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Would you say I'd make the cut?


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First off, I would just like to introduce myself. My name is Jody, I live in a rural town in Ontario, Canada and I am 18 years of age. Right now, I'm in grade 12 (held back a grade), however, I am taking a "victory" lap, which is basically grade 13. I'm doing this to save money, and buy a car, and if need be, pay for college (if I don't plan on joining the CF, but my preferred choice is the CF :)).

I would say I am relatively fit person. I can do around 40 push ups in a minute, 40 sit ups in a minute and can do at least 15 pull ups in a minute (not the best at that :(). I can push myself to the limit if I have to, I usually don't go for the bare minimum. For example, at my school, we do beep tests, and for grade 11 I had to get above 7, but I pushed myself and went to 8.5. I do tend to eat a lot of junk food, but I am trying to cut back! xD Anyway, I hope I can even do better in terms of my fitness, but it will be tough.

So, I want to join the CF, but when I turn on the news, or go on a news site I'm always seeing headlines like "Budget Cuts Hitting Deep into the CF," or "Military is cutting back" and that is very discouraging. :( So, would you say that getting into the CF will be tough for me? I do realize there's competition, so I know that I'll have to push myself to the limit. I have a couple of friends who plan on joining the military. One is planning on going into the air force, currently he's applied for Loyalist and got accepted for welding. My other friend wants to get into the infantry, and he tells me he can get in no problem (for whatever reason).  My preferred branch is the navy. I've always had a fondness for the navy. And I just love ships. And appears from reading over the internet, that the navy has a shortage of sailors (correct me if I'm wrong please). Would you say that the navy would be the easiest to get into?

Here's some trades I'm interested in (not all in the navy):

Electrical Technician
Marine Engineer
Combat Engineer
Naval Combat Information Operator

PS: My step sister is in the navy as a cook. She was over weight and pretty disrespectful, so I don't know whether to take that as a good sigh all get in, since I'm the complete opposite.

Oh, I do plan on contacting a recruitment centre, but I wanted to inquiry here first.
Chances are, the Establishment for RegF will not change with budget cuts with the possible exception of the elimination of a few redundant positions. As long as some of us retire, recruiting is a necessity. Do your homework (read up on the trades you are interested in) and make your submission...and Good Luck.

BTW, I think I met your step-sister on board HALIFAX a couple years ago!

Pat in Halifax said:
Chances are, the Establishment for RegF will not change with budget cuts with the possible exception of the elimination of a few redundant positions. As long as some of us retire, recruiting is a necessity. Do your homework (read up on the trades you are interested in) and make your submission...and Good Luck.

BTW, I think I met your step-sister on board HALIFAX a couple years ago!


Thanks! That has actually made me much more happy about my chances. I've been looking through quite a bit trades, a lot interested me (like the ones I mentioned), so I hope they're open when I apply. I'd like to get ready for next April (I believe that's when you start hearing about your progress?).

lol. You must know her... because I think that is the ship she's stationed on. :P
Patriote said:
...So, I want to join the CF, but when I turn on the news, or go on a news site I'm always seeing headlines like "Budget Cuts Hitting Deep into the CF," or "Military is cutting back" and that is very discouraging. :( So, would you say that getting into the CF will be tough for me? I do realize there's competition, so I know that I'll have to push myself to the limit...

I can't speak specifically on how budget cuts are affecting trades individually and/or to what degree the CF is being affected as a whole.  (I've been trying to gain a broader understanding through posts from senior members who have more information and insight regarding the issue.) That being said, I can offer some help regarding other information you've provided.

By the sounds of things, you seem very fit.  By maintaining/continuing to improve what you've already built up, coupled with the knowledge you'll gain from threads talking about fitness requirements here, I don't think you'll have any trouble when it comes time for the physical testing.  However, broadening focus on your question about whether it will be "tough" to get hired by the CF right now, prepare yourself for the fact that it might be.  For several applicants trying to get into several different trades, the process has been very lengthy.  Some have had to alter their trade choices more than once, some have been trying for years to get the specific job they want, etc. I've been going through my own process for almost 18 months. 

Several factors comprise how competitive you'll be for the trades you want. Know that recruiters will be looking at transcripts, work and volunteer experience, any relevant certificates/accreditations, your medical history, etc.  As well, if recruiters feel you aren't competitive enough for the job you desire, they'll tell you, which is nice. The toughest portion for many who want to get into the CF right now is the waiting.

I urge you to explore the site thoroughly for other questions you might have. Good luck as you move forward!
Patriote said:
Thanks! That has actually made me much more happy about my chances. I've been looking through quite a bit trades, a lot interested me (like the ones I mentioned), so I hope they're open when I apply. I'd like to get ready for next April (I believe that's when you start hearing about your progress?).

lol. You must know her... because I think that is the ship she's stationed on. :P

Of your Naval Occupation choices, your first two are hiring right now for this year (ie; before 31 Mar).  All your Naval Occupation choices are OPEN for next years processing but NONE of your Army Occupations are currently open.

So, if your going to wait until Apr to apply, whether it is this year or next, Apr is too late.  I would recommend you apply in early Jan of each year at the latest.
I would take DAA's advice. DAA has helped me alot.

Lostly :cdn:
In the grand scheme of things, whether or not we believe you'd make the cut is irrelevant.  The question is, do you think you'd make the cut?

Remember, there is a whole country to recruit from, and as awesome as one potential in, say, BC, may think they are, maybe someone in, let's say PEI, has better qualifications.

The end result is this:  research the trades you are interested in, go into the recruiting office with an open mind, and make sure you have plans b,c, and d ready in case things change.  And, for the love of all that is edible, please make sure you bring your huge sense of enthusiasm!  I can tell you that the whole "hurry up and wait" thing is NOT a myth, and I have seen friends get disconcerted by all the waiting that they get frustrated and forget why they joined in the first place.

Good luck, good reading, and I hope to see you in Halifax at some point... We can have a wet or two, and compare stupid weekend BMQ stories (because they're all I have right now, except for the QL3 stories, that is)

Good luck!
