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  1. Riobeard

    Mess Dress

    I know that things differ from branch to branch, but does any one know the definitive answer to who wears the waist coat and who wears a cummerbund with mess kit?  I've seen them both on NCM's and Officers but does anyone know / have access to the actual regulations, appendix and  annex to same?
  2. Riobeard

    New fuel price estimates

    And here's what Albertans think about the new fuel economy car......(guess they got tired of cow tipping.....) They might think twice if the costs go up to double.....
  3. Riobeard

    Who here has a Cadet Medal, what is it, and what did you have to do to get it?

    It isn't a requirement to have them engraved, but since there is a blank on the back I'd assume that is what is intended and I feel it's a nice touch.
  4. Riobeard

    Who here has a Cadet Medal, what is it, and what did you have to do to get it?

    Our Corp just got them last night, there are no ribbons as yet and we did get the one bar that was ordered.  There are a few unfortunate things though. 1) all of the cadets we got them for have aged out 2) they need to be engraved and we are going to do so with Name and Date prior to handing...
  5. Riobeard

    Renting of CFB Borden

    I believe the title of the film was Coup d'etat.  I remember them painting a bunch of buildings an off brown colour so they would show up white or something on the film, and they had several APC's that they ran around one of the old H huts over and over.  In the movie it looks like a huge army...
  6. Riobeard

    Renting of CFB Borden

    Renting of DND facilities happens on a regular basis, including Ranges, Armories, and other facilities.  In the mid 70's they filmed part of movie in CFB Borden when I was stationed there and used the University type OCdt's doing their summer training there as extras.
  7. Riobeard

    Trades Badges

    Anyone out there know if there exists a Trades badge for Piper / Drummer in the CF?  I've looked and only can find the lyre for the bandsman trade.
  8. Riobeard

    Alternate for the CIC

    One point to your post to clarifiy, we don't train Children.  Children are legally defined as those under the ages of 12.  Cadets are 12 - 18 years of age. 
  9. Riobeard

    Alternate for the CIC

    Scott you are bang on as are so many other folks who posted here. 1) The CIC are not trained to a standard where they can do anything but train cadets 2) IF they were required to anything else, they would have to retrain from pretty much the ground up 3) There are lots of wanna be's in the CIC...
  10. Riobeard


    I spoke with a Guy from Vancouver Island on the weekend who is raising dogs to do mine detection.  http://www.dogspeak.ca/MineDogs.htm Any sappers out there who have seen these dogs in action?  I'm curious to find out about their success rates and how much they are being used.
  11. Riobeard

    Great Canadian Military Leaders

    I know this might cause a storm or discussion but I'd like to pose the more recent Great Canadian Military Leaders as follows: Gen. John De Chastelain - For putting out to pasture a lot of the old establishment within DND and closing the book on the unified forces fiasco of the 60's and 70's...
  12. Riobeard

    A Collection Of Army.ca Humour - including SKIPPY'S DAMN LIST AGAIN!!

    Read first then look at photo attachment Tired of speeding tickets? Want to open up spaces between you and the cars around you?  Step 1. Tie these balloons to your car Step 2. Drive VERY FAST  Step 3. Watch people freak out. Step 4. Tell the nice officer you thought they were real.
  13. Riobeard

    Do you wear replica medals or the real deal?

    http://www.defencemedals.ca/contact.htm http://www.canadianmilitaria.com/canadian_militaria.htm Two suppliers in the West.  There used to be a fellow in the East but he sold his stock off about 3 months ago as he retired. I'm sure there is more out there.
  14. Riobeard

    New Designations

    CANADA'S FIRST MILITARY FLIGHT The idea of flight to support military operations is in no stretch of the imagination a 20th century concept.   The use of balloons for observation and artillery fire control was used by Napoleon and during the U.S. Civil War.   By the late 1800's the Royal...
  15. Riobeard

    New Designations

    The Term Squadron actually came from the Engineers in that the first aircraft in WW1 were actually maintained and operated by the Engineers before formation of the Canadian Air Force.  Hence the term Squadron was carried forward from the Engineers who are still organized in formations of...
  16. Riobeard

    Hard Truths

    I've just got to say these messages brought back a flood of memories of the '70's and the bus driver uniforms we wore complete with ascots and all.  To top it off I remember driving around in Vehicles from the mid 50's and an assortment of other unique Canadian inventions like the Carry All made...