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  1. L

    when does rations/board come off your pay?

    Actually that was quite clear ... and perfectly logical. :)  Thanks for the info.  If anyone knows otherwise, please tell ...
  2. L

    Foreign Legion

    Sccchhhwwwiiinnnng!  ;D ;D  Ah, dude, P, don't know who your friends are, in fact don't know who you are; hard to know I was a naughty knocker to them.  But in this case, I was actually knocking myself, that is if in fact I would hazard an attempt at joining such an organization.  If I were...
  3. L

    Foreign Legion

    So, if I want to become a member of the Foreign Legion ... would I have Legionnaire's Disease? ;D  You know, the one where you become so messed up that you want to join another country's army, get shat upon, etc. and get sent God knows where for whatever the hell reason some other country...
  4. L

    Recruiting Posters, Slogans and Commercials [Merged]

    Just took a peek at IAP etc.  This is great ... what detail ... and I like the layout too ... :)
  5. L

    Officer Selection Board

    Thanks for the clarification.  I had my interview last week and the recruiter said that she would send the file for review immediately and I wondered why it would be necessary, given the next Board was not to meet for a while.  8)
  6. L

    Officer Selection Board

    I have heard that the next Officer Selection Board sits in November (from other posts).  Would that be the only time that Officers would be selected?  For example, if someone is deemed acceptable and there is a need, is a selection made at other times as well?  :-\
  7. L

    when does rations/board come off your pay?

    Ahh ... I had not thought of the Spell Check option.  That would certainly get rid of some spelling mistakes (although those with there, their, and they're issues would still be in trouble, as an example).  That would have been useful for this guy ... still it was rude of others to recommend a...
  8. L

    when does rations/board come off your pay?

    I just read the thread.  In summary it sounds like you do not pay for rations and quarters if you are married.  Works out well for the married members.  However, why are people being so disrespectful to the person whose spelling abilities are questionable?  Has he not indicated that he has a...
  9. L

    Applying to the CF Again

    Jerrold got some good advice re. declining an offer.  I mentioned that I had to decline an offer due to similar circumstances a year ago (Wife pregnant with serious unborn child health concerns and no family or other supports around).  I am about to apply again for Logistics.  I am still afraid...
  10. L

    DEO Logistics - Enrolment Bind

    Similar scenario happened to me last year.  Circumstances were somewhat different, my wife became pregnant, however, the unborn child was in difficulty and it was touch and go for the whole pregnancy.  We were away from any family as well without supports.  I declined an offer to go Log Air...
  11. L

    DEO Logistics Officer - Air Force

    Looking for any information that I can get.  Does anyone know how long each phase of initial training for Air Force Logistics Officer takes.  I realize there are 14 weeks at BOTC and up to 8 months (I have also read 7) second language training.  How long is environmental training?  What about...
  12. L

    Air Force Logistics Officer Development

    Looking for any information that I can get.  Does anyone know how long each phase of initial training for Air Force Logistics Officer takes.  I realize there are 14 weeks at BOTC and up to 8 months (I have also read 7) second language training.  How long is environmental training?  What about...