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Who'll be the next CDS? Speculation here, please!!

He's on TV right now but I think I missed what he said about staying or leaving.
Hillier says he has no plans to leave his post
Updated Wed. Oct. 3 2007 2:32 PM ET CTV.ca News Staff
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Chief of Defence Staff Gen. Rick Hillier says he's 100 per cent focused on his job, has no plans to leave his post at this time and he's received no word the government is planning to end his term.
CTV News reported Tuesday night that the Conservative government won't extend the charismatic top general's three-year term when it comes up for renewal in February.

"Truthfully, I look at it this way," Hillier told reporters after a luncheon in Ottawa on Wednesday.

"I'm the chief of defence staff. We're into a pretty intense period of operations in our country right now, and for me to be focused on anything but looking after Canada's sons and daughters and meeting my responsibility to Canada's moms and dads, would be wrong. So I'm 100 per cent focused on that."

He pointed out that his position is not subject to a three-year term. Instead, he serves at the pleasure of the prime minister for as long as both parties feel it is appropriate.

Traditionally, however, that period is about three years.

"There is no fixed term that goes with that whatsoever, and so at some point in time the prime minister will ask me, or I will indicate to him the time has come, and that time will come sometime in the future," Hillier said.

"I indicated when I took the appointment I would serve at the pleasure of the government, and that continues."

He downplayed the suggestion that leaving his post now would endanger the mission to Afghanistan.

"No, I don't put it in those terms whatsoever," Hillier said.

"Because whether it's Afghanistan, whether it's Afghanistan continuing or whether it's other missions, the Canadian forces will always be involved in missions and I won't be the chief of defence staff always, obviously, so right now I'm focused 100 per cent on my job."

Earlier in the day, Defence Minister Peter MacKay said any talk of the Conservative government replacing Hillier is just speculation.

"There's no basis to this discussion. We're at war with respect to terrorism. Gen. Hillier has shown great leadership and we have tremendous confidence in his ability," MacKay told reporters in Halifax on Wednesday.

"He serves at the pleasure of the prime minister, and the prime minister is pleased with the work he is doing."

However, Hillier may have personally decided not to stay on as the Armed Forces' chief of defence staff when his term expires.

Robert Fife, CTV's Ottawa bureau chief who broke the story, said a source told him late Tuesday that Hillier had decided against an extension to his term.

"We'll see if that in fact is the case. All his office will say is that his reappointment is the prerogative of the prime minister," Fife told Canada AM on Wednesday.

Hillier, appointed by the previous Liberal government in 2005, denied he is seeking a position in the private sector.

He attended a private farewell ceremony on Tuesday for former defence minister Gordon O'Connor -- a ceremony for which Hillier turned up late.
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That should be the end of it. This was a story made up by the MSM who were likely having a slow news day. The PM, the MND and the General himself has said there is no plan for replacement....sounds like a wrap to me...next item?
That should be the end of it. This was a story made up by the MSM who were likely having a slow news day. The PM, the MND and the General himself has said there is no plan for replacement.

Don't know if I'd go as far as saying it was "made up" - it would be interesting to see who TOLD the MSM about this.  When I was a reporter, I would have to be pretty damned sure the source was credible before I'd stick my neck out with something like this (especially if I couldn't say who told me).

Yer bang on, though, about "move along, nothing to see here".....
Hunteroffortune said:
Do we seriously believe a rumour? From what I have seen, the media likes to make problems where none exist. Is Dion in trouble? Media changes the tune. HUMMM Could this be a planned story to divide the public? It isn't ONLY Hillier who has made the military proud again, he couldn't do it with the Liberals, they did nothing for the military over 13 years. It took the Conservatives to support the military, before he got results. Remember that one fact.

I think the media is making much out of nothing, shame on them. Maybe Hillier wants to become an MP? Or, he might actually want to retire. Rumours.....wait and see.

AHEM, can I get one of my demotes removed now that I have been proven to be right? Just asking.  ;D
All I can say is that the PM and the government would have nothing to gain by dumping General Hillier.  The CDS is very popular amongst those who would vote Tory, so this does not make much political sense.  I have heard though that the current Clerk of the Privy Council is not a big fan of the CDS.  Could this be where his "trial baloon" came from?
Otto Fest said:
Who the hell is this Privy Council Clerk guy?!? I'm a clerk - pick me!

But in a rare press conference at the National Press Theatre in Ottawa on Wednesday, Harper called Hillier an "outstanding soldier, who is bringing strong leadership for the Canadian forces."

"There has been no discussion in my office or with me with any senior officials about the possibility of changing the Chief of Defence Staff," said Harper.

He added, "As a matter of fact, I think I just approved a pretty good rating for (him)."

Robert Fife, CTV's Ottawa bureau chief who broke the story, told CTV Newsnet after Harper's press conference that the prime minister left the fate of Hillier's future ambiguous.

"He did offer great support for (Hillier), but he also said no decision had been made on whether his term is going to be extended," said Fife.

Sorry, I can't figure out the hyperlink thingy, so here is the link, raw.  :eek:

As clear as PM Harper was, the media still tries to spin it. Enough of this fake made up media story.

According to that story this morning this is a story that Robert Fife is still trying to keep alive. He heard it from a source whom he deems reliable and now that it doesn't seem to have traction he can't seem to let it go. Even after the PM said it was not in the cards this guy continues to bandy speculation around. why doesn't he just move on there is no story here yet?
Otto Fest said:
Who the hell is this Privy Council Clerk guy?!? I'm a clerk - pick me!

Read this thread.

My (personal, but very limited) knowledge of the Clerk, Kevin Lynch, coupled with everything I have heard/read about him says that he doesn't leak or trade in rumours. My guess is that if the Clerk wanted Hillier out he would be gone. Lynch has more power over DND and the CF than Hillier or even Hillier and MacKay combined.

Gen. Hillier is approaching the three year mark. Most Chiefs have served about three years. The job is a pressure cooker - even for a tough guy like Hillier. Plus, every large organization suffers if it does not refresh its leadership on a regular basis. The time for a change is approaching. Despite the many, many good things Gen Hillier has done and is doing, a change will, probably, be good - it will bring a fresh perspective and may address some of the problems which Gen Hillier has failed to solve or, as in the case of top level organizational superstructure, which he has exacerbated.

Looking at the source:


Wednesday, October 3, 2007
CTV's Robert Fife drums up the wrong facts?

It has been quite some time since Robert Fife broke a political news story. Likely because in past Liberal governments, inside info was extremely easy to come across; a trend we see continuing in the Liberal Party today.

With the Conservative government's tight hold on messaging resulting in less leaks to media, is Robert's lust for breaking news leading him to see things that aren't there?

Robert Fife hit the airwaves last night with a tale from an anonymous source that the Government had decided to replace General Hillier as the Chief of Defence Staff (CDS), and would not be renewing his term appointment.

Today, first Defence Minister Peter MacKay, then Prime Minister Stephen Harper, shot down Fife's erroneous report. Both added that the service provided by General Hillier, in his role as leader of the Canadian Armed Forces, has been top-notch.

"There has been no discussion in my office or with me with any senior officials about the possibility of changing the Chief of Defence Staff," said Harper.

And it should be pointed out that being the Chief of Defence Staff does not come with a set "term". The CDS serves at the pleasure of the Prime Minister, so there is no term to extend or end anyway.

So not only has the PM not been planning to evict Hillier from his job, the subject hasn't even come up for discussion. That is because the government, and most Canadians, realize that the General has been doing a great job. And as the Prime Minister stated, "As a matter of fact, I think I just approved a pretty good rating for (him)."

In the end, it would appear that Fife's source was seriously misinformed, and Robert could lose a great deal of credibility.

Or, is there a chance that he was purposely fed that information, so the resulting story could tell the "my way or the highway" general that he had better start toeing the government line, or he could easily be replaced?

Naahh, who could be that politically devious?
"Or, is there a chance that he was purposely fed that information, so the resulting story could tell the "my way or the highway" general that he had better start toeing the government line, or he could easily be replaced "

Knowing Gen. Hillier he would tell them to shove the job up their arse then.
Upon re-reading this thread closely, I see:

Robert Fife, CTV's Ottawa bureau chief who broke the story, said a source told him late Tuesday that Hillier had decided against an extension to his term.

Which is quite different from the original:

Chief of Defence Staff Gen. Rick Hillier is expected to be replaced as top military commander when his three-year term expires in February, Conservative insiders have told CTV.

Fife is speculating about what Hillier is thinking.  Sure he may step down.  He may not.  In either case, next February Fife can honestly say Hillier or Harper must've had a change of heart.

Nice spin.

Or maybe there is no source and he just making it up? Fife apparently is no fan of the CDS so maybe he is just starting rumours. Who would his source be that would have knowlage in what the PM intends to do with his CDS? I think not many people would know that information.
Looking for opinions of the CF's reaction to A Gen. Hillier who is asked to step-down before his tenure is up. Now if his tenure is up or he decides to retire, that's fine. But an ex-NCM who was in one of my politics classes, and who I'll leave anonymous, fronted the idea that if our beloved current CDS were asked to step down over political squabbling in Ottawa, CF members would revolt! I'm sure that's not the word he used, and I'm sure he didn't imply coup d'etat. But you get the idea; our reaction would be vocal and disruptive.

Now assuming coup d'etat to be the EXTREME end of the spectrum of possible reactions, what do any of you think the reaction of the CF would be to a popular and successful CDS being deposed by scared politicians?
Nothing...adapt to change and continue mission! The Canadian way

I really take offense to this post from NCdt Lumber. Not trying to incite anything but its totally crap! I am a professional and a loyal Canadian and if this kind of post is on here . Please delete my account.

This is insult to all members of the CF and this website.
I don't think it's been posted, so...

The Globe and Mail (the poll itself is on the main page, halfway down on the right) has a poll asking if you think Gen Hillier is doing a good job.

Now, the results are favouring the 'no' side.  That in itself doesn't surprise me.  However, the ratio of 'no' to 'yes' does surprise me and IMHO gives a pretty good indication of just how misguided the general public is when it comes to CF affairs. At the time I'm writing this there have been almost 17,000 votes with 77% voting no.  Uh huh.