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Your Favorite Military Video Game

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I NEED to find another decent flight simulator, be it WWII or a jet sim... Falcon 4.0 ruled, but I came in too late to enjoy most of its online experience... Combat Flight Simulator I and II were AMAZING, before Microsoft decided to get rid of the servers for them on the MSN Gaming Zone, due to "lack of interest", despite having 40-50 members on at a time after 5 years or so... I'm basically looking for a really good online flight sim, realistic, of course. If anyone knows of any good ones, PLASE let me know. Thanks!

I'll still praise Company of Heroes to the high heavens. The game brought everything that I was looking for in an RTS. Blood and guts, explicit language, and ww2, with the ability of being able to zoom in on the action.

Now only if they'd come out with a good WW1 RTS, I'd be even happier.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is going to be such a good game. All of the Call of Duty games are amazing, probably the best war game series out there IMO.
I'm big into Rainbow 6: Vegas right now for the PS3.  It's not like previous installments of the series, where you plan your hostage rescue with gold team and red team and such, this is more of a shooter like Gears of War for Xbox 360, what with the cover system and such.  Its quite good, the online is a lot of fun, but there are some network issues that the developers need to patch.  I'm looking forward to Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, and Killzone 2 which won't be out till November.  Also, I'm excited for Warhawk next week, I pre-ordered it.  It's a good thing the wife is away at basic or I wouldn't get to play as much as I have lately!
Gears is still my Fav so far for Military, though I don't have R6V but I do plan to pick it up next pay I think.
R6V is a really good game. The story mode was pretty decent, but it had a pretty horrible ending, I must say.

I love the terrorist hunts though. Pretty challenging, but when you beat a level on the hardest difficulty with the most amount of terrorists you feel pretty damn happy.
With my new dual-core computer, playing IL-2 Pacific Fighters is great, the flak used to bugger my frame rates, now I have all graphics on high and am having great dogfights over the Crimea.
My current favorite is BF2, I'm co-lead of a Canadian mod for it. I used to love Pacific Fighters, it will be on my new rig when I get moved. I wasn't impressed by Full Spectrum Warrior cept for the graphics. ArmA has beautiful textures, but the low polys are not impressive on modern video cards. CoD 4 I think will take the cake this fall for realism, and Crysis for the mod ability.
Which server do you play on? My Moniker is Tankercolin (couldn't think of anything better at the time) I play mostly on the 64 person maps.

Always been a big fan of Call of Duty series (mostly the original, and only on PC), and the various battlefields.

Spent lots of hours playing the flight sim IL2 Sturmovik and it succesors.  Excellent sim.
Landing a Seafire on the deck of the Ark Royal has been interesting!!!  SPLAT!

I like the little Russian biplane fighter I-153 I think? That thing turns on a dime. Great having a dogfight against the Polish P11 or Gladiator.
Colin P said:
Which server do you play on? My Moniker is Tankercolin (couldn't think of anything better at the time) I play mostly on the 64 person maps.

I haven't gamed in about a year now....
I haven't played vanilla BF2 very much at all lately. But my Xfire handle is WhiskyDelta, and BF2 gamenick is Floppy_Donkey
Not sure if this one has already been mentioned, but Operation Flashpoint was a great game.  Its pretty old by today's standards, but was a great first person shooter/military game -- realistic, fluid, huge maps, etc, etc.  From what I hear, Operation Flashpoint 2 just came out a little while ago and is even better than the first -- check it out, if you can find it anywhere!
Yea CBH99 its called ArmA. There is a mod team on that as well making a CAF mod. Its the same team that make the one for OF. I played the Arma Demo, as cool as somethings are, it wasn't enough to get me to buy it out right, might test it again after I get my new system.
Hey, sorry about this, i know its not my army or anything but theres no such thing as the CAF. I think you might mean CF instead, thats my understanding anyway.
Same way we call it the Australian Defence Force, ADF, instead of Australian Armed Forces.

Now to the real topic, i've only played it a couple of times but Battlefield2 is awesome. Close combat, A bridge too far is still my favorite strategy game (Go Cromwell and Crocodile!) and Call Of Duty (i forget which one, if theres a 2 then both of them) is awesome fun.
I dont get much time these days unfortunately for that stuff though. Hopefully i'll be able to get a new computer and get some more spare time soon!
Sorry Hale, I'm a bit old school. Used to be the Canadian Armed Forces when I was young. I was a volunteer at the Atlantic Canada Aviation Museum and was used to seeeing the CAF on the retired airframes. Now that I've dated myself.....my apologies to the CF Members.
UCModFloppy said:
Sorry Hale, I'm a bit old school. Used to be the Canadian Armed Forces when I was young. I was a volunteer at the Atlantic Canada Aviation Museum and was used to seeeing the CAF on the retired airframes. Now that I've dated myself.....my apologies to the CF Members.

Haha, no dramas mate, like i said, its not my Army, i just thought it might be a good idea for kids who play your patch to know who they're representing and be proud of it. Its only a name i suppose but its got a lot of meaning, even for this digger who isnt even in it!
Hey Hale,
  I've checked into why exactly the Canadian Forces (CF) are named the CAF in the mod itself. When the mod was first started my predisesors replaced teh Chinese team (Chi) with the CAF. In doing so the team acronym must be the same amount of letters, CHI changed to CAF.

      Some other favorite military games over the years have been America's Army, Battlefield:Vietam, and Pacific Fighters.