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  1. Munxcub

    Niqabs, burkas can be worn for Que. byelections

    Because clearly the MCC is just being intolerant to the Muslim community...  ::)
  2. Munxcub

    Russia tests powerful 'dad of all bombs'

    Except of course for the large hole it puts in it... heh
  3. Munxcub

    Fasting in the CF

    Without difficulty yes... without eye strain and headaches no...  ;D
  4. Munxcub

    Fasting in the CF

    and since when is "dieting" a healthy and correct way to lose weight? Is it not usually associated with a yo-yo?
  5. Munxcub

    Advice for women on BMQ and other courses [MERGED]

    Makes sense to me Vern.
  6. Munxcub

    Latest on ending the mission in '09

    I think the problem is that it's outside of the average Canadian's "monkey sphere" (google that... it's an interesting concept) Basically it doesn't affect the everyday Canadian, so ultimately they don't care, or see the connection to themselves. So until something happens here, in our back...
  7. Munxcub

    Thee Chuck Norris Thread

    Side kicks?
  8. Munxcub

    Support Our Troops - Stealing Magnets

    I ordered mine online. I suppose I could have checked the armoury here but I didn't think of that at the time.
  9. Munxcub

    New Server Hardware In Place!

    We have a couple of APC UPC's at my office here... so far so good. that's about all I can say without straying outside my lanes heh.
  10. Munxcub

    On Casualties...

    My wife brought up an interesting point the other day. She was wondering how plausible it would be that 70 or so people would die over 5 years in a community as large as the CF if it was just a normal town or something...
  11. Munxcub

    recent cfat and interview.

    And if 30 seconds isn't enough time to figure out a grade 10 math problem? what about if they are leading a convoy and it hits an IED or is ambushed? a lot less time to figure stuff out...
  12. Munxcub

    midget-boyd -----> uncle-midget-boyd

    Well she's ready to pop at the moment, and big enough that I wouldn't be surprised to find out there was a couple dudes in there, but she assures us there's only 1. :) But yes, she's old school, she lets her daughter (3 years old i think...) actually get dirty, and fall down and stuff...
  13. Munxcub

    midget-boyd -----> uncle-midget-boyd

    Twins have noting to do with the father, it's all about the mother's eggs splitting (for indenticals) or just having more then one in the wrong place at the right time. I mean... if it were up to the man's contribution we'd all have litters of children ha! My dad is a twin so we thought my...
  14. Munxcub


    Well of course there's always limits, but it's usually a lot farther away then you think. :) I know when I run I start thinking "I should walk a bit..." and then I take stock of what's going on. "My legs aren't THAT tired... I'm not THAT winded... My feet are fine... Back doesn't hurt... WTF am...
  15. Munxcub


    If you can run 3km you can run 5km, and if you can run 5 you can run 10... it's just a matter of how far you go before you give up. If you don't let yourself quit you'd be surprised how far you can go.
  16. Munxcub

    To gain muscle and lose fat, drink milk

    Soy isn't complete proteins like meat. Your body synthesizes some, you need to eat the rest, meat has all the rest, soy doesn't. Take that how you will I guess. As for power lifting only for blowing off steam? Incorrect, you should do deadlifts and squats and the like along with Cardiovascular...
  17. Munxcub

    To gain muscle and lose fat, drink milk

    Well i make my post workout protein shakes with milk and whey powder, it's too gross made with water. I found that chocolate milk and vanilla powder to be very tasty. (and chocolate milk is still milk, plus the added 'carbs' in it balance out the added protein from the whey powder)
  18. Munxcub

    To gain muscle and lose fat, drink milk

    Squats and Milk! I wonder if the soy milk didn't work as well because soy is not a complete protein (like meat is...) Maybe real milk is more of a complete protein? Also, it's probably higher in fat then  soy milk and despite what a lot of people believe, you need to eat fat to keep a low fat body.
  19. Munxcub

    RAF typist who hurt thumb is awarded eight times more than soldier who lost leg

    Sure you could blame the system, the alignment of the stars, the tides... but ultimately who is responsible? She still chose to pursue the lawsuit in order to exploit the system, so I blame her.
  20. Munxcub

    BMQ September 2007 - ALL locations Thread

    edit: was having a time getting quotes to work right... heh