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  1. Bigrex

    Who the Hell do these guys think they are?

    Well seeing as Harper only has a minority government, he doesn't have the confidence of the majority of Canadians, therefor he cannot truly stand up and say he represents all of Canadians. The role of a minority government is to work with the opposition parties to forge ahead, not to force feed...
  2. Bigrex

    Buying/selling Medals Superthread [merged]

    I think the whole idea is more about the selling of medals by those who do not have any legal right to them. A thief steals a set of medals and cannot just pawn them, so up on ebay they go. A veteran dies while in a nursing home, but instead of his medals being given to his family, the staff...
  3. Bigrex


    Personally, I feel that the RCMP responding acted accordingly, they were called about a individual that was causing a scene, and at one point was throwing stuff around and ignored multiple people trying to help him and calm him down. Once they arrived, they probably told him to get down, but he...
  4. Bigrex

    Veterans on strike

    Now is the time for Veterans to take action, with the week of the Veteran and possible fall election approaching. We need to picket the nearest military establishment, similar to what the Public Service union does whenever they strike. We only need one day of causing DND a headache, with news...
  5. Bigrex

    HMCS Toronto will be part of a mission of firsts

    Being part of the upper deck defense force, a relatively new requirement for all ships when transiting though dangerous choke points, and having gone through the Suez on several occasions as well, including on the Toronto in 98, it is not a fun event. Maybe 20-30 years ago, yes, but in todays...
  6. Bigrex

    PM's speech in Australia

    Like I said. Any politician who didn't speak English is fine, then he would have no choice but to speak French and rely on a translator to do their job, but it wasn't necessary. And how would it help International affairs to speak a different language than your host when not required, it would...
  7. Bigrex

    Parliament's return to be delayed until Oct. 16

    Well for one thing , people need to stop thinking that it's all about saving the greedy CEO's or Union leaders, it's about competitiveness, just like the toasters, but on a lager price scale. The auto industry in Canada are losing jobs because foreign cars can be made and purchased for less, but...
  8. Bigrex

    PM's speech in Australia

    Actually, I would have the same issue with any politician speaking on behalf of our country. If I was listening to a person and all of a sudden they started talking in a language they knew I didn't understand, I would be pissed, and no longer cared what they were trying to say. It just shows a...
  9. Bigrex

    PM's speech in Australia

    The speech itself was good, he said some good things, but why would he use a bilingual speech when addressing a uni-lingual country, they do not have translators present, so they are missing out on parts of his speech. Yes, in Canada, speak both official languages, we have the means to quickly...
  10. Bigrex

    Parliament's return to be delayed until Oct. 16

    Well if the government can bail out Air Canada on several occasions, why shouldn't all major manufacturers get the same treatment. The CAW are flailing, and if it takes a few million out of the 14 billion dollar surplus help save jobs or top  up pensions of those forced to retire early, why not...
  11. Bigrex

    Parliament's return to be delayed until Oct. 16

    Harper has got the job done and has one of the most successful minority governments in terms of accomplishing the governing party's objectives, without any coalition with any opposition party. what Harper has accomplished is mainly due to ignoring the opposition, treating Canada like a...
  12. Bigrex

    Parliament's return to be delayed until Oct. 16

    I have been awarded VIP coverage due to my knees, one covered, the other not, but still fighting VAC on that one for the last 2 and a half years and counting, but when put on VIP, I was still living in PMQ's , and the local maintainance  staff offered to mow my back yard, as my front yard was a...
  13. Bigrex

    Parliament's return to be delayed until Oct. 16

    In my job we are dealing with the families and it is not good to make people go out of pocket for reasonable expenses for burying someone who's given his all. Thanks for the clarification on the equipment, being a civie now, I am only privy to the information presented through the media...
  14. Bigrex

    Parliament's return to be delayed until Oct. 16

    After serving 15 years, and receiving superior PERs my entire career, It was decided in less than 2 months that I was to be medically released after being diagnosed with osteoarthritis in my left knee, resulting from an injury that occurred in the Persian Gulf , before any treatment was sought...
  15. Bigrex

    Parliament's return to be delayed until Oct. 16

    The great thing about the opposition is  all MPs have a say, and the parties are not strictly following the doctrine of their leader. There are plenty of competent opposition MPs that have their own agenda and are standing up and demanding answers on the issues that concern them. But on the...
  16. Bigrex

    Parliament's return to be delayed until Oct. 16

    Personally I think he is afraid of the Sh*t storm that is he going to be walking into in the House, the spring session didn't fair so well for the Tories, and with the token shuffle during the summer and some major spending announcements, I'm sure the opposition parties are biting their lips...
  17. Bigrex

    SISIP LTD 2002 - 2018

    Yes, if you are under the "class", then if it is certified as a class action, and won, all in the class will benefit, unless they opt out of the lawsuit. I think the database they have created is more for their records, maybe to present in court, as further proof that this affects a great deal...
  18. Bigrex

    SISIP LTD 2002 - 2018

    Seeing as one of the senior members of a law firm (Branch McMaster) who are a leading Class Action firm, has volunteered to aide in preperation of our case, I say we have a pretty good shot. Also the fact that there are so many of us helps, up to 6000 are covered by the proposed class. If not...
  19. Bigrex

    SISIP LTD 2002 - 2018

    Dennis Manuge is working, and is not currently on LTD, so he is not milking the system, only seeking the money that was deducted during the 24 months he was covered. The lawsuit was only started after the government failed to act on the recommendations of two DND Ombudsmen , and only after...