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What's Your Favourite Mess?

Try the mess at Connaught Ranges in Ottawa... worst mess evar!
begbie said:
Try the mess at Connaught Ranges in Ottawa... worst mess evar!
Sorry begbie but I beg to differ. If you've ever eaten at the Dextraze building at Campus Fort St-Jean, you would likely agree that that is the worst mess ever. Absolutely awful food. That said, I've never eaten at Connaught Ranges, but if it's worse than the Dextraze... I have to agree with SupersonicMax though, too. RMC mess is pretty bad.
Connaught is not so bad most of the year, not sure how it stacks up during the summer when the place is mostly full though.  I've eaten there regularly enough over the last couple years and never found it too bad for a CF mess.
Of the messes i've been to a153 cfb borden is the best i have encountered
begbie said:
Try the mess at Connaught Ranges in Ottawa... worst mess evar!

Nah, I accually liked it..... overall the food was pretty decent.... though there were a few days where i ended up getting pizza or subs due to the lack of choice. but all in all it was on par with the rest of em.... only complaint was that alot of the food was bland....
That's Brit cooks and ration scales for ya! Worst food in the world in the Brit Army bar none!!

The Wardroom and C & POs in Halifax is very good now after the new construction of Juno tower and combining the two galleys. some really good social functions on the go too...at Halifax you are a member of RA Park, Wardroom and Shearwater all for one Mess due of $24. I think A Galley food is excellent too,,,,Actually Food Services at Halifax overall are outstanding...all thanks to the outstanding leadership of CPO Bill Pratt, who is a Cordon Bleu Chef BTW. :king:

I was living-in at Russell House last summer when it first opened and there was some major function every weekend, both nights.  Our Bde RSM tried to book a Mess Dinner there for last October, it was booked up solid.

Very nice facility, my only complaint, now that I am moving back to Stadacona when HL's leaves for IAP, is the $$$.  Its just shy of $500 a month for rat's at Chief's & P's.

The balcony/veranda off the C & P's side overlooking the MacDonald bridge and harbour is spot-on.  Never made it to the Observation Deck yet, but I bet its the best view of the harbour, hands down.

Other than that?  Favorite mess would have to be the old Green and Gold in Cornwallis in '89, after Week 5 when we were allowed at the G & G.  Best cold beer I think I ever had.  8)

Too bad I had my nametag on the wrong side of my tan SS (stupid mirror) when I halted at the Duty NCO for my "pre-entrance inspection".

Does Boca's Beach Club that was outside Griesbach count as a Mess?  ;D
Mud Recce Man said:
Does Boca's Beach Club that was outside Griesbach count as a Mess?   ;D
In that case might as well add the Crown and Anchor across the street from Boca's
For eating. I have a limited selection from what I have eaten at..... Borden is pretty decent, it helps that I live with some of the cooks, so I get good treatment.

Drinking- My Unit JR mess I have had the best memories at, it was very well done for a JR's mess before Borden EOD Blew up half of it(long story). The H Club in Borden can be alot of fun, kinda crapyily done, but on the right night(thursday) its lots of fun.
For messhalls... I'd have to go with any Air Force base (except for stand-easy on the ships....mmmm soooouuuuuuuppppp).

As for Rank Messes... the only one in the country where the shitiest rank is KING!!! The Valcartier Garrison MCpls Mess :salute:! Yessss, thats right there still is one left. Although we are open to all ranks... the majority of the regulars are Sgt and WO of our wonderful EME community and a PMed... me...

I really like the mess hall here in Borden!  When i was pregnant and would come up to visit my husband before we moved here, he would buy me dinner at the mess.  Well, i was totally addicted to Caeser Salad and Fish, so i would come straight up from work to get here for Fish Fridays!  There was only one thing i didnt like that they made, cant remember what it was, but it was too spicy for my baby induced heartburn.  When i was a cadet, we went to Val Cartier on a trip and there mess was really good too.  My husband said that the mess in Meaford was awful, really greasy, so he wouldnt eat there, and didnt subject me to it when i popped up to see him.  Now when it comes to drinking, i havent been to the H club drinking yet, i went once and had juice and met my hubbys co-workers, and it seemed nice, maybe ill get out to have a beer by the time this baby is a year old.  ;)

Thats my humble opinion,

aesop081 said:
In that case might as well add the Crown and Anchor across the street from Boca's

Or (cough cough) The Rosslyn?  (spelling)


Oh and what about...The Wainwright Hotel and JR Salon??  Fine fine establishments.


CFB Summerside used to put out the best box-lunches I ever had in my life.  1/4 chicken dinners, subs ya could barely eat all of, it was actually something you looked forward to, (kinda like a cold ham omlet in pineapple sauce on winter ex...) :blotto:

Seriously, the best box lunch in NATO IMHO...
Fort Knox, Rocker Two and Leadership Club was a good time.  The 16th Cav Mess we ate at was ok.  The bathroom actually said "Latrine" on it.
WO and Sgt's Mess Seaforth Highlanders of Canada ! Mind you I am Biased. The Cheifs and PO's Mess at HMCS Discovery is nice as well
Any one remember the Blue Beret Club at El Gala In Egypt?
marshall sl said:
WO and Sgt's Mess Seaforth Highlanders of Canada !

Seaforth's JRs was good too, at least after a certain M/Cpl got promoted and left ;D

Eating- Baden Soelingen wasn't too bad IIRC, mind I was young and impresionable then. Actually any military meal that involved sitting inside in a chair and usuing real cutlery as opposed to haybox KFS, or boil in the bag and plastic spoon probaly counts as a plus.

Drinking. East Coast Garrison Club in St John's Nfld always seemed to be a lively place. CTC WO & Sgt's Mess in Gagetown both food and booze made my stay there bearable if memory serves me.

Let's not get started on off base establisbments. that's a whole other thread and we may scare off some of the new kids... remember Tiffs  8)
Mud Recce Man said:
Fort Knox, Rocker Two and Leadership Club was a good time.  The 16th Cav Mess we ate at was ok.  The bathroom actually said "Latrine" on it.

Heh...I forgot about Rocker Two!
gravyboat said:
Yukon Galley in Trenton by far.  A-Galley in Halifax is good, but no better than Pet though.  The worst has to be the BATUS mess hall in Suffield.  I couldn't tell if it was food or compost.
I spent 5 days in BATUS this January Food in the Officers Mess was great. if you did not mind eating Supper at 19:00 hrs.
I Like Meaford. I grab about 10 of those little pizza squares. THEN, I go to the sandwich bar for lunch, you know where all the meat is laid out, and I make myself a roast beef sandwich that is four-inches think. Three inches beef, and one inch of cheese. mmmmmmmmmmmm thank's taxpaters.
mudeater said:
I Like Meaford. I grab about 10 of those little pizza squares. THEN, I go to the sandwich bar for lunch, you know where all the meat is laid out, and I make myself a roast beef sandwich that is four-inches think. Three inches beef, and one inch of cheese. mmmmmmmmmmmm thank's taxpaters.

You're welcome.

Now I know why why my replacement surgery was cancelled and it's been Kraft Dinner night every night this week here at the home. 8)