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Who killed the Canadian Military?


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Here is a book that i just recently finished reading, Its called "who killed the canadian Military" By J.L. Granastein.

The book talks about where we came from to where we are today and how we got their.
A very good book!!!
Who killed the Canadian Military?
J.L. Granatstein

I haven‘t started reading it yet, looks good.
JL Granatstein is a great Canadian historian so I don‘t suppose youre going to be disappointed. Tell us how it is once you‘re done.
David Bercuson wrote a good one called Significant Incident. It is about Somalia, but much of the book talks about military tradition and its evolution in Canada. I can‘t say how good the Somalia parts are, but the rest of the historical background is quite good.
The Canadian Military Would be the best in the world if the gov. wouldnt havent gotten rid of the Arrow . It was the best jet ever invented.
Correction....best at the time ;)

Granatstein is an exceptional author and a great historian that writes his history so the average Canadian will get some enjoyment out of the work; unlike many other academic historians. Another good book that he authored a few years ago was "Who Killed Canadian History?". He‘s also been involved in a few studies on the future of the Armed Forces in Canada and writes extensivly on Canadian military history.
Originally posted by O‘Hara:
[qb] The Canadian Military Would be the best in the world if the gov. wouldnt havent gotten rid of the Arrow . It was the best jet ever invented. [/qb]
I went to a Dr. Granatstein talk a few nights ago. He certainly would not agree with you. It was a good jet and one of the best of its day.

His opinion was that cancelling the Arrow project was the right decision for many reasons. It was too expensive (approaching 48 times more expensive than the equivalent US jet according to his book), we had no other buyers, and the US was building equivalent jets. The UK made similar decisions to us and cancelled their domestic projects.

Granatstein did say that the cancellation was very poorly executed. He claims that prideful nationalism, coupled with anti-americanism created a military icon for a pacifist nation.
There are quite a few well versed authors/historians that would disagree with Granatstein upon the fate of the Avro Arrow and it symbolic importance to Canadians. But this is what keeps the discipline of history alive. Such well read authors include, Palmiro Campagna who wrote two books(just finished his most recent one, very good), Greig Stewart, the Arrowheads and a few others. However, I would stay away from anything written by Peter Zuuring (exhibits alot of bias in my opinion). Just incase anyone wanted to pursue the literature of the arrow any further. But I will end it at that since I realize this is an army website.
My prof for one of my history courses wrote a good rebuttal for Granatstein. I‘m sure it‘s still a good book, but don‘t take anything as gospel that‘s written in those things. One thing I‘ve learned studying history ;)
A book by J.L. Granatstein, a former member of the CF who pretty much points as many fingers as possible and gives his opinion of ‘Who Really Killed The Canadian Military‘. Some really good points throughout the book, others that are just depressing, but a very good read.
Yeah, really good book. I picked it up at the library a couple weeks ago and took it back the next day. Very interesting.
I posted this already, no problem though.

A really good summery of the bad turns that governments and voters (who Granatstein puts blame too) made to allow the Forces get to the state it's  in currently.
Yeah if you could only say one name to blame the state of the Forces on, Trudeau would be in the running for spot #1. The other may be Paul Hellyer.
I really liked the book.   Was very enlightening for myself and clarified quite a few questions I already had, but didn't have the knowledge with which to fill in the blanks.
Limpy said:
Yeah if you could only say one name to blame the state of the Forces on, Trudeau would be in the running for spot #1. The other may be Paul Hellyer.

I met paul hellyer about 2 years ago. very interesting man. I had a very in depth discussion with him on the current status of the canadian military. now he may of been talking like a true politician (ie. out of his rear) but he said he was disgusted at the state of how the military is. who knows, maybe he really meant it.