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DEO Logistics - Enrolment Bind


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New to the board and looking for some information.  I am eager to join the forces and I have been accepted for DEO Logistics.  However, in the intervening time that I had applied and I have been accepted my wife has become pregnant and an ultrasound detected a mass that has to be removed soon after birth (major surgery with possible major complications).  We live in a part of the country where we have no family, so very little support.  Basic training would run right through both the birth and the surgery.  There is no way that I can see to leave her alone to deal with this.  We would like to move close to her parents (however, would not be able to complete until a few months after I join) so that she has an adequate social support.  As a result of this, I have two questions:

1.  If I do not accept a position now, based on the above, and would like to enrol asap afterwards (the move, surgery, etc.), would the forces even consider my application?  I know that my application was very strong with very high marks on the testing and loads of experience for Logistics Finance (5 years of management of $millions and management of people).

2.  What would others do in my situation?  I realize that once one is in the forces, then obviously the forces come first (i.e. overseas assignments, etc.) and I fully accept that.  However, I don't think that I would be required to spend a couple of years away from home at a time (apparently the Logistics process from BOTC to first posting can take that long).

Thanks for any comments :crybaby:
family first man....the army aint going anywhere.  By the sounds of your resume CF probably wants you just as bad as you want them.


Clearly explain your issues to the recruiting centre and tell them you will let them know when things are better for you to enrol.  Being mature and upfront will likely hold you a spot.  They will likely keep in touch with you so remain accessible and in contact with them.  The CF tends not to let the good ones disappear.  Life in uniform will have its many challenges, but the uniform can wait until your family issues are resolved.
As Gunner98 noted - talk to your recruiting officer - I suspect that Finance Os are in pretty short supply in the CF right now - at least they are in my neck of the woods.

good luck, mdh

Thanks for the advice.  Not an easy decision, given how badly I want to join.  I will explain the situation and see what happens.  It only took a few months to get from the application point to the offer ... I can only hope that it is as quick the next time.  However, from the other forums that I have looked at, it looks as though waiting much longer is more par for the course.  Anyway, thanks again ... this online community is a great resource! :salute:
Similar scenario happened to me last year.  Circumstances were somewhat different, my wife became pregnant, however, the unborn child was in difficulty and it was touch and go for the whole pregnancy.  We were away from any family as well without supports.  I declined an offer to go Log Air Force.  Toughest decision I ever made; I too desperately want to join.  Anyway, we decided that we would move to a place closer to her folks and then I would apply again.  The baby was born this past March, all went well, we are set up close to her folks, and I am about to apply again.  The first time I applied I was rated an 8 on the scale that is used and finsihed the aptitude test in the 98th percentile.  They did close the file ... so, I hope that I get another shot at getting in.  I will let you know if my declining the original offer seems to harm the application for a second time.