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When in uniform...

When being harassed [ and in a safe area] just have a camera [working or non-working] and "take" their pictures,....one would be amazed at how fast this kind of bravado dissappears when the anonymity could be gone....
PPCLI Guy:  Why doesn't that surprise me??? ;D

On my way to pick up coffee, in uniform, I walked by a group "gentlemen", one of whom stepped out and blocked my entrance to Timmys (bad idea).  He said "Kill anybody today, soldier boy?" and got right in my face.  I replied "Day ain't over yet!"

After a short silence, his buddies were killing themselves laughing at him.
Haggis said:
PPCLI Guy:   Why doesn't that surprise me??? ;D

On my way to pick up coffee, in uniform, I walked by a group "gentlemen", one of whom stepped out and blocked my entrance to Timmys (bad idea).   He said "Kill anybody today, soldier boy?" and got right in my face.   I replied "Day ain't over yet!"

After a short silence, his buddies were killing themselves laughing at him.

Goddamn that's funny! ;D Glad we can stand up to these peope...Its exactly what they need...They think that getting in your face is face because we won't respond!

So the next time someone 'gets in your face' and says "how's it feel to kill someone?!" You say

"Slight recoil and a small pull to the left!" :sniper:


Slim said:
So the next time someone 'gets in your face' and says "how's it feel to kill someone?!" You say

"Slight recoil and a small pull to the left!" :sniper:


Unfortunately I now work at NDHQ and go to work most days in DEU, not CADPAT.  Since I now wear a kilt, in an attempt to embarress ME,  I'm often asked "What's worn under your kilt?"  My usual reply is "Shoes, socks and some talcum powder on hot days."  ;)

Politically correct, mostly unoffensive and gets a red face from the questioner 99% of the time!
I've never really faced anything that bad in Ottawa Region. Sometimes you'll hear people making jokes on the bus, but usually a mean glare works well.

I also find that people are more comfortable if you're wearing CF's as opposed to combats.
Sig_Des said:
I also find that people are more comfortable if you're wearing CF's as opposed to combats.

Were you wearing your forage cap? Maybe they thought you were a bus driver? 

Sorry couldn't resist 8) I'll crawl back into my hole now.

Seriously I would think in Ottawa or say Halifax where the military is a little more high profile and at the very least tolerated if not accepted  you'd get less of this crap.

Late 1970's in Vancouver going down to the Seaforth armouries you were almost guaranteed to get some grief, but things were really weird then even by Lotus Land standards. I had a few runs ins on the TTC in the 1990's when I was enroute to FYA especially during GW1 and the Oka crisis. I handled it the same way as most here, hard stares, bitter sarcasm and or a knowing smirk/grin.

Funny 7 years in Nfld between thwe above two locations and never a smartass comment outside of MUN and that's not part of the real world.
Haggis, next time someone asks you what's under your kilt, tell them; "your girlfriend's lipstick".
combat_medic said:
Haggis, next time someone asks you what's under your kilt, tell them; "your girlfriend's lipstick".

My wife may object.  ;D

Now she's been asked the same question a few time, too.  Her reply is "Nothing's worn.  Everything works just fine."  ;)