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Will you vote NDP in the next election?

Like Military intelligence

Vote NDP

To the original poster:

Given the nature of this particular board, I'm not sure what reaction you expected to your question (actually - I AM sure of the reaction you're getting, I'm NOT sure of your motivation for positing the question here).  Nor do I expect you'll find a true cross-section of Canadian thought here - were you perhaps baiting the membership for silly/over the top quotes?

I'm not accusing you of such intentions - just inviting you to clarify your reasoning for posting this particular question on this particular board.
I'd vote for them in a provincial election but never in a federal election I'd leave that for parties that actually understand the consequences of their actions
Well, I had read this article and it made me think back to a history paper I had wrote in University about the occupation of the Soviets and their contribution to the rise of the Taliban etc etc. As many people have already stated in this particular forum topic, Layton is mearly stating something that is an uneducated common view of people who like to quote things to support their views and sound smart, but really have no idea what they're talking about(if this makes any sense in itself). I am new to this forum, so I wasn't sure about the type of reception I would recive from a posting such as this one. I was however interested to see if there are any NDP supporters on this forum and if there were, what they think about his latest comments. And in the highly-likely event that nobody supports him, if his statements in their minds have any legality in the least (which has already been stated as having absolutely none) (side-note: just like everything else he says).
God56 said:
I'd vote for them in a provincial election but never in a federal election I'd leave that for parties that actually understand the consequences of their actions

They didn't understand the consequences of their actions in Ontario, so voting for them in a Provincial election makes about as much sense a voting for them in a national election. (Even voting for "left leaning" candidates in Municipal elections will provide you the same results up close and personal.....)

From personal observation, there seems to be only a small pool of NDP candidates (thank goodness), since I see the same names at every election; municipal, provincial and national. I guess if they run in every possible election every time they will eventually get lucky.
Vote NDP - Now why would I do a dumb thing like that?
Well for the exception of Peter Stoffer, who happens to be my representative and the only MP who actually gives a crap about veteran's issues, I don't have any time for the NDP, but Peter has my vote because I know I can keep him on the hill and fighting for me, without realistically having an NDP PM. I just wish opposition MPs could be cabinet ministers because I feel Peter would do what was required with the Veterans Affairs portfolio.
Thucydides said:
They didn't understand the consequences of their actions in Ontario, so voting for them in a Provincial election makes about as much sense a voting for them in a national election. (Even voting for "left leaning" candidates in Municipal elections will provide you the same results up close and personal.....)

Well then I guess there really is no wining only who can lose the least.
I can't imagine voting for a communist party, no matter what they're called.
no. i'd like a party between conservative and liberal.
uzi said:
no. i'd like a party between conservative and liberal.

Ya they're called independents. There's really nothing between conservative and liberal in Canada, they're so similar, sometimes the only way to really distinguish between the two is by their leaders.

Sheesh.  Google Socialist International...  never mind... look here http://www.socialistinternational.org/maps/english/northa.htm

Socialism is such a huge success globally that we should leap right in.  Riiight.  Long live the wasted vote.
Being from Sask, I have voted NDP in provincial elections. But never ever have I, nor would I, vote NDP in a federal election.
I'm laughing to hard to answer still...NDP= Not Destined for Power.

Although it seems pretty clear "we" will not be giving them our vote, it is also clear there is a three or more way split happening in the left wing of Canadian politics.

The Liberals have been steering hard to the left under Mr. Dion, and seem mystified to discover there are already political parties for that demographic. The Liberals themselves are split between the Chretien and Martin factions, although they seemed more centerist under Chretien. The NDP themselves see the Greens as a rival, and in Quebec, the BQ combine "Nationalism" with "Socialism" (and we all know how well that combination works). Of course there is also that one per cent of the vote the Marxist Leninist and Communist parties fight so vigorously to capture.

In practical terms, if the NDP can take advantage of the collapsing fortunes of the Liberals, while checking the Greens into the wall, they might actually emerge as either the official opposition, or the "king-makers" under some sort of minority or coalition government, similar to what they did to the Martin government. (Indeed it is rather mind boggling they don't make such a proposal now; the GG has the right to ask Mr Dion to form a coalition government without calling an election since they do have the combined number of seats to govern. This was the crux of the "King-Byng" back in 1926).

I don't think that this state of affairs will remain stable, nor do I think the split in the Left will translate into a Conservative majority government given 2/3 of Canadian voters will vote for left wing parties over the Conservatives. The Liberals may trigger an early election before they are seen to be irrelevant, and indeed given the hemorrhage of votes and funding may need to before too many of their supporters decide the NDP or Greens are the "real thing" and go there. The NDP may want the Liberals to limp along, so whoever succeeds Mr. Dion will have nothing left to rebuild. The Greens might be making a similar calculation. The Bloc have different interests, but their challenge is the revival of the Conservative Party in Quebec. What scenario is best for them is hard for me to imagine.
