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  1. sigtech

    Canadian soldiers to go even higher-tech

    You know what the best part of GPS and other computer related items are...... it is when people get used to them then you pass them a map and compass and say go....... Computers are great but they have there place and in my humble opinion there place isn't on the person of a field troop at his...
  2. sigtech

    What makes a good soldier?

    Follows Orders , understands policy and procedure yet is able to be flexable within the constraints placed upon us.
  3. sigtech

    knives and the temptation of the edged weapon....

    Tess wait out on the number btw check out the 2008 catalog for CRKT some good work knives http://www.crkt.com/catalog_pdfs/2008_CRKT_Catalog_G.pdf
  4. sigtech

    knives and the temptation of the edged weapon....

    Tess what a find great looking knifes, the look heavy To add in to this string on knives , i would say after using  CRKT, Smith and Wesson (say away bad gromits and the blade becomes loose) and spiderco I have found Kershaw to be on the top of the list. Add to the fact they are self assisted ...
  5. sigtech

    What makes a good soldier?

    Good way of putting about what it takes to be a good Assaulter, mite want to add slightly left of center. Assaulters are defiantly not cut from the same cloth that most good soldiers are, they are there own breed. It is men/women like those in the JTF that are willing to go where most don't want...
  6. sigtech

    What makes a good soldier?

    "One More Step" I read this on the back of a RMC students shirt and I said to my self , self "now that sums it up doesn't it" No matter how hard things get No matter if you have no sleep No matter what "One More Step" The ability to keep soldiering on no matter what and telling you just "One...
  7. sigtech

    Online "Kit" Websites

    I am have been hunting for a good bug bar, I freaking react very badly to bug bites OK  :crybaby: done. I served with a guy that had one made with a top, bottom and a full zipper system, I think he had the issued on reworked with a new top tougher tie points and had a bottom put on it. I...
  8. sigtech

    Another sad day in the Dragoons

    Great Story, good times Great man  :salute:
  9. sigtech

    Another sad day in the Dragoons

    Sad Day , SSM Grant was a great man to work for He will be missed
  10. sigtech

    photo of Maj. David Preaux and his machine gun-toting four-year-old son Patrick

    Hell 20 years ago , it wasn't any big deal to be brought up around guns and own one at a young age. Hell my father bought me my first shotgun at the age of 10. If you grew up with it back then it wasn't any big deal. Now well there is another issue for another thread on a different day
  11. sigtech

    Rucksack Suggestions/Help.

    I don't belive having cadpad was going to help him with the march, I think that was a personal pref. cheers
  12. sigtech

    Rucksack Suggestions/Help.

    1) no I belive this would weaken the fame and cause you many a back issue 2) yes the 64 pattern is better and if you are willing to buy check out http://www.cpgear.com/default.asp?mn=1.19.56&f=pd&pid=218 3) If you wish to do a BFT then get a 64 pattern frame and some aftermarket straps.This is a...
  13. sigtech

    Doctor / Medical Officer Recruiting Questions

    Unless you go on a tour I.E. Afghanistan etc etc if you deploy on tour when you return you are RED 365 and will not be deployed on another tour until that time has passed or you choose to sign a waver
  14. sigtech

    25 Skills Every Man Should Know - Popular Mechanics article

    cough cough ummmmmmmm Vern hmmmmmmmmm I think this is the point where in person I bite my tongue and walk away  :P
  15. sigtech

    Whats it like to be a LCIS tech

    What unit you go to will determine what section you end up in and if you ever see IT stuff. Your past civ courses are a bonus but doesn't mean that you will end up in a IT section. You will be sent where you are needed. They mite give you equivalence for past courses i.e. if you are a MCSE or...
  16. sigtech

    Boot, General Purpose (Mk III acting/interim replacement)

    As vern suggested tell them to get you custom boots, but also get a quote or two for boots that work and show said quote to them. If the custom boots don't work go back to them with those quotes again and say look these only cost this and those boots cost this and they don't work so can we now...
  17. sigtech

    Pea's Story...

    Gas Hut is a blast................. unless yuo throw up in your mask  :crybaby: and if you do that don't breath in very very bad effect. :salute:
  18. sigtech

    Thank you all!!!

    Solider on and good luck Troop  :salute:
  19. sigtech

    25 Skills Every Man Should Know - Popular Mechanics article

    Got all 25 now what do I win, I wanna a cookie