attend to get the details.   ;)

3)   Depends on the base and the current manning level as to whether or not you will have a partner once you have completed the Provisional Employment Period.

4)   MPs only employ Tasers on people who make bad puns.  They are not an authorized intermediate weapon at this point in time.
point taken lol

thanks for all your help MP 00161 ill continue to look into the military police trade

make a career as a military police officer

IS it worthwhile to make a liftetime career as MP  regarding type of work and pay?

Or is civilian police the way to go?

Is there a high turnover rate for MPS going civilian world?

any advice? :cdn: