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Winnipeg vs Trenton Postings

Anyone mention Winterpeg has the U of Manitoba but you have to drive to Kingston to go to Queens U.
The Best part of Trenton is it is close to Toronto. The worst part is the crack heads and tweekers. Its really not too bad, there are worse places to be.
Personally I spent three years in Trenton and have nothing good to say about it....there has been a small bit of expansion but it has been a tough fight as there is a small core of business people who want to control everything...Trenton could have one of the best waterfronts around if there was some investment made...if I had to go back I would not live in Trenton but some of the surrounding communities are not bad
I think as long as you don't venture far from the PMQs in Trenton, you're pretty much okay.  Just stay away from the 'high rise'.
I've heard there are some nice subdivisions around base, even up in Frankford and out Brighten way.  It's only "safe" here in the Q's because they are patrolled constantly by the MP's.
Crime is everywhere, so don't base any judgement on that factor.
Cheers, BYTD
Baden  Guy said:
Anyone mention Winterpeg has the U of Manitoba but you have to drive to Kingston to go to Queens U.
+ U of Winnipeg (pretty Leftish) and Red River Technical College.

If you like the Canadian Shield lake country it is within an hour drive to the east. Winnipeg and Grand Beach (you have to see it to believe it) is 80 km to the north.
Link: http://www.grand.beach.mb.ca/thebeach.html

Winnipeg and Manitoba are pretty good places to live. Being from Manitoba I find that Manitobans themselves are the absolute worst Ambassadors for their own province. If all you do is moan and drip about how bad it is then the rest of the country is going to think the same thing.

Happy postings!
3Green, consider your subsequent postings.  As a pipeliner, you're looking at two flying tours before a potential ground tour.  If you start off in Winnipeg, your second trash-hauling flying tour will likely be somewhere else.  However, you could continue with Air Mobility in Trenton through several flying and ground tours.  How does moving around fit into your plans?  Priorities do change over time.

Personally, I prefer Winnipeg over Trenton.  Wpg has excellent shopping, entertainment and recreation but you do have further to go to the next city.  Manitoba's sunny days and "dry cold" are also better than Ontario's "hot and humid" pollution and daily "fecal count" beach closures.  Given the choice, I'd go to... Comox.
I was with 440 Sqn, Edmonton and then moved to Winnipeg..posted to 435 Sqn during their upheaval.

I also worked in 402 as a reserve after I left the reg force.

My opinion, winnipeg sucks.

If you like motorcycles, don't come here. Insurance is outrageous. They run a system where you pay for a year, no rebate if you cancel, even though we only have 4 good riding months. If you ride a bike over 1000cc and declare it's value at less than $1000 (basically, you get nothing if you write it off) you'll be lucky to get insurance for less than $1500.

Property taxes are nuts. I moved from a house in Gibbons, north of Edmonton to Winnipeg. Smaller cheaper house, double the taxes.

As far as teh squadrons go, I don't have an informed opinion these days, it's been too long. I know I hate the long cold winters and short wet summers, I miss being able to insure and ride my bike on a whim.

Housing is fair though, but rising at a sickening pace. There are jobs here for dependents as well. For me, it's quality of life. I'm getting back in and it looks like i'm heading to Borden.
My opinnion of the town of Trenton is rapidly deterriorating. I like the base and my job but there really are some trashy people in this town.
Thanks for all the good input. I may not have any choice in the matter, but it seems of late that people are fortunate enough to have a chance of getting what they ask for out of Portage. Comox, close to where I grew up, is MY first choice in terms of community to live in. But the "fries with that?" economy there isn't very conducive to the "happy wife = happy life" equation. I have lived in the 'Peg on OJT, I know what to expect there. My only memory of Trenton was CAPSS but I can see the smaller community has its draw backs. Thanks again.
I know I'm resurrecting an old topic, but...

As a Nav (I know we're getting the J Hercs...bear with me!) could it be possible to get posted to Trenton and spend all your postings (or at least 1 posting per sqn) based out of there?  I don't suppose we're getting the J's all at the same time now, are we?  Does it/has it happened before?
The answer to your question is not quite so cut and dried.  If current fleet allocations and postings were to remain - you could very well spend multiple tours in Trenton with "postings down the hall".

The J Model Hercules is slated to take on and replace the current E/H mix that is conducting TAL operations.  The only TAL squadron in the CF is 436 Sqn - 435 does cross-train in TAL yet will most likely not continue to do this when a mixed fleet is thrown in the works. 

Along with 424 Sqn in Trenton; 435 Sqn (Winnipeg) and 413 Sqn (Greenwood) currently fly Hercs in the FWSAR role - they will not be getting J's.  They will continue to fly the low-time H models while waiting for the FWSAR replacement aircraft to arrive (circa 2015).  Herc navigators could expect postings to bounce between those squadrons once the J-models arrive in YTR.

FWSAR is not expected to employ Navigators either - possible some sort of sensor operator.

I would like to revive this thread a little bit, as I would like some insight as well... as much as I can get.

I'm graduating in six months, approaching the time to submit OJT posting preferences (I'm a pilot-awaiting-training). At this point, I'm torn between Trenton and Winnipeg. My interest is heavily in the multi-engine transport world.

I'm looking for as much information as I can get about both the bases and the cities (in the case of CFB Trenton, information on Belleville living would be appreciated). How is the work environment on either of the bases, at any of the squadrons, career opportunities at each base, atmosphere, quality of living in each city, etc. Where shall a young 2Lt have a more fruitful OJT experience?

And, of course, the ultimate question: which would you choose, and why?

Any and all information would be highly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.