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Which Ship Class is usually the first one to be posted on


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What ship class does most newbee's join when in Reg force MAR ENG MECH? Thanks for the posts in advance
You get to list your preferences when you start your QL3.  When you get closer to the end of the course the career manager crumples up that piece of paper, puts a blindfold on and throws a dart at a list of ships.  You get which ever one the dart hits. lol  ;D  Can be pretty random which ship and which type of ship you get.  Depends on manning and sailing commitments.

In addition to Navy_Blue's comments, you may not even really have a say in what coast you get.  Generally if you want west you'll get west, but if you want east your chances aren't as good. 

As for class of ship, or even specific ship......forget it.  You'll get posted where they need you.  Which will likely be the ship that is leaving for a 6 month trip 3 days after you finish your course.... ;D
But would it be fair to say that the odds strongly favour a CPF, just based on numbers in the fleet?
Okay, I'm way out of my lane here cause' I'm a reserve infantry guy...

But don't we only have 2 classes of ships in our navy?!!? Frigates, and 2 old rusting (no offence, they're pretty old..) destroyers??? And don't we only have the frigates deployed normally and not the destroyers??? What else could you possibly be posted on?

Yes, I know, I'm just an ignorant (as in not knowing) reserve infantry guy but I'm just curious, I thought it would be pretty cut & dry as to what class of ship you'd be posted on...

Thanks for your time
12 CPFs, 3 Destroyers and 2 tankers.

Odds favour a CPF.

Destroyers certainly do deploy, the Athabaskan is currently on NATO and I'm going on the Iroquois in Aug when she replaces Athabaskan as the NATO command ship.
R031 Pte Joe said:
Okay, I'm way out of my lane here cause' I'm a reserve infantry guy...

But don't we only have 2 classes of ships in our navy?!!? Frigates, and 2 old rusting (no offence, they're pretty old..) destroyers??? And don't we only have the frigates deployed normally and not the destroyers??? What else could you possibly be posted on?

Yes, I know, I'm just an ignorant (as in not knowing) reserve infantry guy but I'm just curious, I thought it would be pretty cut & dry as to what class of ship you'd be posted on...

Thanks for your time

Oh man, are you asking for a whipping  ;D

12 FFG
12 MCDV (mainly reservist, but I think reg force electrical engineers and NET's are also there)

Aren't all you mud-monkeys living in rags and driving rusted out Shermans? (just had to toss that one in. :salute:)
OK reserve guy,
If you have access to a DND computer, go online and go tothe dwan site, once there go to the drop down menu that lists all the different formations. Stuff like CDS, CMS, CLS, CAS. Once you get there go to the CMS site, that is Chief of Maritime Staff. Once there you will have access to the websites for both the Pacific and Atlantic fleets, on either one of these you will find out how many ships we have of all classes for both coasts. No we are not loaded for bear like the Americans but we are not desolate either. Have a read and get back to us here. Cheers
The Frigates look awsome......But the Athabaskan Would be my choice if given the chance
NavyGuy2006 said:
The Frigates look awsome......But the Athabaskan Would be my choice if given the chance

If you are into "Classic Cars" you should ask for the AOR's. You certainly won't be bored on her and you'll be able to work on an engineering plant that is older than your Grandma.

Good luck and have fun.  :)
[quote author=FSTO]
Oh man, are you asking for a whipping  ;D

12 FFG
12 MCDV (mainly reservist, but I think reg force electrical engineers and NET's are also there)

I thought Destroyers are DDH (Designated Destroyer Helicopter) &
Frigates are FFH (Fast (?) Frigate Helicopter) ?
If you can talk to an NCIOP or one of the ops room types they will tell you that in the world of letter designators FF is the desig for Frigate, any frigate. FFH simply means that the Frigate is Helo capable. DD is for Destroyer and DDH means helo capable. There is a whole list of desigs for different ships and boats from tugs to aors. Our DDH's are 280 class destroyers, and like someone said earlier if you work on one of the tankers you will be working on an engineering plant that is older than most of the people in the forces today. If you are on a CPF or 280 the plants and monitoring systems for the engine rooms is more modernized.
Thanks very much for the replies and info folks, I'm glad to hear we have the head ship for a NATO task force, I think I remember someone mentioning that to me along time ago too, that's awesome. Goodluck BTW Inch!

I was shocked to recently find out that we actually had aircraft carriers back in the day too, I was REALLY shocked! Never heard of that or had any idea, then I went digging around on the internet and found pictures and all that good jazz... Should have figured since we were the worlds 4th strongest military power at the end of world war 2. Don't ask me to quote, it's all over this website and the internet and everywhere else in Canada! Michael Dorosh can probably attest to that fact, he's the major history buff.

Yes yes, our reserve equipment is probably as ancient as almost any navy stuff too I imagine... My C7 Service rifle is probably almost as old as I am I bet! God knows my unit's C9's and C6s are horribly ancient, they need some sweet tender love and care - read as: I want to cry every time I fire one because I have to clean the mother-lovin' heck out of it by next firing so it won't turn into a rifle on me!

I suppose you navy folks are damn excited at the prospect of those "LHD" type ships we might get in the future, I think that would be an amazing asset for Canada and it just makes sense. Fine if we don't need ballistic missle cruisers and subs and aircraft carriers, but I think having ships like that would be perfect for Canada. Modern one's that is... Like the one's the US or Britain operate, we'd be able to help our allies out in a pinch that way...

Anyway, again, thanks for the info folks and goodluck to those of you who will be sailing soon or training to be sailing!

Your reserve local infantry mud-slinging monkey! Read as: Mud eating also - never realized I'd learn what mud taste like when I joined the infantry, think they forgot to mention that in the recruiting office!

BOSNwife said:
I thought Destroyers are DDH (Designated Destroyer Helicopter) &
Frigates are FFH (Fast (?) Frigate Helicopter) ?


Your right FFH for the frigates, but you can argue that the 280's could be DDG (for the SM2's they carry) or DDH or even DDGH.

Pte Joe, took alot of guts for you to come to the dark blue side of the house and throw in the thunderflash. Your ignorance of the Navy and her history is as much our (the Navy) fault as it is of the education system that glosses over everything that has to do with the military.
BTW, when I joined they offered me Armoured or Navy and I thought, "clean sheets and food served to you by stewards or rolling in the mud and then sleeping and eating in it." hmmmmmmmmmmmm.
Man...I remember when the four Tribals had the original "bunny ears"....that sure looked interesting.  Any truth to the myth about them slurping water in by the "ears" when they heeled over on high speed turns?  ???

Aside from all the bigger ships, I heard rumblings that the YAGs are also being replaced -- anyone have any info on those beasts (spent a few days out at W601 in a YAG on mil training.....uugh!  :-X )

*snicker* Joe trying using an FN that was made in the mid 60s, then you will realize you guys are not that badly off where small arms are concerned.

Duey, the YAGs are being replaced by the Orca class, I think there are one or two threads in here about them.
I don't know about slurping water but I was told Playboy declared them the sexiest ship in NATO because of the bunny ears :)
