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WOW! 10, 000 posts for George Wallace

George Wallace said:
I've got another guessing game for you guys:

Most Online Today: 890. Most Online Ever: 890 (Today at 19:20:08)

Twice today we have broken the record for most people online.  When will we see a day where we crack the 1,000 people online barrier?

If Im reading this right we just hit 1,230 oops, 1,213 today...

I'm glad for all the addicts that a new hardware is in the planning :).
uncle-midget-boyd said:
Happy 14 000.


Shucks!   :-[

After 1,000 you stop counting.

I guess I should wander off into the woods, commune with nature, smell the roses and STFU for a few weeks...... ;D

uncle-midget-boyd said:
How much longer before your odometer rolls back to 000000?

As soon as I get a Trade-In for my older model and get two twenty year olds.    >:D
George Wallace said:
Shucks!   :-[

After 1,000 you stop counting.

I guess I should wander off into the woods, commune with nature, smell the roses and STFU for a few weeks...... ;D

As soon as I get a Trade-In for my older model and get two twenty year olds.     >:D

Must be the day for it; I think I just hit 9000 today (like now!!! LOL). Egads. I do soooooo need a beer -- and a life.  :)

Cheers George.


Ive been here 4.5 years and Im not even at 1000!

Then again, There isnt that much I can contribute that someone else isnt usually a larger SME, so better left to the experts....

in any case, Im still impressed at 14,000. that is alot of posts.
Tommy said:
Ive been here 4.5 years and Im not even at 1000!

Then again, There isnt that much I can contribute that someone else isnt usually a larger SME, so better left to the experts....


"Radio Chatter  980"

You know what I'm SME in :)!
Well, old topic I know, but George has become the first Army.ca Myth, with 15,000+ posts.

George... Seriously... LIFE model C1A1 get it! You need to replace it since the old ond NO LIFE C1A1 is showing faults!

;D just buggin :D
MedTech said:
George... Seriously... LIFE model C1A1 get it! You need to replace it since the old ond NO LIFE C1A1 is showing faults!

;D just buggin :D

Could be a result of too much work with C2I, C3 and occasionally C4 (Oops! I didn't say that)  (I mean DM 12..........No......I mean I never played with any of that stuff.....)

Aluminum Pot Syndrome.....APS
George Wallace said:
Could be a result of too much work with C2I, C3 and occasionally C4 (Oops! I didn't say that)   (I mean DM 12..........No......I mean I never played with any of that stuff.....)

Aluminum Pot Syndrome.....APS

I seriously hope you're single.

The man, the myth ...

LOL that should actually be George's B-day present from Mike this year :D

George Wallace The Mod, The Myth.
career_radio-checker said:
Wow, I haven't been here for a while. I say at 16, 000 posts George becomes a milnet.ca 'artifact'  ;D

I think that's already in there for some post count --- can't remember what the number is though.
ArmyVern said:
I think that's already in there for some post count --- can't remember what the number is though.
Guest                        0
New Member              25
Jr. Member                50
Member                  100
Full Member            250
Sr. Member            500
Army.ca Veteran    1,000
Army.ca Fixture      5,000
Army.ca Legend    10,000
Army.ca Myth      15,000
Army.ca Relic        20,000
Army.ca Fossil      30,000
1,000,000 BC        40,000

I knew it was here somewhere ...

Seems there's is no "artifact" though.