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WHEN IS the next Naval Officer Assessment Board (NOAB) ?

So sorry for the  bad things happening to you Jay.  That does suck.
Try googling and reading the following..... its called the Desiderata.  Its a poem and it is full of excellent advice on life....but the one part that stands out for me right now is....."whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should."  If any of you have not read it before, please look it up.

Second.....  I got a call today from my RC because they had a letter for me to pick up.  Its about the NOAB.

It sounds like I was a little off on the clothes thing.  I quote, "Attire for the week should be clean and neatly pressed.  It should look appropriate for a conservative business setting.  It should not look like party, cocktail, or picnic attire and the look should be classic rather than trendy.  Clothing should fit well, being neither tight nor baggy.  Jewelry should be minimal and conservative.  Don't confuse club attire with business attire, if you wear it to a club, you probably shouldn't wear it for the  NOAB interview.  For male candidates, a suit or jacket and tie are appropriate, as is the upper end of what is considered 'business casual'.  As a minimum, a long sleeved shirt and tie with dress trousers and dress shoes.  For female candidates, a two-piece business styles suit, dress or skirt and long sleeved blouse, conservative in style and neatly pressed are appropriate.  Dresses and skirts should be of a reasonable length.  A pansuit may also be appropriate, it it looks professional rather than casual.  Closed-toe shoes and stockings should also be worn."

The letter goes on about this a little more but I think you get the idea.  Also, it mentions that for women, you probably want to consider dress pants for the sail on the warship as well as the site tours we will be going on.  Here is a good point that is made near the end thought, "We do not however expect you to have to go out and expend monies on a NOAB warrobe in order to meet our requirments, consequently if there is a problem or concern please contact your local Recruiting Centre and they will forward your concerns to us for additional guidance."

It is very important for us to carry with us a current photo ID for access to the base and dockyard facilities.  (plus you can't fly without photo ID anyways)

I am pretty sure you will all get a copy of the same letter, but I wanted to give you a sneak peak just in case you haven't seen it yet.  There is more in the letter (it is two whole pages long) but I just don't want to type the entire letter.  If you have any questions, please let me know.

Also,  about the CV/resume things........ I was told by my RC that we do NOT have to bring a CV/resume but it was suggested to me that it might be a good idea anyways.  So if something happens that you don't have one or you forget it, I get the impression that it will not be a big deal.  Of couse, as usual, if someone knows something that different, please correct me.

Only a few more days now..... 

Our RC made it clear that it was to be provided, but the one recruiter couldnt even pronounce it so Im gonna bring it along just in case

Ya rob, got the letter too, ofcourse I went out with my wife and spent extra cash on some nice clothes for the event, before the layoff notice naturally!!

And im thinking its all the better anyhow, was dreading working outside this winter as well as inside getting soaked in melting snow, so it has become a relief now that the shock is gone. Study up everyone, only 4 days left now!!
Hello All,

The CV  is required so please bring it with you.  If not, you will be scrambling around trying to get it done on the first day of the NOAB.  Good luck to all and enjoy the week.
In that case, I will bring a couple copies of my resume.  Thanks Jay and AJB for settling that.

Thanks Rob for your posting, I will be prepared if I get my document only Friday pm ! 
I called this morning to know if I would get any documents soon, and now I am almost scared to miss NOAB since they haven't receive any instruction yet regarding NOAB !!
Keep on them Trish.  I am sure it will be coming and you will not miss NOAB with us.
I just received the phone call from the RC to go and pick up my letter and documents.  I am going to do that this afternoon.  Also told her that a Saturday flight would be better for me.

Have a great day everyone and stay positive.

So are Steve and Rob the only ones to receive NOAB travel documents so far?  I'm still waiting...RC said it might not arrive until Friday.
I picked up my documents, as did Jay, yesterday at our CFRC. It can't hurt to get on the phone with your RC now, as the date is soon approaching.
Good luck to you all, but, please take Otis' advice. Trust me, even though I know nothing at all about NOABs, I do understand why and how you are going to be assessed and, trust me on this, the CF does not waste the valuable time of its serving officers on a bunch of potential failures. The CF, the Navy, is trying to save time and money by separating the wheat from the chaff and those of you who ignore Otis' sound guidance are likely to be chaff.

Get your resumes ready. Double, triple check them - especially for spelling!

Pack carefully - good soldiers and sailors know how to travel lightly but with everything - make sure you can survive lost checked baggage. Pack to be presentable in the adult, conservatively adult, world.

Again, good luck. Those of you who do this well may get a chance to try to become Naval officers, which is almost as good as being an Army officer.  :D
Yay.  Finally got a call to pick up my travel documentation on Friday afternoon.  Anyone flying out of Toronto post your flight time and I'll do the same when I get my tickets.... maybe we can meet up before the flight.
Got the call too !  I will go before work Friday morning. 

See you all in 4 days !

Am I the only who think it is odd that out of 70 only about 10 of us are on the forum ?  Unless people just ''past by'' without any intervention ?
Trish said:
Am I the only who think it is odd that out of 70 only about 10 of us are on the forum ?  Unless people just ''past by'' without any intervention ?

I hate to break it to you, but people do manage to get themselves recruited using only the recruiting centre. I was one of them!
gcclarke said:
I hate to break it to you, but people do manage to get themselves recruited using only the recruiting centre. I was one of them!

I know gcclarke, but you don't have to google too much to end up on army.ca, so out of 70 (if there is really 70 of us) 10 seems a small portion !
Just because there is a thing called google doesn't mean you can find this site. specially if you don't know to look for it. I've been in the military a long time and didn't know about this until I was told about it by Otis. Don't assume anything.
Trish said:
I know gcclarke, but you don't have to google too much to end up on army.ca, so out of 70 (if there is really 70 of us) 10 seems a small portion !

There are the portion of people who are quite willing to go by that which the recruiting centre gives them. There are those who stumble across this site (or others) but do not bother to register an account. And there are those who bother looking for useful info, register, but don't bother participating in this relevant threads. Frankly, considering all those, I'd say that 10 / 70 is a decent ratio.

Or maybe I'm just a freak for managing to get trade qualified without a navy.ca account.  ::)
ya Trish, I found this sit by google as well.  Was basically the only thing that came up when I typed NOAB into it.  As for the ratio it seems about right, maybe half of those found this site and just browse, and 70 is the number of invitees, I know one from London here who told them to book him on the next one due to family issues, so I imagine the number will be a few short of 70 when we all arrive.  Lets just use gcclarkes post as a compliment and act as the informed few when we get there!! ;D
3382 views on this thread, so I'd think it a good bet that some of the other 60 people have been reading along and not commenting.
I second what Diesel said.... I take gcclarke's comment as a compliment to us for being resourceful and taking the initiative to (in a sense) start building a team of new MARS candidates.  But certainly, there will be outstanding candidates who show up to the NOAB who either have never heard of army.ca or else did hear about it and just took as much as they wanted from it without getting involved the way we did.

Personally, as you have all seen me say before, I consider myself very fortunate to have found this site.  I feel connected to my fellow candidates but also (to a lesser extent) to the Canadian Forces.  And in my opinion, I think it is a good thing to start thinking like a member of the Forces and to identify ourselves with our chosen trade too, even before we've been accepted.  I certainly don't mean it in a way where I think we deserve any special respect or anything like that, the way CF members deserve (after all, we haven't really done anything yet).  I just think that it can only do us candidates good to think and act in ways that are becoming of a member of the CF.  And I mean that as a strong compliment to everyone in the Forces.