I have never wished so hard for an alternate tragic outcome in a drunken boating accident in Ontario a few years ago.
The US of A is exactly where John Adams wrote about when he argued (successfully) for separation of powers (administration, legislature and judiciary) and where he was an early writer warning quite explicitly of a “tyranny of the majority” without these 3 powers being separate and balancing out. A few decades later, de Tocqueville came around to study American politics ( Democracy in America ) and he warned the American nation was evolving into a social construct where the executive and legislative branch was starting to act upon majority demands to the detriment of a sensible minority which the judiciary might not be able to hold sway. The result of a tyrannical majority, he wrote (along with John Stuart Mill sometime later) was pleasing to emotive politics “like sugar on the nipple” but not rational at all- a lack of utilitarian empathy replaced by demands not of the greater good but the greater self serving electoral strength.
Ideally, a President should not belong to any political party and the legislative majority need not operate beholden to a President.
Donald J Trump, the Republican caucus and the wilful ignorance of the US electorate have blown every safeguard to smithereens. There is no Abraham Lincoln on the foreseeable future. If the Trump family install themselves one way or another in 2028, the situation may not be recoverable.
That being said, we’ve got our own political governance problems here to also worry about. This is not a country without a history of rebellion caused by power imbalance.