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Parliament's return to be delayed until Oct. 16

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Bigrex said:
The great thing about the opposition is  all MPs have a say, and the parties are not strictly following the doctrine of their leader.

To this I cry upon the heavens BULLSHIT.
The leader of the federal New Democrats says his MPs won't be allowed a free vote on same-sex marriage.
NDP Leader Jack Layton says he's trying to persuade Desjarlais to fall in line, but NDP MPs won't have a choice on how to vote.

"We have a party policy and it is to support this legislation and that's the way it's going to be," said Layton.
Yeah, they are totally free to vote however they want.  ::)

(source:  http://www.cbc.ca/news/story/2003/09/05/ndpsamesex030905.html)

I smell a troll personally.
Me too ...
After serving 15 years, and receiving superior PERs my entire career, It was decided in less than 2 months that I was to be medically released after being diagnosed with osteoarthritis in my left knee, resulting from an injury that occurred in the Persian Gulf , before any treatment was sought, before surgery was even considered necessary. Yes, I was pissed, especially after hearing of a young private that lost his leg in an motorcycle accident was being kept in with a prosthetic leg.  After being released from the CF in 2006, I have been doing nothing but fighting for treatment, as my OA progressed rapidly and have had three unsuccessful knee surgeries, but no total knee replacement for another 20 years or so, yet VAC will not pay for the pain medications that my doctor has prescribed, they put me on VIP, but only gives me $400.00 per year for lawn care and snow removal, so basically I can only have my lawn cut 10 times  and do the shoveling my self, or let the grass grow and have my driveway shoveled, not both. Then when someone tries to fix the issues that affect me directly (veterans first motion), Harper and his entire conservative party vote against it. Then even though it passed with unanimous support of all opposition parties, the Tories fail to act on it, blatantly disregarding the will of the people.

And what exactly has Harper done to improve the lives of serving members? They increased funeral funds, WOW!. He promised a northern naval base that nobody will want to go to, way to go. They purchased heavy lift aircraft to support troops in Afghanistan, but we all know it takes years to go through the process, so that was probably started by Oconner's predecessor. They did extend FSP to injured soldiers even if repatriated, but only after public outcry. Believe me, I still have friends and family in uniform, so I want the best for those still serving, I just don't see it coming from Harper, he's too busy campaigning and mud slinging at Dion to actually follow through with many of his promises. In the House of Commons, whenever an Mp asks a question about when they plan on acting on any of their promises, most of the time all you'll hear as a response is "Well, after 13 years of liberal inaction, we are doing things. We are getting the job done." no real answer, just a jab at the Liberals, they're very good at that. If questioned about spending, they bring up what the liberals spent, if questioned about the procurement process and competitive bidding on contracts, they bring up Adscam. When questioned about Afghan detainees in the jails, they say they support the troops, even though nobody ever accused Canadian soldiers of mistreatment, it happened after the hand-over to local authorities, which is, IMO, a slap in the face to each and every soldier that is over there, for the tories to use them as a political smoke screen. Being in power isn't a license to be corrupt, just as long as their not as corrupt as the last guys. Corruption is corruption, and obviously transparency, to the Tories mean hiding all the numbers in plain sight as long as you submit an ATIP request. Incompetent ministers shouldn't be shuffled to lower profile jobs, like O'conner and Oda, they should be punted to the back row and told to shut up.

Yes, there are some issues that require MPs to follow the party line, but for the most part, votes should be made with the MP's constituents in mind, on things such as non binding motions and private members bills, after all, they were put there by us, so why should we accept the person we voted in to follow blindly on legislation that is detrimental to our communities.

And based on the responses thus far, I can tell there are not many disabled veterans in this forum, who have joined in the campaign against SISIP, VAC and the Governments blatant disregard for our well being. If you guys like Harper that much, just wait to see if he ever gets a majority Government, I have a feeling you'll live to regret it. I'm not against the conservatives, I'm against Harper and his style of politicking, because he needs to stop saying that he's getting the job done and actually do it.
Bigrex said:
And based on the responses thus far, I can tell there are not many disabled veterans in this forum, who have joined in the campaign against SISIP, VAC and the Governments blatant disregard for our well being. If you guys like Harper that much, just wait to see if he ever gets a majority Government, I have a feeling you'll live to regret it. I'm not against the conservatives, I'm against Harper and his style of politicking, because he needs to stop saying that he's getting the job done and actually do it.

While I am sorry Veteran's Affairs has treated you shabbily, you are extrapolating personal circumstances to encompass the entire government. When you compare the overall record, Prime Minister Harper has delivered on most of his campaign promises (compare that to the Liberal Record; the '93 Red book was recycled for every election afterwards and I can't think of one promise from that that was kept, which was why they could keep saying things like Kyoto and universal child care were going to be "new initiatives").

I will also note that while the deep water port and base in the High Arctic were part of the "Canada First" defense plan (along with Territorial Defense Battalions and other ideas), the staff at DND is supplying the government with hard data about costs, timelines and feasibility, so I suspect that many of these ideas will eventually be modified or changed to supply the capabilities through different means. (You also seem to discount the idea that some people may actually like the idea of being posted to the High Arctic, although I admit I'm with you on that one). New airplanes, new tanks, mineproof vehicles and other critically needed military hardware has been delivered, and in record time, so I have no complaints in that regard.

Overall, you are taking a personal matter and conflating it to reflect the entire government. I suggest you see if perhaps there isn't some resource already posted on Army.ca which might help your situation, or perhaps some of the posters who are experienced in these matters could supply some advice which might help your situation.
Bigrex....thanks for filing out your profile and filing us in on your sit. It is now much clearer for us to understand where you are coming from. i agree that the bill on pensions and VFP are taking too long and this needs to be addressed. You are wrong about the equipment though. The Liberals did not want to buy C17s they wanted to keep leasing Antonovs when the need arose and have said so many times in criticism of this buy.....the plane was O'Conner's initiative and we got it very quickly. Likewise with the Nyala in theatre....we got that very quickly on an IOR and had them shipped right into theatre in Afgahanistan. I'm not saying the Libs wouldn't have done it but the Cons did act when the need was identified. we are getting back into Chinooks (16 ordered) and MBTs (20 to be leased while awaiting an order of 100). I'm not that keen on a Northern Base either but hey there is a sovereignty issue up there with the Russians and Americans too.
I do applaud them for moving quickly on the funeral expenses thing. In my job we are dealing with the families and it is not good to make people go out of pocket for reasonable expenses for burying someone who's given his all.
In my job we are dealing with the families and it is not good to make people go out of pocket for reasonable expenses for burying someone who's given his all.

Thanks for the clarification on the equipment, being a civie now, I am only privy to the information presented through the media, obviously not the best source for real military news. As far as the funerals costs, IMO, if you die while serving, especially while on deployment, all bills should go to DND directly, and the funeral should be planned by DND, in accordance to a standard military funeral, no special coffins or solid gold urns.  That way the only responsibility placed on the family is attending the funeral. If DND is paying the whole shot, as they should, then why even task the grieving families to plan and arrange the funeral, they have enough on their minds. They could create a position in NDMC for a Col and staff, to make these arrangements, liaise with the family, pertaining where they want to have the service and burial and/or cremation, then they take it from there. DND can book a church just as easily as the spouse. Then one of the staff go to the service to ensure everything goes smoothly.
There is a team that helps the family which includes a padre an assisting officer and an LO that's not the issue. The issue was that some basics weren't taken care of and some of the costs had gone up without an adjustment to the entitlements....the system had to draw the line somewhere and no one disputes that...as you say no gold urns etc. One of the grieving parents rented an arena at a fair amount of expense...that is unreasonable expense. the family is engaged and make the arrangements with the help of the team....that way the wishes of the family are respected and they don't incur an expense that isn't covered without being advised. It's not reasonable nor in my experience practical to make all the arrangements for them without their input and direct participation.

If you read a lot of these threads you will get up to speed on a lot of the equipment and personnel stuff coming down the pike...it's a very good forum
Bigrex, I do not know why you are only getting $400 for VIP lawn/snow, as the 2006 rate in MB is almost $100 per month.  " The VIP is a national home care program that helps ELIGIBLE clients to remain healthy and independent in their own homes ...."  To my understanding you would not get VIP unless you where assessed with a disability i.e. your knee. If you have a disability for your knee, VAC will pay for medications, prescription or over the counter for that entitled disability. As far as knee replacement, the medical community is reluctant to do a replacement to young/younger patients. My wife went through 15 years of hell  and HUGH expense for drugs until she was 57, when both knees were replaced, 6 months apart.
I have been awarded VIP coverage due to my knees, one covered, the other not, but still fighting VAC on that one for the last 2 and a half years and counting, but when put on VIP, I was still living in PMQ's , and the local maintainance  staff offered to mow my back yard, as my front yard was a common area and already their responsibility, therefor the 400 was strictly for snow removal. But since releasing, I had to purchase  my own home, as I couldn't afford the $1200.00 rent for apartments large enough for my family, 2 kids, 1 boy and 1 girl, 4 years apart in age, so they can't really share a room. After moving into my home, I asked for a review done of my needs for VIP, and am still waiting for someone to come and do an assessment, let alone give a decision. Currently both my knees require replacing, bone on bone, but since I'm only 35, the surgeon says he won't even consider surgery at this time, and I've had 2 different Pain medications denied by VAC, the first one because they said there are similar , cheaper drugs available, so my doctor called in a new prescription, which VAC paid for, but when I tried getting a refill, it was denied, the reason I was told was they don't usually see that certain medication used for chronic conditions, so now, I'm on my third type of medication in as many months. I feel for your wife, I know her pain, in fact, since I can barely walk down the hall, stairs are a nightmare, and a good nights sleep seems like a distant memory, I am positive I'll end up in a wheelchair well before being old enough to have the surgery to prevent me from ending up in a wheelchair.
I seriously doubt about Harper being scared of anything these lightweights throw at him, he has run an effective "New government", (sorry had to toss that in), its more like they are sh*t scared of him because they have no idea where he will come from next. Dion probably drops a pantload everytime Harper says hello in the halls Parliament.

Despite a fullscale media bashing by faithful minions of the eastern canadian elitist industrial complex, (better take my meds) Harper has got the job done and has one of the most successful minority governments in terms of accomplishing the governing party's objectives, without any coalition with any opposition party. If he just had John Crosbie to bring some levity to the house, John, if yer out there, just one quote for old times would ya.
Harper has got the job done and has one of the most successful minority governments in terms of accomplishing the governing party's objectives, without any coalition with any opposition party.

what Harper has accomplished is mainly due to ignoring the opposition, treating Canada like a monarchy instead of a democracy, or waiting until the house is adjourned to make his big announcements, not giving the opposition any say.
And as for being successful, then why did it need to bribe the BQ in order to get their budget passed, with increased funding to Quebec. Ask the summer festivals that had to go without funding from Ottawa if they are getting the job done. Ask the conservationists if they are getting the job done. Ask the unemployed auto workers if they think the job is getting done. I'm sure if you add up the number of people who have been jilted by the Tories in 1 way or other during their short time in power, and compare it to those that are ecstatic over the job so far, I fear the numbers would be vastly different with the former winning. I think, if there is a fall election, Harper will win another minority, and the only reason that is because people still have that bad after-taste from the last liberal reign, and the constant smear campaign waged by the Conservatives against Dion, instead of the party, with "Dion is not a leader" banners adourning every Conservative supported webpage, in fact the Conservative homepage has 2 pictures of Harper, yet 4 pictures of Dion and one of Ignatieff. They need to get out of the opposition mentality of trying to discredit the opponents and just do the job.

Ok, one at a time.
Not sure what the unemployed auto workers gotta do with Harper, from where I sit, that being at ground zero in Ontario, this is SOP for negotiations, or did the media forget to explain that in thier sky is falling news coverage. Its contract time kids, let the games begin, the ass was falling out of the auto sector in Ontario 5 years ago, its the tool and die shops and the automation machinery shops that have been dropping like flys. Stronachs, cashing in, I had 21 magna plants as customers, I could sense it then, I got out in 02.

So what exactly has Harper got to do with the auto worker?
Simon Plant said:
So what exactly has Harper got to do with the auto worker?

Didn't you know?  The government is supposed to bail out all obsolete and unprofitable industries!  [/sarcasm]
Well if the government can bail out Air Canada on several occasions, why shouldn't all major manufacturers get the same treatment. The CAW are flailing, and if it takes a few million out of the 14 billion dollar surplus help save jobs or top  up pensions of those forced to retire early, why not help.
"Bailing out" a company does no good. It does not cause them to change their way, or try to become more efficient, they just keep going on building their over priced, substandard wares. Comfortable in the knowledge that when things go sour again they will once again be bailed out...
Bailing out" a company does no good.

Perfect example is Chrysler. How many times were they bailed out? How many times we're they sold and they still can't turn a profit.

The big three seem to be stuck in the past. It shows in what they have in their showrooms. Big assed gas guzzlers and the smaller cars are well "boring". The only divisions that are doing any business are the trucks and minivans. Until they realize that not everyone wants a hummer size vehicle in their driveway and offer something in the mid range to economy class that doesn't look like a box on wheels, they will continue to fizzle.

It was wrong to bail out Air Canada, just as it was wrong for the Socialist Horde here in BC to bail out Skeena Cellulose.  It would be doubly wrong to bail out the inefficient and incompetent Big Three auto manufacturers.

As for Harper being "controlling"...he is doing nothing different from every other PM since True-dough.  With all the amateurs in his caucus, he has to control things tightly.
Bigrex said:
Well if the government can bail out Air Canada on several occasions, why shouldn't all major manufacturers get the same treatment. The CAW are flailing, and if it takes a few million out of the 14 billion dollar surplus help save jobs or top  up pensions of those forced to retire early, why not help.

The CAW has become such a political animal that they are misusing union dues. If I was in that union, I would be very upset that Buzz cares more about politics then he does about helping his workers keep their jobs. Maybe the CAW are flailing because of Buzz. Sure let's help, let's open the doors to every manufacturing company that needs help because they are no longer competitive. It's called the infant industry, problem is, because of government bailouts, they never grow up. Why did Air Canada need to be bailed out, yet West Jet is profitable? No more government intrusions into the FREE market.
been on the French River fishing for 3 days, Im back,
where were we BigRex, Oh yea, why everythings Harpers fault.

Lets bail them out?!?!  Why them, reward for incompetance?
Bottom line is its not Harpers fault, period.

You stand and point a finger at Harper probably saying, whats he going to do about global warming, what about Kyoto?
Well bucko, heres the truth, a toaster manufactured in North america (NA) was $50, with a reasonable life expectancy of 10 years +
now you get them at walmart for $8, but youll go through 3 in that 10 years. Similar carbon footprint, actually likely better if made in NA, so your $8 toaster cost likely 3-4 times in carbon emmisions. Bottom line, reward NA manufacturers for quality, and lifespan, and  you save jobs in NA, and get a better product, and give the planet a little hug to boot. Thats not Harpers Job, thats yours!