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Who'll be the next CDS? Speculation here, please!!

MarkOttawa said:
It seems to me that Gen. Natynczyk's role in Iraq might make him rather controversial politically, and amongst our punditry and certain academics.  I think it would take real guts for the Conservatives to appoint him; the Liberals surely would not.

There was a little bit of contreversy about his deployment to Iraq ..... but he received formal blessing from both the Conservatives AND the Liberals under Jean Chrétien.  So, while Mr Dion may toady to old Jean and diss Paul Martin's actions & decisions, there wouldn't be much grounds to diss Gen Natynczyk's nomination.
Our next CDS, if from the Army, should be a Battlegroup Commander from Bosnia - or an Air Wing Commander from same era.  Our recalled from ADM MAT - Gen Ross.

And he should have brass knuckles.

But don't all roads to the future run through Dwyer Hill? Or Halifax or Winnipeg?

Sort of a pipe dream to forget the other branches of the service.

geo: I'm afraid you're applying logic to politics and punditry ;D!

As for certain academics and experts:

Applying logic to politics?.... OOPSIE!  SORRY!  What was I thinking?

regardless, excluding my area commander who oft accepts my opinion (written & with full supporting references), no one pays me much heed.
I don't know who will be chosen to replace him, but they will have a hard time filling his shoes.
sigtech said:
Guess we will have to wait out and see what comes of this,
Here's my prediction
A Lieutenant General will replace General Hillier as CDS.

Remember, you heard it here first.

EDITED to fix my loss of knowledge of the rank structure.  Time for me to head back and redo that OPME!!!
A Major General overshooting LGenerals? That is unlikely, but in this day and age, one never knows.
OldSolduer said:
A Major General overshooting LGenerals? That is unlikely, but in this day and age, one never knows.

OK, my error.  A LGen! 

(Anyone got a towel? I have egg all over my face!)
(PS: thanks for that)
There are several prominent candidates.  LGen Natynczyk would top my list.  LGen Leslie is too Army Centric to appeal to the other Elements.  Politically, it would likely be a Naval or Air candidate for CDS.  
I agree that LGen Natynczyk would be the ideal candidate for CDS, but is there anything fundamentally wrong with being army-centric like LGen Leslie? Didn't many people think the same of Gen Hillier when he got the job?
Don't count out LGen Gauthier.

One principle this government, for partisan political reasons, might not want to bend is "alternate Anglophone/Francophone."

Not up on names, but I worry about statements attributed to the incumbent to the effect of, "General Hillier directed that no soldier injured in Afghanistan is to be released from the military without his express authority."

No matter who comes in next, I'd like to see a clear, unequivocal re-iteration of such a policy - anything less, sadly, can always be used to make things happen VERY differently.

E.R. Campbell said:
One principle this government, for partisan political reasons, might not want to bend is "alternate Anglophone/Francophone."

Esp. with the minority political machine seeking more Quebec support...
HighlandIslander said:
I agree that LGen Natynczyk would be the ideal candidate for CDS, but is there anything fundamentally wrong with being army-centric like LGen Leslie? Didn't many people think the same of Gen Hillier when he got the job?

Leslie if is too political, too Army Centric; more-so than General Hillier ever was.  General Hillier had a fairly evenly rounded approach to all elements.  Leslie not.  Leslie would also kill the Reserves, not that they aren't already in dire straits now under him.
George Wallace said:
Leslie would also kill the Reserves, not that they aren't already in dire straits now under him.

Now that bit I don't like...

Anyone have any idea how the other potential candidates would deal with that issue?
We may have to give the Government some time to gauge their thoughts and will.  Will they go for a "Change of Elements" (Air or Sea) or not?  Bilingualism is a nonstarter, as all General Officers are expected to be bilingual, the same as Senior Civil Servants.
You would think the CDS would have had the courtesy to give the PM advance notice so it may not be all that long before an answer is forthcoming.
garb811 said:
You would think the CDS would have had the courtesy to give the PM advance notice so it may not be all that long before an answer is forthcoming.

From another topic:  http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/72963/post-701111.html#msg701111   
I'm hearing one name coming through the static as a replacement: Walt Natynczyk.  For what it's worth...