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What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

Journeyman said:
......or sue the Vatican because her god hung her out to dry. Bad mythical being! Bad!  >:(


Oooo. I see lightening bolts in your future. :rofl:
I see fire and brimstone.  >:D  Oh wait; I don't believe in that stuff.    ;D
Journeyman said:
I see fire and brimstone.  >:D  Oh wait; I don't believe in that stuff.    ;D

Isn't it nice not having to worry about eternal damnation ;D
stealthylizard said:
An Edmonton judge has tossed out a constitutional challenge against three traffic tickets launched by a woman who claims her religious beliefs exempt her from the law.

Catherine Flamond, 52, had argued in a written Charter notice that the provincial civil laws do not apply to her because she is a Christian minister bound only by God, the Queen of England and the Constitution Act of 1982.


Hmmm.  The last "Queen of England" died over 400 years ago.  It could be difficult to get her to make any legal rulings.  I guess that's where God comes in.
My MP ....
.... saying he "will better be able to represent my constituents in Parliament" as 1 of 2 independent MPs in a House of 308.....
milnews.ca said:
My MP ....
.... saying he "will better be able to represent my constituents in Parliament" as 1 of 2 independent MPs in a House of 308.....

If he is no longer in the NDP....he might just have a point if he has to chose party over constituents
GAP said:
If he is no longer in the NDP....he might just have a point if he has to chose party over constituents
From a "voting as the constituents want me to" perspective, you're right.  From a "making the voices of my constituents be heard", not as much.
Listening to the news and hearing that the latest "fad" for teens is drinking hand sanitizers.  They went on to say that experts advise that parents buy the foam sanitizer as it's more difficult to extract the alcohol from it.  I say let the stupid idiots drink the damn stuff.  ::)

News links:



This one is about my teacher. One day she asked us to name some heroes that risk their lives. I said "Soldiers". She said " That doesn't really count because they have a very small chance of getting hurt".  :brickwall:
medicineman said:
And I take it you weren't the person that organized/ran said O Group?


NO, our Niner runs it and he ain't that good at it.

I told the incoming CO I didn't like the way O Gps were conducted. I told him that we need to follow the ABCs (Accurate, Brief, Clear) and that everyone needs their time to pass on their points ie Around the table starting with A Coy etc.... Right now Niner and the Ops WO seem to dominate and its a freakin free for all after that. I had some general points (not critical and not pertinent to the mission) but I said "screw it, its not worth wasting my breath over".

Its frustrating listening to some of them drone on and on and on and on like a Monty Python skit. Then one of the WOs is late for Niner's O Gp, then he arrives disorganized (as always).
Taras27131 said:
This one is about my teacher. One day she asked us to name some heroes that risk their lives. I said "Soldiers". She said " That doesn't really count because they have a very small chance of getting hurt".  :brickwall:

Tell her to e-mail me


I'll gladly fill her in.

After she said that, I told her  about how many Canadian deaths there were in Afghanistan . What amazed me was how she had no clue that people were taking risks there every day, and getting hurt or killed in the process.
A girl at school today was asking about my ROTP offer and then said " wait, so are you going to be in the real army or the fake one?" .... The look on my face was :facepalm:
Jim Seggie said:
NO, our Niner runs it and he ain't that good at it.

I told the incoming CO I didn't like the way O Gps were conducted. I told him that we need to follow the ABCs (Accurate, Brief, Clear) and that everyone needs their time to pass on their points ie Around the table starting with A Coy etc.... Right now Niner and the Ops WO seem to dominate and its a freakin free for all after that. I had some general points (not critical and not pertinent to the mission) but I said "screw it, its not worth wasting my breath over".

Its frustrating listening to some of them drone on and on and on and on like a Monty Python skit. Then one of the WOs is late for Niner's O Gp, then he arrives disorganized (as always).

Doesn't care much for anyone's input then?
Jim Seggie said:
NO, our Niner runs it and he ain't that good at it.

I told the incoming CO I didn't like the way O Gps were conducted. I told him that we need to follow the ABCs (Accurate, Brief, Clear) and that everyone needs their time to pass on their points ie Around the table starting with A Coy etc.... Right now Niner and the Ops WO seem to dominate and its a freakin free for all after that. I had some general points (not critical and not pertinent to the mission) but I said "screw it, its not worth wasting my breath over".

Its frustrating listening to some of them drone on and on and on and on like a Monty Python skit. Then one of the WOs is late for Niner's O Gp, then he arrives disorganized (as always).

Does 'niner' refer to the number of chins he is currently sporting? More chins than a Chinese phone book, that man... (Nice website by the way, seriously)  ;D