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Where are the new jump bags?

The jump bags came with all the inserts and such, not a bad purchase for once. It has a fanny pack and a valice/compression sack as well. For our patrol medics who go out for extended patrols and such, you can leave the small pack at the camp and have everything you need attached to one bag without it being bulky. Like I said, it does need some minor work but it does a fairly good job for us out and about. :cdn:

Any updates?  Contracts on MERX?  More feedback on the bags?

I was recently given a TT FR Pouch, which seems a great way to organize 1-2 Pt worth of TCCC IA kit, but I can't find a reasonable way to attach it to my MoFOCR that will allow me to both work out of it, and employ pers wpns effectively.  It's a great bag for a "grab it, get out, get the pt, get back" TCCC-type scenario, but beyond that, I think I'll be needing something that I'm able to carry on vest, pouch-in-a-pouch type set up, with roughly the same contents.


Edit to add:

As well, with all the Tac Vest POS threads, and the direction that our troops "just aren't using it right...they need to carry the small pack to have enough ammo" where the #$^k does that leave our medics, with a jump bag on their backs, a TV with four mags, and a shootin' role in the Platoons?
ParaMedTech said:
As well, with all the Tac Vest POS threads, and the direction that our troops "just aren't using it right...they need to carry the small pack to have enough ammo" where the #$^k does that leave our medics, with a jump bag on their backs, a TV with four mags, and a shootin' role in the Platoons?

Something comes to mind about sewage, creeks, and canoes but no paddle perhaps?  Or needing a bandolier pouch added to the jumpbag (on top of everything else).


Maybe that will convince the RSM that I really NEED my after market vest?
I actually bought a patrol pack awhile ago from Wheeler's - some of the accoutrements I got for it included a double pouch rig designed for C-7 Mags - 3 per side - that could velco onto the MOLLE slats - you could do the same with a  small pack I suppose.  I actually used them for my IA stuff - shell dressings, TK's and airways before I bought my TCCC leg pouch and had other stuff inside the pack like my IV's, suture kits, general dressing supplies and snivel drugs.  Something similar would solve part the issue of where to put extra mags if you use the issued TV and small pack system (if you were using the smallpack as your med bag as well).

Just a small thought for what it's worth.

This is a pouch that will fit the bill for all medics.



CTOMS’ Combat Trauma Management Pouch is a revolutionary new approach to casualty management solutions for the Tactical Care Provider. This pouch was designed using a realistic and logical approach to the principals of Tactical Combat Casualty Care and is designed to efficiently store critical equipment in an organized manner.

 This pouch is amazing for medics!!   CTOMS also have an IFAK pouch and a Medic bag on the way with the same M.A.R.S. TM internal system.

Both the CTMP and IFAK pouch are MOLLE compatible.

Nothing else on the market even comes close.
What I "wrote off" was the concept that one pouch would "fit the bill for all medics", not that actual pouch.  If you put 3 health care proffesionals in a room, you'll get 5 opinions on kit and equipment and techniques.  We can't agree on simple stuff that's been around for a couple of decades (such as treatmtnt  of hypotention, the golden hour, etc) , much less an emerging field like TCCC.

I've looked at it before in one of the other threads that you've posted that in.  It looks good, but I'm very hesitant to buy something so critical without being able to hold it, touch it, examine the construction, look at the inside, load it up, wear it around. 

That's it, that's all.

Usually what is argued about is internal layout and what to put in it, correct?

The internal MARS system allows the user to configure the inside of the pouch how he/she wants it.  It will allow for countless layouts of equipment.  It will hold the stuff you want it to hold, where you want it held.

It allows very quick access to tourniquets and gloves.

It's also about to be issued only to the medics heading overseas.

Anyone is welcome to drop by and take a look at them here.

But back on topic - The pack will have the same internal MARS system to allow the user to put anything anywhere :D
Farmboy said:
Usually what is argued about is internal layout and what to put in it, correct?

Correct.  That and quantity of items to be carried.

Farmboy said:
It's also about to be issued only to the medics heading overseas.

For a drop leg?  I don't see it going anywhere on the TV, so that leaves me with a CTS Mag pouch drop leg on one leg, this pouch on the other, and a holster on my 3rd leg?  ;D  I guess it means it's available to both hands equally!

Or is it being supplied with the "big honking leg panel"?
I wasn't going to way in on this one but hard to keep myself shut up.

Here in Petawawa the dropleg pouch was being bought for those pers who took the TCCC course, a good pouch for the basic soldier with the course to do immediate first aid.

In no way is a drop leg ever going to be suitable for a medic in my opinion, there is just not the room to carry as much as most medics want

Paramedtech I agree with your statement about not everybody will be happy, after years of modifying jump bags in every different configuration you can think of it is up to the individual

I am by no means an expert on med bags but have had the experience of makinfg or modifying many
This pouch I have shown will work on a drop leg or a vest or anywhere else there is MOLLE. It does have a DL panel that will fit a modular holster as well.

I have seen the TCCC pouch you're speaking of and again it doesn't even come close to this one for quality or effectiveness.


You have just said that you have modified your bag in every different configuration.

This internal system will do that already for you.


The problem is, if you want something specific for the TV, well you're going to be waiting on DLR, cause every other Mfg makes their gear for MOLLE/PALS.  If you want something for a D/L or your MOLLE vest then you'll have no problem with this.

I would show a pic of the inside to show how effective it is but with all the knock offs that happen...........
As for any pouch or bag fitting the bill for all medics....I think that is a DLR line of thought (dig, dig). And I agree with PMT that no one bag is good for everyone.

Not to say that Farmboy's pouch isn't good...it is actually one of the better pouches I have seen.

Drop legs are just wrong for people who need to wear them 23 hrs a day, you need to put it on your belt or body.

BTW PMT, if you have a sit where as a medic, you actually need to shoot 9 of the 10 mags you are carrying, it will be a bad day for whomever it is your supporting, or you are in the wrong friggin spot.
St. Micheals Medical Team said:
BTW PMT, if you have a sit where as a medic, you actually need to shoot 9 of the 10 mags you are carrying, it will be a bad day for whomever it is your supporting, or you are in the wrong friggin spot.

+1 SMMT, but I'm tryin' to think ahead.  I don't think we always get to choose our spots, or what kind of day it'll be.
ParaMedTech said:
+1 SMMT, but I'm tryin' to think ahead.  I don't think we always get to choose our spots, or what kind of day it'll be.

Worst day we saw and I know more then a few who can back me up on this as being a pretty bad day, our company medic never fired a round. He had someone with him who did the shooting. Not sure about the Platoon medics only one I can think of might have had to shoot that day.

As for the medical stuff well that all is your bag I wont even dream of wading into it
To bump this up a bit, Roto 5 TFA Roll 1 medics got their SO Tech Jump bags today, see my post well above for a link to the website.

They seem alright, all I've done is watch the troops kit theirs out and snapped a few pics with my phone, more to follow.
No molle on the outside of the bag itself? The really good bag from SO Tech is molle'd up all over the outside and inside. I love the expansion panel at the bottom for extra gear.

As far as a bag itself goes, it got a good design, and the extra pouches which attach isdine are not bad.

One thing they all must be wary of is filling up every avail spot.
You're right, no Molle on the outside, and I've had a couple of conversations with troops about over-packing.

The OMLT guys are still with us, including several from 1-06, and passing on lots of their experience to the next generation of dismounts.
A follow up to the previous pics:

There is PALS/MOLLE on the sides of the packs, but not the outer face.  Given the "depth" of the things, I'm not so sure that's a bad idea.

The top pic shows the SOTech, the bottom shows both side by side.