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WOW, moving really fast?

First off, sorry about the lack of capitals at the beginning of my sentences but I did use the spell check feature and I would've thought that it would pick up those mistakes. Secondly I'd say its more of a nervousness of having to qualify the CFAT, pass the medical and make it through the interview in one day. All in the hopes of being accepted into the ACS tech trade under the NCM SEP. The worst part is that I've been informed that for this fiscal year theres only 3 positions open. As for Basic I am looking forward to it and all the trials and tribulations that will come with it.
Goibniu said:
First off, sorry about the lack of capitals at the beginning of my sentences but I did use the spell check feature and I would've thought that it would pick up those mistakes. Secondly I'd say its more of a nervousness of having to qualify the CFAT, pass the medical and make it through the interview in one day. All in the hopes of being accepted into the ACS tech trade under the NCM SEP. The worst part is that I've been informed that for this fiscal year theres only 3 positions open. As for Basic I am looking forward to it and all the trials and tribulations that will come with it.


Yeah the nervousness killed me. I only fell asleep at 3:30 the morning of, and woke up at 5:30. Also, don't drink lots of water, I had to go take a piss so badly during the spatial part of the test, but managed to hold it in. But during the math part, I had to use up 40 seconds of my time to go to bathroom, luckily it was really close by.

I am pretty sure I read the august 17th date on this forum. forget what thread it was.

I was told I did great in the math part as it is a aptitude test, not a knowledge test. I knew how to find the answers, I just couldn't find the exact number, thank goodness for multiple choice!


This post refers to it starting in August, can't find the post where it said August 17th. It was somewhere on the internet...
Okay, so it's now the waiting game.

Yesterday was my testing day, it was defiantly a long day (remember I did the CFAT, interview and medical), but I don't think I would call it stressful. I was however more nervous than I thought that I was, when we did my blood pressure it was up to 178/104 (normal being 130ish/80ish) so needless to say I was given a form to take to my doctor and have it filled out  :'( . I quickly went to the walk in clinic to have it looked at again and get some blood pressure pills to help bring it down. However when the doctor took my B/P it was normal!! So he did an EKG, checked my B/P again and all was fine. So he filled out my form and I sent it out overnight to the recruiting centre in Victoria! (The recruiters will not be back until Friday, so it will be on their desk by the time they get back!) Other than that scare everything went great, I apparently scored awesome on my CFAT and my interviewer told me right off the bat that I would be highly recommended for Comm. Research (His exact words were "you can have Comm Research if you still want that.) But after an awesome interview ( I saw him write down several "4"s on the form) I felt so excited about what had happened. Which is probably the reason for my high B/P. Overall I would say that the day is nothing to worry about; study your English ( a thesaurus is a good thing) and just be yourself on the interview, and on the Eye chart the top letter is "E". But thanks for reading about my day.

PS. My interviewer said I should expect to hear something around mid March and expect to be at BMQ for April 1st.  :salute: :threat: :salute:
Congrats to you too man, it would be nice to have someone there that I have talked to, at least a little, on that first weekend. Where are you from?
Wow, sounds like me, was told to call them march 17th if i hadn't heard from them. So maybe if I get lucky, April BMQ?

Anyone else jogging and working out? Started p90x workout challenge thing the day after my physicals and stuff. It would've been worth buying had it not been so expensive. ($200 American!)
Kenyan said:
Wow, sounds like me, was told to call them march 17th if i hadn't heard from them. So maybe if I get lucky, April BMQ?

Anyone else jogging and working out? Started p90x workout challenge thing the day after my physicals and stuff. It would've been worth buying had it not been so expensive. ($200 American!)

You never know, you could  go before then....these are the BMQ start dates from March 09 first one was March 2, then March 9, March 12, March 16 I'm guessing the next one will be around the 20th so maybe you will get it sooner, I'm hoping I do anyways lol. and yea I've been working out for a while and jogging to I have the p90x just not the training dvd's with it. I still have to pick up my game a bit in the running though, but at least I'll be in decent shape when I go to basic.
I have a pull up bar in my bedroom door do 20 every time I go in, doing pushups when I can, got to get my a$$ in gear when it comes to running. Was going to run today but I got a foot of snow last night. I live in Nanaimo on Vancouver Island. Oh yeah I use my Wii fit too, that thing has some pretty hard exercises on it!

I just finished my "one day processing" and i was alot easier then I expexted it to, not that it was overly easy. I qualified and was told that i was "very competitive" for my trade and now its just a matter of some paper before I could get that call. Im more then pumped and hope to get into one of the april BMQs!
lutherd said:
I have a pull up bar in my bedroom door do 20 every time I go in, doing pushups when I can, got to get my a$$ in gear when it comes to running. Was going to run today but I got a foot of snow last night. I live in Nanaimo on Vancouver Island. Oh yeah I use my Wii fit too, that thing has some pretty hard exercises on it!

How far can you currently run and how quickly?
OK how is this for moving forward fast ?... I handed in the application package on Tuesday Feb 17Th had my medical/aptitude/interview on Feb 26Th got an offer March 4Th ... that's only like 4 working days. I was blown away by this speed, especially after reading some enrolment stories on this forum. Now I am a little scared about the PT tests at BMQ. I thought i would have a few more weeks to get back into shape but now i have to be in St Jean on March 21st! So anyone on here attending the March 21st BMQ É
Incredible speed  :D
Cant' say that I'm not a little jealous,
what occupation were you assigned?
ACS- Tech through the NCM SEP... its a huge mixed blessing though .. im glad i made it through so fast .. but on the flip side its moving so fast !!
I thought "We'll make you happy" was the CF motto. :threat:
I'm a patient person so I don't mind waiting, gives me more time to work on my physical and doing that makes time go by quicker, at the end result when I get that call I will be happy. ;D
SoldierInTheMaking said:
I'm a patient person so I don't mind waiting, gives me more time to work on my physical and doing that makes time go by quicker, at the end result when I get that call I will be happy. ;D

That is how I try to look at it as well. Also from what I see in many posts waiting is a huge part of the CF so if that is to be my career path I may be doing a lot of it. Practice makes perfect...or so they say.