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White Supremacist Infiltration of Canadian Forces?


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In the past 24 hrs, there has been talk in the media that U.S. white supremacist groups may be infiltrating the Canadian Forces with Canada's CF National Counter-Intelligence Unit being made aware of the situation last year.

A quick search of the keywords will provide some articles.

Threat or media sensationalism?
There was a long front page above-the-fold story in the Ottawa Citizen this morning to that effect. A shorter version appeared in the middle pages of the first section of the National Post. Ditto for site rules.
Mod edited to remove link, taking an "if in doubt, pull it out" approach to sharing links, even indirectly, contrary to site policy.

Milnet.ca Staff
E.R. Campbell said:
Today's Ottawa Citizen, print and online - but site rules prevent me from quoting the article.

FYI in the early 90s, there were similar reports of bikers and neo Nazis in the CF.

In at least one unit there was a neo Nazi.

M2A said:
.... Threat or media sensationalism?
I haven't seen any indication of anyone sharing any copies of the NCIU briefings leading to such stories.  Until I see such documents for context and a bit more detail, I'm only going to say that if we believe the makeup of the CF reflects that of Canadian society, we shouldn't be surprised at similar populations being vulnerable to similar recruitment. 

I'm also not surprised that media might pay more attention to this than with other populations because, like it or not, the CF (like cops) will be held to a higher standard than civilians about such things because of how they have to represent and protect ALL of society while doing their jobs.

I'm also guessing that the CF also has a pretty hard position on racist and/or criminal behaviour while one is subject to the NDA.

So "threat"?  Yes.  Any more than the rest of Canadians?  No.  Are there mechanisms to deal with racist/criminal behaviour should it occur?  Yes.
Ah!  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (mod edited to remove commentary)

Anyway.  Sounds like a "Slow News Day".  That is not new news, as this has been a topic over the last two decades; or longer.  We have had incidents in the news in the past with the Canadian Airborne Regiment hanging Confederate Flags in their Quarters and unit lines.  We have had incidents of CF members having "White Supremacist" tatoos attracting media attention.  This is something that will rear its head from time to time and often has no relevance other than to fill space in some publication that has nothing else to report.
Hang on,.....I'll read it after I get my slippers.........
Edit: Nevermind, I understand the policy is geared towards one person.

I read in an article off that link that this issue has been an issue (my words) with the CF over the years. I'm not so sure the right word is being used.

There's that psychopath in 1997, a 17 year old kid in 2011, 6 guys in 2006.
Considering how many thousands of members we have in the CF, that's not striking me as a huge issue.

Out of everywhere I've been to in Canada and the world, the least amount of racisim I've ever seen has been in the CF.
Read the link mildews.ca milnews.ca provided.

Nuff said

Edited to fix brain fart
As with anything else, the CF is not the ONLY place for the undesirable parts of society to hang out.  There's white supremacists sitting, as students, in classrooms right now across the country.....operating your local grocery store, bank....sitting on city council, etc.  Stating that they take a special interest in the CF is like saying that people who steal money takle a special interest in being accountants. 

There's undesirables everwhere.  Fact of life.  Unless evidence shows that there's something more afoot, like mentioned above.....slow news day.  >:(


Sorry, couldn't resist.

Why can't we embed video anymore?
ObedientiaZelum said:
Out of everywhere I've been to in Canada and the world, the least amount of racisim I've ever seen has been in the CF.

Agreed, however as has been mentioned by people far wiser than I, the public support for the CF is a mile wide and an inch deep.

We cannot afford to have such people in our midst, or even the perception that we are an organization that harbours these people.
Jim Seggie said:
Agreed, however as has been mentioned by people far wiser than I, the public support for the CF is a mile wide and an inch deep.

We cannot afford to have such people in our midst, or even the perception that we are an organization that harbours these people.
I have no doubt that there may be some members of the CF who have undesirable belief systems running rampant in their heads as we are a cross section of Cdn society at large.  Every barrel has a few rotten apples present from time to time.  And I also have no doubt that whenever such a rotten apple is discovered in the barrel it is removed and disposed of properly.  The CF while not perfect goes out of it's way as an organization to ensure to the best of it's ability that it holds itself to a higher standard of conduct than most.  So systemically?  No, I don't buy it for a millisecond.
Should have gotten those journalists out on the water with us the last year we operated Gate Vessels.

With a crew of 35 from HMCS DONNACONA, we covered 17 different nationalities, 14 different languages, four skin colours (oops, make that three: Frank is just a white man with one hell of a tan) and at least two genders ;) .

My "Pakistani-catholic" first officer had no problems dealing with our "Indian-hindu" chief engineer, who was getting along fine with his Polish acting-CERA , who was herself having no difficulty with her Italian trainee B ticket. And so forth down the line.

Those are the stories we need to get out :) .
Oldgateboatdriver said:
Should have gotten those journalists out on the water with us the last year we operated Gate Vessels.

With a crew of 35 from HMCS DONNACONA, we covered 17 different nationalities, 14 different languages, four skin colours (oops, make that three: Frank is just a white man with one hell of a tan) and at least two genders ;) .

My "Pakistani-catholic" first officer had no problems dealing with our "Indian-hindu" chief engineer, who was getting along fine with his Polish acting-CERA , who was herself having no difficulty with her Italian trainee B ticket. And so forth down the line.

Those are the stories we need to get out :) .

Bottom line is that we are all Canadians.  :salute:
I dunno how the heck someone can be in the military and be racist. I like fire team partners regardless of their colour...as long as they can shoot.

I actually seen the most racist things coming out of NDHQ with stupid things like "Asian" month and my favorite aboriginal month. I had comedy with my best friend for a month...."Do you want my dessert ration as it is aboriginal month" "in keeping with aboriginal month I suggest Person X complete the tasking to show pride in his history". 30ish days of grilling.

No one in my combat unit gave a rats ass about race. Aside from tastefully placed jokes among friends the only thing we heard about race was out of NDHQ.