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Teflon said:
but I hear his tears cure cancer!

Yeah well, Chuck Norris can divide by zero.

I dont like Obama. On the other hand, i'm a big fan of Obama girl.
you know what sucks even more than the obama hype and the people that love and adore him?

the people that b*tch, whine and complain about the obama hype.

because IMHO one is based on love and admiration(positives) and the other is based on hate and jealousy (negatives).

It's the mindlessness of the whole thing.

When he's done something worthy of admiration, then he'll have some from me.

So far, he's done nothing but talk his way into the job. Fancy speeches, style-over-substance, and that's it.

Those of us who have been on this planet have seen this before. It ends the same way.

In this case, the US will be left weaker than before - financially, militarily, and by any other measure.

There are still ongoing court cases challenging his constitutional eligibility for the position based upon his actual place of birth and true citizenship.

I am neither impressed by him nor by his fans.
Loachman said:
There are still ongoing court cases challenging his constitutional eligibility for the position based upon his actual place of birth and true citizenship.

I was under the impression that he was born in Hawaii and I am fairly certain he is a U.S citizen. Is there something I missed? I ask only out of curiosity, not to stir the pot.
Gramps said:
I was under the impression that he was born in Hawaii and I am fairly certain he is a U.S citizen. Is there something I missed? I ask only out of curiosity, not to stir the pot.

He has, from what I understand, produced a computer-generated "Certificate of Live Birth" from Hawaii, which is apparently not the same as an actual birth certificate and does not state where he was born. Nobody has seen his actual birth certificate. There is some evidence that he was born in Kenya, and that he was subsequently adopted by an Indonesian father, which would have negated any US citizenship that he may or may not have had prior to that.

I am not a close follower of this, and with the US MSM being completely under his thrall, there has been little out in the open. If/when I find some time I`ll dig for some of the stuff that I've come across while looking for other things.
logairoff said:
and the other is based on hate and jealousy (negatives).

How did you arrive at the conclusion that i was hateful and jealous ?
Loachman said:
It's the mindlessness of the whole thing.

When he's done something worthy of admiration, then he'll have some from me.

So far, he's done nothing but talk his way into the job. Fancy speeches, style-over-substance, and that's it.

Those of us who have been on this planet have seen this before. It ends the same way.

In this case, the US will be left weaker than before - financially, militarily, and by any other measure.

There are still ongoing court cases challenging his constitutional eligibility for the position based upon his actual place of birth and true citizenship.

I am neither impressed by him nor by his fans.

I, too, am going to maintain a wait-and-see-attitude.

Where I work, many people are "over the moon" for him--and me and my big mouth--I related to one head of my department that I'm not about to deify someone because of the colour of their skin.  Interesting, their response to me: I'm being obtuse because I'm not recognizing the historical significance of a person of colour being at the helm of the most powerful nation in the world.

But I do recognize the significance; I just refuse to attribute his success as a president to his colour of skin. His success will need to be earned; it's too soon to judge.

I'm still laughing! In this institution which supposedly examines and upholds all the latest, cutting-edge theories about Human Rights and Equity, one of the newest human rights concepts that's being examined is the concept of "exoticization." That's when an individual  invests certain attributes to someone based solely on, say, the colour of their skin or their religion or one of the other protected groups like ethnicity. For example, if as a white women, I wanted to have sex with a person whose skin colour is black; I would be violating that persons rights by exoticization of their sexuality. Or for example, if someone goes into ecstatic raptures because a new president of the United States is a person of colour.

On the other hand, I was glad President Obama visited Canada first. It bothers me that so many Canadians bad-mouth our neighbours to the south and while no neighbour is perfect, I think Canada could do a lot worse. So, anything that might improve Canadian perception of our southern neighbours is something I welcome. The Canadian pacifist-isolationist mentality is naive.

I also think it's more important that ever for Canada and the USA to work together on security threats. I think, as a civivie, relying on MSM and someone who occaisonally translates al-Qaeda sponsored websites as a hobby (and turns anything of significance over to the police), that the islammo-fascist's would love to divide and conquer the Americas and disintegrate and dissipate our security alliances and collective military power. Divide-and-conquer may be an old military/political strategy but IMHO the threat is growing.

Edit: spelling
logairoff said:
you know what sucks even more than the obama hype and the people that love and adore him?

the people that b*tch, whine and complain about the obama hype.

because IMHO one is based on love and admiration(positives) and the other is based on hate and jealousy (negatives).

My personal disdain for the Obamamania comes from the fact that he HASN'T DONE ANYTHING YET.  Yet he is adored as though he is the eternal saviour.  I neither hate nor envy the man.  I just find it ridiculous that he's been overblown as some sort of be all and end all for humanity.  Yes, it was historic that a black man has become president of the United States.  However, life goes on and now he has to prove himself.  Just like any other new president.  Time will tell just how "great" a man he is.

CDN Aviator said:
How did you arrive at the conclusion that i was hateful and jealous ?


Neon lights, a nobel prize
The mirror speaks, the reflection lies
You dont have to follow me
Only you can set me free
I sell the things you need to be
Im the smiling face on your t.v.
Im the cult of personality
I exploit you still you love me
I tell you one and one makes three
Im the cult of personality
Like joseph stalin and gandi
Im the cult of personality
Cult of personality
Cult of personality

Cult of Personalty-Living Colour
so we have nothing negative or scandalous to throw out against the guy(other than the crazy birth certificate conspiracy theorists...who btw are just sad) and we say well lets not let that bother us...lets take his strength(personality and speaking abilities) and b*tch and whine about how thats so bad.

this really is sad and is the height of paranoia.

to the people that hate the fact he's gettting the love without actually doing anything and want to wait and judge him after he does something. Well all I can say is I cant agree with you more but lets not turn that diligence into hate for the people that love him for no other reason than the fact that he's black and he's a role model for their children. This is considering all the accomplishments and all the crap he's had to go through to even have a chance to run for president.

It's also not true when people say he hasn't done anything yet because he has. The tables we're stacked against him yet he was able to become president and that is no small thing even if you were an old white dude that didnt have the middle name hussein. What this guy was able to do makes him a role model and people admire him for those accomplishments and if you can't see that or if you refuse to acknowledge that then I cant help you.
Thanks awfully, but I don't recall anyone here asking for your help.
Oh, and by the way, 'paranoia'?  I don't think that word means what you think it means.
well I will just define it for you then or just let you tell me what I'm thinking since you seem to know what I'm thinking.

Paranoia: http://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&q=define%3A+paranoia&meta=

-a disease-like state, characterized mainly with abnormal suspiciousness and crazy ideas

-Suspicion of others that is not based on fact.

-an irrational suspiciousness or distrust of others.

logairoff said:
this really is sad and is the height of paranoia. 

No, its the height of having been around long enough to know better than to idolize someone before they prove their worth. Obama hasnt done that yet, the jury's still out.

to the people that hate the fact he's gettting the love without actually doing anything and want to wait and judge him after he does something. Well all I can say is I cant agree with you more but lets not turn that diligence into hate for the people that love him for no other reason than the fact that he's black and he's a role model for their children. This is considering all the accomplishments and all the crap he's had to go through to even have a chance to run for president.

It's also not true when people say he hasn't done anything yet because he has.

What has he done ? Has the economy recover by miracle ? Are americans all of a sudden not losing their jobs and their homes ?

He's had to out up with crap ? Give me a break !
logairoff said:
well I will just define it for you then or just let you tell me what I'm thinking since you seem to know what I'm thinking.

Paranoia: http://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&q=define%3A+paranoia&meta=

-a disease-like state, characterized mainly with abnormal suspiciousness and crazy ideas

-Suspicion of others that is not based on fact.

-an irrational suspiciousness or distrust of others.

Please, point out to me where anyone has stated they were suspicious of the man himself?  If you are referring to the whole birth certificate thing - well - I would HOPE, that during Obama's vetting process he would have had some sort of security clearances done to confirm his citizenship.  To me, that point is moot anyway.

logairoff said:
to the people that hate the fact he's gettting the love without actually doing anything and want to wait and judge him after he does something. Well all I can say is I cant agree with you more but lets not turn that diligence into hate for the people that love him for no other reason than the fact that he's black and he's a role model for their children. This is considering all the accomplishments and all the crap he's had to go through to even have a chance to run for president.

It's also not true when people say he hasn't done anything yet because he has. The tables we're stacked against him yet he was able to become president and that is no small thing even if you were an old white dude that didnt have the middle name hussein. What this guy was able to do makes him a role model and people admire him for those accomplishments and if you can't see that or if you refuse to acknowledge that then I cant help you.

Yes, he's a role model.  That's fantastic.  However, I do not see a point in worshipping a man based on the colour of his skin.  Like you said, becoming president is no small thing no matter what your race is.  Now that the man is president, it behooves us to sit back and wait to see how he fares.  It's not a judgement based on his skin colour - it's a judgement based on the fact that he's NEW.  Because let's face it.  He may have the best of intentions, but he could still screw things up royally.

Worshiping or bestowing glee upon someone because of skin colour is just as racist as downtrodding or hating someone because of skin colour....................I refuse to be racist, therefore I wait to see what kind of job the MAN does, not the black man.

logairoff, you can be as racist as you want to be.
CDN Aviator said:
You asked for the responses you are getting....dont act like a fucking saint because you dont like them.

Yes, this!
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