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What's the food like on course? (BMQ, DP, ect...) [Merged]

The food in G-104 in Petawawa is outstanding.  You cannot find a better choice or presentation of the food.  It is excellent in all respects.  If you live in you will not complain about the meals.

Food in the field is also very good.  I do not ever remember finding the food in the field anything to complain about.

Good luck and good eating.  See you at the gym!!

Ed Gagnon
PSP Manager
CFB Petawawa
Got of the bus for GMT summer of '98 in Wainwright... first meal ever was grilled salmon steaks... I thought I was in heaven!

Then the Brits got a hold of the kitchen!

Summer '01 - JLC - lunchtime - philly cheesesteak sandwiches - witnessed the Snr Brit cook reach into the meat bucket, pull out a handful of meat, onions and peppers, then dip it in the "molten, orange, cheese-flavoured dipping sauce" bucket, eat it, wipe his hands on his shirt and go back to serving!  Went up CoC with complaint.

After that - no more Brits on the serving line - they were kept in the back "preparing" our food for the rest of the summer.  God knows what hell I've consumed.

If there are any Brit cooks on this site who take pride in their work who are offended by what I've stated - there were witnesses other than myself... the memo I submitted can probably still be found on my course file in Wainwright.

American MRE's are quickly improving - their MRE Bread is WAY better (esp the whole wheat with Blackberry jam and crackers with jalapeno cheese) - the messes are nowhere near ours.

My only major complaint about box lunches - two sandwiches, a tub of potatoe salad, and only one TINY mustard pack!!!

CFD Dundurn is the only place that gives two mustard packs!  Any CF cooks on here?  Please - a mustard for each sandwich and one for the potato or macaroni salad!  Thank you!

"Nothin' makes a meal like having a cold chocolate milk machine handy and drinking it until you are in pain.  If only those glasses wern't so damn small."

- Liquid chocolate donut?

zipperhead_cop said:
...Nothin' makes a meal like having a cold chocolate milk machine handy and drinking it until you are in pain...

Ugh... I know that feeling... after about the 7th glass its really hard to do any work after lunch for at least an hour.....

after the first week of being on ration strength and realizing that no one is gonna take the food away, I usually slow down my milk intake...

if i didnt, i would have udders by the end of a tasking....

And yes... Pettawawa has an Amazing Mess.... some of the best food ive ever had... that and Trenton is up there... Borden and Meaford are pretty good as well. and Connaught could hold its own..

basically Food Goes in me...
Was wondering what foods are served at each meal and portions during the bmq reg force?

May be a weird question,but I train mma and eat 100 percent organic and consume the proper amount of vitamins, efas, proteins, carbs and so on. And am wondering what the meals are like.

I would like to estimate grams of protein, vitamins, and carbs in each meal based on the information that i will hopefully receive from this question. Thank you for your time.
Mosher said:
I would like to estimate grams of protein, vitamins, and carbs in each meal based on the information that i will hopefully receive from this question. Thank you for your time.

Do you really expect anyone to describe every possible meal for you in enough detail for that?

There's lots of food, a variety of choices at each meal.
MMA is mixed martial arts or better known as UFC.

And efas are your healthy fats including omega 3, 6, 7, 9 and mono/polyunsaturates. which are found in oils, nuts, fish, eggs and so on.
Even an idea of some meals, i dont need to know every meal. Health and nutrition is very important to me. Also, are you allowed to bring a multi vitamin??
As Michael said, there is a large variety of foods, salads and side trays with yogurts, etc.  The CF Mess Halls are starting to get away from unhealthy foods, but still not to the standard that some would think.  You will have several choices at each meal, and during lunch there is usually Sandwich Bars set up in most Messes.

If for some health or Religious reason a person requires a special dietary meal plan, then they can be accommodated.
Even if I went and started to list things that are served in our cafeteria.... it's all cafeteria food in the end.  Furthermore, once you go out into the field, you eat Haybox food (prepared & stored in thermos boxes)... or you eat individual meal packets....

The CF does consult with nutritionists when developing ration packs & menus.
It's good hearty food.... though nothing I'd call gourmet eating
There is no hope in heck of you getting 100% organic from a mass food production facility such as a CF mess hall. And no you can not bring your own food or after getting there have your own food as it is not allowed on your living floors.

In any meal line there is a meat, a starch/pasta and a veggi all vary by day.  The portions are based on the Canadian food guidelines. There is always a salad bar as well.
Thank you very much.

I definately know theres no chance in hell of any organic food. And was under the impression they give you a meal and thats what youve got, no choices. I really am just conserned about vitamin deficancy and low protein.

Your answers have given me a better understanding of meal time and am not concerned anymore. Thank you, i appreciate it. As long as i get meat and veggies im good. 
... might be the occasional "mystery meat" but.... it IS edible - sort of :P
Mosher said:
I really am just conserned about vitamin deficancy and low protein.


Crikey, I nearly coughed up my lamington!

From a Mess, you'll be eating a wider balanced variety, more so than you mom cooks.

There will be more concern to other realistic things other than the food you shovel into your damper hole.

If it's the chocolate one, with cream ,
send me some, please :)!
Mosher said:
Thank you very much.

I definately know theres no chance in hell of any organic food. And was under the impression they give you a meal and thats what youve got, no choices. I really am just conserned about vitamin deficancy and low protein.

Your answers have given me a better understanding of meal time and am not concerned anymore. Thank you, i appreciate it. As long as i get meat and veggies im good.

For a normal supper... from the steam line alone, there's usually a choice of 2-3 entrees (IE a dish containing some sort of meat, plus usually a vegeterian entree), 2 types of veg, 2 types of starch. Then there's the salad bar, which will contain a wide assortment of salads, raw veggies, plus tons of fruit (Both prepared, ie a mixed fruit salad, and "as is" ie apples, oranges, banannas), and usually left overs from a few days before served cold. Then there's also a wide selection of hot and cold beverages, deserts.

For lunch, most messes also add a sandwhich bar.

Usually the entrees rotate on a 2-3 week schedule.

Oh, and you'll also get the opportunity to try some regional foods you'll have never otherwise heard of (Donairs always seem to blow the mind of folks from out west, vs perogies blowing the mind of those from out east. Tourtiere? Well, try it, but I recommend a heavy dousing of ketchup :))

As a reservist, and a poor starving student, I can't even come close to afford to eating as well at home as I do at the mess. Anyone who complains about mess food is too lazy to walk the five feet to the salad bar and fill up their plate. I can't really imagine the sort of crap they must eat on their own time.
Each meal served in one of our messes should contain a little toothpick stuck in the meat serving of the day that says "may or may not contain meat and or meat byproducts."

In a nutshell mosher, you'll find that whatever calories you can consume during your training will be welcome ones...The beers on weekends won't even be empty calories as it'll help you bond with your new brothers and sisters. I still maintain beer/alcohol is a foodgroup when you're away from home! There's not alot of room for snacking in the timetable, and the DS usually frown on removing food from the mess....You'll still be strong when you leave BMQ if not leaner, if you do it right. The food is part of the 'overall experience" !

Good luck.