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Which Degree For Certain Occupation


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I'm planning to join the CFs via Direct Entry Officer Plan with an Engineering degree but I don't know which type of engineering degree I should work towards.
I'm currently a grade 12 student in BC and applied to universities for civil engineering. Which specialization in engineering would Marine Systems Engineering Officer demand? (I'm thinking mechanical?)

ps. I failed the CFAT thinking it would be a breeze. It was surprising to hear that I failed it when my grades for heavy physics and mathematics courses are near 90%. I guess I'll have to retry for RMC next year.

Thank you very much.  :cdn:
Epelix said:

I'm planning to join the CFs via Direct Entry Officer Plan with an Engineering degree but I don't know which type of engineering degree I should work towards.
I'm currently a grade 12 student in BC and applied to universities for civil engineering. Which specialization in engineering would Marine Systems Engineering Officer demand? (I'm thinking mechanical?)

Thank you very much.  :cdn:

If you are interested in pursuing a career in the CF as a Marine Systems Engineering Officer, the academic standards are:


Bachelor of Engineering

Naval Architecture


Bachelor of Engineering

Engineering Physics

Bachelor of Science


The above academic standards are for the MS Eng DEO Entry Plan.  If you wish to pursue your undergrand degree through the ROTP Entry Plan (RMC/CMR) for MS Eng, then you will be assigned one of the academic streams listed above as "IDEAL".
Dont over think the cfat.....the math portion is based on grade 10 math....go back and look at it....math.com helped me a lot.
Also, how common is Direct Entry Officer plan? Don't the CFs favour graduates from ROTP? Do you know anyone that joined through DEOP?
Try reading through pertinent older threads and using the Search Function.
Epelix said:

I'm planning to join the CFs via Direct Entry Officer Plan with an Engineering degree but I don't know which type of engineering degree I should work towards.
I'm currently a grade 12 student in BC and applied to universities for civil engineering. Which specialization in engineering would Marine Systems Engineering Officer demand? (I'm thinking mechanical?)

ps. I failed the CFAT thinking it would be a breeze. It was surprising to hear that I failed it when my grades for heavy physics and mathematics courses are near 90%. I guess I'll have to retry for RMC next year.

Thank you very much.  :cdn:


You have a couple of options here!  :camo: And don't worry about failing the CFAT. :) Try again next year!

1. Start your Civy U degree. In first year, start the ROTP application process (Direct Entry is only for those who already have a university degree!) early on in the year. Ideally, get started in the fall (fall 2015). You'll have more buffer time. If you get accepted for ROTP for the following year (regardless whether you get into ROTP Civy U or RMC) you'll get credited for some of your first year courses. No need to start all over again :) You'll be First Year ROTP, Second Year academics. However, to get credited courses, you should be taking a degree that is ideal or acceptable for your trade. (RMC also only has the basic engineering degrees: Aero, Mech, Elec, Comp, and Civil).

2. Complete your four years of Civy U. In your 4th year, apply for Direct Entry for the upcoming year of 2018-2019. :)