It was because the opposition was ineffective and in a state of disarray that JT called the last election, and even then was only able to secure power by allying with the NDP...
I think PP has changed the game since O'Toole was leader, and I think this election is a wake-up call for the LPC, re how out of touch they are with everyday people.
I know some people still have doubts about PP as the next PM - and I genuinely don't understand their hesitancy at all...
I know common sense is what he's campaigning on, but I feel like that's what the country needs right now. A big whopping serving of it! That, and getting back to goal setting!
I have to spend the next 2 days straight (right up until 8pm Friday) with a Trudeau supporter (fuck me now, what did I do to deserve this?)
Wish me luck