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when does rations/board come off your pay?

Actually, it does not matter what kind of posting you are sent on training with.  The point the CFGB made was that all members were to be treated equally regardless.  Since single members still pay while married or members with dependents do not and therefore, they are still not being treated equally as one group recieves rations at public expense while other members do not.  I know of several who got their money back last year and if you want to confirm that, message me.  Sorry about the delay time for response but i've been on course.

The point the CFGB made was that all members were to be treated equally regardless.

Does this mean that the Pte (Pay level Recruit-2) are going to lose their guarded rates on quarters?

If they want to be treated equally, careful what you wish for.
I just read the thread.  In summary it sounds like you do not pay for rations and quarters if you are married.  Works out well for the married members.  However, why are people being so disrespectful to the person whose spelling abilities are questionable?  Has he not indicated that he has a learning disability?  Perhaps his disability prevents him from being able to spell adequately and he can perform his duties just fine.  If there is a disability, then a 'spelling course' is unlikely to remedy his spelling woes.  Anyway, just seemed a little mean to me. :'(
liamstephen said:
I just read the thread.   In summary it sounds like you do not pay for rations and quarters if you are married.   Works out well for the married members.   However, why are people being so disrespectful to the person whose spelling abilities are questionable?   Has he not indicated that he has a learning disability?   Perhaps his disability prevents him from being able to spell adequately and he can perform his duties just fine.   If there is a disability, then a 'spelling course' is unlikely to remedy his spelling woes.   Anyway, just seemed a little mean to me. :'(

I agree 100%

Spell checkers on forums are "Lame".
Ahh ... I had not thought of the Spell Check option.  That would certainly get rid of some spelling mistakes (although those with there, their, and they're issues would still be in trouble, as an example).  That would have been useful for this guy ... still it was rude of others to recommend a course etc.  Thanks for bringing the Spell Checker to my attention. :-[
kincanucks said:
Awwwwwwwwww, I am sorry.   Would you like some tea?

Orange pekoe, 1 sugar please. Tetley Teabags preferred  ;D
Fry said:
Orange pekoe, 1 sugar please. Tetley Teabags preferred   ;D

LOL. Thats the kind that come in our field rations.  Fry, I think you're ready for Basic.
Uuhm, to clarify, at least this is how it worked for the people who were on course with me two years ago, and explained to us by the clerks:

It had nothing to do with whether or not you were married, it had to do with your residential situation.

The military finds it silly that if you are posted away from your primary residence, which you are continuing to provide for while away, that you should be required to pay further.
Just like on civvy street when your job sends you off for a few months somewhere for training or otherwise, your room & board is paid, the same works for the military.  If you are permanently moved, the military, like the civilian world (good companies anyway) helps you move, but usually you pay for your permanent residence afterwards.

So, if you are married, chances are your wife is living somewhere, and that is your permanent residence. If you are on course, the military can not reasonably expect you to pay both for your share of support for your residence and where you are staying on course, you dont pay. 

If you are single, this works as well for the following examples: ROTP Civy U students could elaborate, but the ones on my course who were renting appartments (ie not living with mommy and daddy during the school year) still were paying for their rent and utilities, etc, back home. Since they would be returning there at least for 3 more summers until school was done, it was a permanent residence, and they didnt pay for room..... and since R&Q are interlinked, you dont pay rations either.

For most singles, you are stuck paying, because you are entering the forces and should be terminating your lease, since you will invariably be moving as soon as training is complete, and have no need for your residence back wherever you had it as a civvy.

I think I made this sound more complicated.
Actually that was quite clear ... and perfectly logical. :)  Thanks for the info.  If anyone knows otherwise, please tell ...
even if it's 500 a month, that still ain't much. that's cheaper than most people's civvy rent, let alone their grub.
i have not been in barracks or paying rations and quarters since I left in 1995

there use to be a claim form you  filed  when on course if you were sent to another base and were paying r&q at your home base. The BOR filed it, ( i filed my own as I was the only one who lived in barracks at my unit) it was to reimburse you the costs of r&q while away on course and living in another barracks as you were forced to live there not by  choice.
i think my  r&q was like 265 or 365 a month in Toronto, it was taken out of my  pay  in 2 equal payments a month. Never noticed it, never cared they  took care of it and i had a messhall card i could eat as much or as little as i wanted everyday  in the mess.

food was great, never ran out of food while I was there.  if you contact your orderly room or even platoon Sgt or Section commander they  would help you  get the answers and information you require. as to costs and base rules on opting out of it.


True, but again, the space you live in is not quite the same as what youd get on civvy street (depending on where you are), and the food is cafeteria styles.

Of the places I was at (St Jean, so thats not much), the food generally tasted as if it was mass prepared. IF you dont care about that, well you'll enjoy it greatly...  If you are a discerning food connaisseur, you may not enjoy it so much,  but if you are that picky, your field rats are gonna taste mighty great to you :P

Glorified Ape already explained St Jean's food basically as far as I ever remember it.  And as he said, on course, at least the earlier ones, its usually more how much time you get to eat, not how good the food is ;)

Yeah?? Preped like MASS STYLE? Like Prison food or..?

You know how the rations are in Borden? That is where the school is so...

IT tastes like a cafeteria... SOme cafeterias, on same days have excellent food. Certain foods may be better than others, because the cook actually really loves his job.  But when you do 500 of the same thing, it doesnt get the same attention as 10 of the same thing.
It's training. I'll be worried about the training, not how the food tastes. I'll be worried if I get enough time to eat my food or not, let alone if it's cooked to gourmet perfection.
Exactly. Trust me, no matter what the meal of the day is, you'll enjoy them when you come back from the field :) Especially as a FNG not used to fieldrats.
I know I'm digging this post up from a couple months back, however it seems to have some useful information for people wanting to know about financial issues while away from home.

I've heard some people say "They pay for your food, and a roof over your head", 'They' being the CF.

I wasn't totally sure on this topic, but after reading this thread, it's clear that 'They' don't pay for your food, or a roof over your head, or even the cost of a 2 minute haircut.

What about if you are deployed overseas? Do you still pay for food etc?

FestiveT said:
What about if you are deployed overseas? Do you still pay for food etc?
No.  While overseas, you will be reimbursed your Rations and Quarters.