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Zero Pilots Being Hired in 2009?

VodkaBoy said:
In the private sector,

This is not the private sector. It is nothing like it. The private sector deals with very few of the same issues and conditions that we do.

What the private sector can and cannot do as far as an enrollment process is concerned is irrelevant.
The private sector won't ask you to fly your whatever it is you would fly into a hail of gunfire, AAA systems, AA systems, heat seeking missiles, radar guided missiles etc.
As far as I can tell, the CF does not let dumba$$es fly the taxpayers very expensive aircraft.
Mid Aged Silverback said:
The private sector won't ask you to fly your whatever it is you would fly into a hail of gunfire, AAA systems, AA systems, heat seeking missiles, radar guided missiles etc.
As far as I can tell, the CF does not let dumba$$es fly the taxpayers very expensive aircraft.

Or fly some of the SAR missions, or fly tons of $$ gear all over the world into hostile environments on things the size of the Globemaster, or fly a Herc at night with the backend full of jumpers, or...the list goes on.  My landlord is an Air Canada pilot...to me, he is an airborne bus driver compared to military aviators.
Eye In The Sky said:
Or fly some of the SAR missions, or fly tons of $$ gear all over the world into hostile environments on things the size of the Globemaster, or fly a Herc at night with the backend full of jumpers, or...the list goes on.  My landlord is an Air Canada pilot...to me, he is an airborne bus driver compared to military aviators.

Bah! Bus drivers could only wish to have a system like auto-pilot.
Eye In The Sky said:
My landlord is an Air Canada pilot...to me, he is an airborne bus driver compared to military aviators.

Some of those guys have done more interesting things in former lives.
Loachman said:
Some of those guys have done more interesting things in former lives.

I know for a fact one or two who have faced the proverbial wife/kid or army dilemma.
Loachman said:
Some of those guys have done more interesting things in former lives.

Yes thats true.  My bad for the generalization.  I just know he isn't one of them, and to be honest, he is a pretty arrogant SOB.
biggs said:
Any idea when the "next time around" might be?  I've been applying for almost a year and a half now and the suspense is killing me.  I just hope the Strategic Intake Plan comes with good news in April.

I'm also interested if anyone has any insight into this. Hopefully if there are positions in April, they won't fill them all immediately and leave some spots for people who make the next board.

Biggs, have you done Aircrew Selection?
biggs said:
Yes, I went in June '09.

Hah! November '08!  Fingers cross'd for a phone call this fine April.  I've been merit listed for over a year now, so???  I think i might actually be going down in history as the most tenacious pilot applicant in the CF;  note to aspiring young-uns:  try not to destroy your body too badly playing hockey, fighting, and jumping off horses before you need to try and get your Flight A-1 status!
Hi there, new to the forum (at least new registration). I applied for pilot at the start of the year and the cpl. at recruiting told me that there are spots open for pilot but they are looking for guys with commercial flying licenses. I'm pretty far from having one, I considered going to private lessons for a private license, I read in other threads that previous experience is not really needed, especially for air crew selection.  Can somebody please advise me whats realistic and whats best to do to have a chance to get in, in say the next few years ? thank you


These are two great threads for answering the majority of your questions. I applied as Pilot in November last year and everyone I spoke with told me to not get my hopes up because it is a very difficult occupation to enter. In addition to the forums, make sure you review the CF website. Not only for the Pilot occupation, but also for other occupations. There are a ton of other occupations out there that are interesting and I wish I had reviewed it more prior to submitting my application.



There is also some items that were left out in your post that would assist people in answering your question. If you applied at the beginning of this year, what entry plan did you choose? Regular or Reserve? What stage is your application at right now?

You'll find that after reveiwing this you will probably come up with other questions, but they will probably be a little more focused by then. I do not have a CPL, but I do have just under 200 hours of flight time. There were people in my Aircrew Selection course that passed and had no previous experience also.
Hey guys,

I'm driving down to Trenton tomorrow for my ASC. On one of the documents it states that I will be getting refunded by the most economical means of transportation, and I will leave at 1330 and arrive in Trenton at 1830 (from Montreal). If I'm driving down, can I leave at 1700 and therefore arrive in Trenton at 2200 (due to me finishing work at that time)? Or must I check in earlier? I would ask my file manager but unfortunately I only picked up my files yesterday and only got a chance to read them today  ::)

Snyper, pm inbound.

Blackbird, I'm pretty sure they tell everybody that, but don't be dissuaded.  Having any kind of pilot's license is not a requirement.  In fact, at least as far as the application and selection process, it does not matter as much as they say at the recruiting centre, if it even matters at all.  Regardless, you might want to hold off on going for a private license, since if you fail aircrew selection, you will have to get a PPL before they'll let you try again.  If you already have a PPL when you go to ACS, you would have to get a CPL before a second attempt.
Thanks guys for answering, I'll keep on waiting. Sorry for not specifying my situation I'm DEO as entry,reg force, test done and my security stuff is good, I guess if there was space for pilot they would have had me do my medical-eye exam
Patience is a virtue and if you want something, you fight for it..... I'll wait !!!
The two recruiters I met in May both seemed to think it was a very good thing I was finishing my CPL and would help me during the selection process. By reading this forum, it seems that PFE does not play a big role, if any... Sometimes, there seems to be a big gap between what the recruiters tell the applicants and what is really going on.

Another example would be this little anecdote:

In August 2008, I applied for ROTP-pilot, and the recruiter did not even want to take my file, because he said the program was not open and would not be open the next few years. I was of course extremely disappointed, but I went on to civil aviation training (finishing CPL right now) and started a meteorology degree. This really was a second choice, well below my dream of flying for the Air Force…
In May 2010, I went back to the recruiting center to get information about the Reserve. I was interested in infantry or artillery, and spots were opened. The goal to join the Reserve was to get into the military and gain experience while I was finishing my degree and CPL. When I told the recruiter I once came for ROTP, he was very very curious about which recruiter I had met in 2008, for he said the program, even though really hard to get in, was never closed. When he told me ROTP was opened for pilot, I applied the next day, and the recruiter I met this day also did not understand why I was told ROTP was closed for a while in 2008. He also said it was never closed.

Anyway, I'm very glad it is possible to get in the Air Force. Even though there are few spots and a whole bunch of applicants, it's better than being told the program is closed for a while.

I applied mid-May for ROTP civilian university and was told to expect news in 2-3 weeks. I called after 3 weeks and was told to expect news end of June. I still had no news, but I'd rather not call again, they probably are very busy. I really look forward having news, for if the program is closed, I'll try to get in the Reserve ASAP, and hopefully transferring to Reg in a couple of years.

Is there anyone who applied ROTP in the past months that could share experience about delays? BTW, I applied in Montreal. Sorry for asking that damned "what are the delays?" question, I know it's a recurrent theme on the forum. Hope I don't offend anyone!

Thanks everyone!
Are you looking at ROTP for 2010-2011 school year? You might find some information in this thread regarding the overall status. It will also provide you with some other examples that might answer (or bring up more) questions you may have.


I applied for ROTP - Pilot for the 2010-2011 school year. I submitted my application in November 2009 and I know I was pretty rushed to meet all the timings to complete my application prior to the first round of selections being made. I was offered a position at the end of March 2010.

In my opinion, I would stop by the recruiting centre again. They told you to check back at the end of June and it is now the beginning of July. I didn't experience any delays per se, and my application was definitely not a "normal" application. I was very persistent; with the recruiting staff, university staff, and medical staff (civilian and military) to ensure my application was meeting the timelines that were laid out to me. It probably cost me an extra $1,000 (expediting fees for evaluations, courier fees, extra travel to the CFRC, etc.) to submit my application, but in the end it was worth it.

You can also view other peoples timing experiences in this thread:


If you search for pilot and limit the age of the threads then you should find some good examples.

It also takes longer than a few weeks to perform the pilot selection process from application to offer. What "news" are you expecting? CFAT to be scheduled, ASC to be scheduled, ROTP offer?? I'm assuming you have also read these threads already:



Good luck in the process and don't be discouraged. I went to the recruiting centre 3 other times over the last 10 years to apply as pilot and I always left discouraged so I was never persistent. This last time I was determined to get in and it took a long time speaking with the recruiter before we were able to find a way for me to apply.
2010newbie said:
You can also view other peoples timing experiences in this thread:


It also takes longer than a few weeks to perform the pilot selection process from application to offer. What "news" are you expecting? CFAT to be scheduled, ASC to be scheduled, ROTP offer??

Thank you for your very helping answer. I was not aware of the people's timing thread, so it sure is a good read.
I don't know what kind of news I should be expecting! I left all the documents required for ROTP (civilian university, since I'm already doing a meteorology degree) May 13th, and I know none of my references have been called yet. What follows in the process? I guess if the application seems decent, you are scheduled for CFAT first? Anyway, I'll be going to the CFRC to investigate where my application is at first thing tomorrow morning.

Since I'm applying for civilian university, does it really matter if it's 2010-2011? I mean I'll be going to school anyway, is it possible to be given an offer at anytime of the year or is there also a deadline like for RMC?

THnaks again
I believe there is a deadline (like RMC) and it is the same deadline. It was my impression during the application process that the ROTP applicants were all processed simultaneously, regardless of Civvy U or RMC (I'm going Civvy). They review all applications and they make the determination of who is going Civvy, who is going RMC, and who will not be offered a spot. It is not the decision of the applicant if they go Civvy or RMC. Read the threads on ROTP and RMC and you will find a lot of useful information.

Prepare for a long wait. Don't be surprised if you are waiting almost a year for a decision. The ROTP offer will be the last thing that is offered to you after passing all of the other components of the selection process. Like I said, I thought my process was pretty fast (4 months from start to job offer) and I had a great Career Counsellor to thank for that, along with the extra persistance on my part. My timing was also pretty good for ROTP as well. If I would have applied in June, I still would have had to wait until March the following year for a decision.
I was told today that I would be contacted during the fall. The deadline was indeed in June, and it seems they don't start the tests and interviews before the fall (applying mid-May was not a good timing that's for sure!). I don’t really know why I was told both by the recruiter who took my file and the person that received it to expect news before July. Anyway, I have no other choice but to wait, and it is well worth it I believe, so I'll wait!

What I'm really hesitating about is whether I should get my CPL this summer or wait. The written exam is already behind me and I'm very close to having the hours to take the flight test. However, I learned on this forum that when someone fails ACS, he has to obtain a higher level of licensing before trying again (ex: from no licence to PPL, from PPL to CPL…). If you already have a CPL, do you have to get your ATPL or is adding an instrument or instructor rating good enough?

I sure will continue to fly while waiting (getting checked in different planes, tailwheel and floats endorsement, basic aerobatics, soaring, etc), I just don't know if I should apply or not for my license. What do you guys think about that?

Thank you all