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will i make it for the summer?

I‘m going to try and answer this best I can.

If you‘re in reserves, whether or not you make it for this summer is based on a variety of factors. Whether or not your unit has enough spaces for you in this summer‘s basic (depending on where the people from your unit are going,) and how early on you did your tests and handed in your application. (you could get lucky-like I did- but you could also get unlucky and get bumped to a later course like fall BMQ if your unit has it, or next summer.)

Also, if you have any complications with your medical or sec clearance or whatever, that will obviously take longer and you may be out of luck.

Reserve basic (BMQ and SQ)summer courses generally start near the beginning of summer (late june, early july) as mentioned earlier.

If you‘re going regF, I‘m not going to attempt to answer since I‘m not reg, but from what I‘ve heard, BMQ courses start almost every week.

Hope that helps somewhat.
Pte. Bloggins is right on the money. Everyone‘s application process is different, as everyone‘s personal circumstances are different. The fact that you haven‘t even done your medical or PT test yet is not a very good indication (at this point) to be processed quick enough. However, this is the military and who knows for sure. The medical stuff is what (in my opinion) takes the longest. They are short staffed there (as always)and every single applicant must pass through those pearly white doors in Borden before anything else. So I wouldn‘t get my hopes up. but stanger things have happend. Plan on the weekend BMQ in the fall (if you get in in the summer) bonus!!! Good Luck!
My BMQ will be starting June 28th, that is if I make it. Which I hopefully will.
Mike M., you should be ok if all is completed and sent out. The Medical Dept. will mark you file as urgent (they mostly all are) and hopefully they will get it back ASAP. If it is down to the wire the recruiting center can alway call borden to get the results and then proceed with your application as if they have your docs. I guess you will be sent to your unit for enrollment and then "deployment" for the summer..Good Luck!
Sweet, thanks for the info!

My unit said I would make it as long as I don‘t fail any of the tests, and I‘ve already passed the CFAT and PT, doing the interview and Medical this week, and I‘m pretty much as healthy as you can get.

So hopefully all goes well!
when i was going through the process, the recruiter for my Regiment put a hasten on my file, that was stalled in Borden. Im not exactly sure what all that means, but my file showed up in a week or so and I managed to get on course with 2 days to spare. You may want to ask about it if the opprotunity arrises. Mabye someone here will know more about this..?
Space, call your recruiter. I believe the application deadline for summer training in the GTA was May 14. As long as you had your application in by the deadline and you don‘t encounter any setbacks (med, interview, security), you should make it.
The problem is that my MED is on June 4th, and the MED processing takes 3-4 weeks at the least which means my interview might on July. By then, its too late to make it to BMQ.
Its a month until BMQ and I call my unit almost once a week, and they tell me I‘m good to go, but still haven‘t called to hire me, I‘m getting worried but I feel annoying calling so much.

I‘ve found and been able to clear up mistakes in my application by calling, so just call and check up everynow and then on your files once there all copmlete.
I called the infamous "Processing Department 2", whatever that is. The lady behind the phone told me when my MED is and how my chances for the summer is slim. She said that word, slim. :(
BMQ starts :June 28
Last day to be sworn in: June 26

I thought the interview was going to be hard but it was the easiest part. Anyways, my medical is now on June 7. Anyone else doing their medical around that day?
3-4 weeks for medical is that correct? I called last week (3 weeks later) and they still haven't gotten it back, so anytime now I hope? i'll call again this Wednesday. Do you think i'll make it for basic this summer then? I've completed everything already.The waiting is killing me. :salute:
it has been about three weeks for me to, i am going to call tomorrow, hopefully i get sworn in soon?
I have my physical and my interview tomorrow..
I was told that if i passed theni would make it to bmq
does anyone know where it is this year?
Im from Niagara Falls,applying for the Lincoln and Welland Regiment, reserve infantry  and as far i know if i get my acceptance i'll be going to Meaford for the summer.Mckibbon where are you from?
Please read the new topic I just posted called "Army Reserve Recruiting Trial". It should clear up a lot of your questions.
Interesting reading... sounds like some others in my shoes... but much earlier than me!

I just opened my file today at London, and have my test/medical/interview booked for this tue... she said if the medical turns out fine i will be booked thursday for my fitness test.

whats everyone talking about 3-4 weeks for a medical?  they said 2 days.

im really cutting it close here arn't i? :D  :evil: