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What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

Listening to the radio and hearing an advertisement for lessons for Guitar Hero......and you have to pay for them....okee dokee.....hmmmmm......ummmmm ::)
I think the ff. news qualifies to be put into this thread, and I don't think that Mehsud qualifies for the opening poster's definition of a "public figure" anyway even if the thread rules states that there should be no quoting public figures:

Pakistani Taliban claim responsibility for New York shooting
Updated April 04, 2009 03:54 PM 

ISLAMABAD (Xinhua) -- Pakistani Taliban leader Baituallah Mehsud claimed Saturday responsibility for an attack on the US civic association building in New York in which at least 13 people were killed, according to the private Geo TV.

"I accept responsibility. They were my men. I gave them orders in reaction to US drone attacks," Mehsud told some journalists by telephone from an undisclosed location.

He claimed that one Pakistani and another unidentified man launched the attack and he warned the attack several days ago.

"Such attacks will continue. It was revenge to US drone attacks (in Pakistan) and brutalities in Palestine," he said. 

The Taliban take credit for an angry Vietnamese immigrant's shooting spree in the United States. The shoe fits...riiiiiiiiiiggght.  ::)


I don't care who you are, that's funny right there.
Okay, I was just looking through today's birthdays, thought this was very interesting.....

Today's Calendar

1945: ARNHEM, 1945, effective dates for battle honour begin (to 14 Apr 45)
Birthdays: mdh (49), Infantry_ (24), Rigginrat (37), garrett00 (27), shokuten (24), Marine_2Para (49), *****CWM (929)****, Luis Mariano (40), TWOAXE (30), Willing Foe (47), manser (22), wannabesigop (33), Snaketnk (22), STN_Trigger (31), CLAVS (29), Ciggs (43), AUTHOR (36), Mold (21)

**CWM (929)***

Now that's OLD!!! ;D
at work today and my co worker took a call and here is how it went:

Coworker: Thank you for calling***** how can I Have your first and last name please?
Customer: unknown what was said but base on his reply she spelled it for him.
Coworker: ok perfect thank you for "SMELLING" that for me!

I looked over to him with a WTF look and he said what, so I told him what he said, he ended up laughing so much the customer hung up on him!
Does this qualify:

Support Enforcement Agent: Sir, you are found to be in arrears with your support payments. This is a very serious issue - how did you want to take care of this?

Me: Arrears? News to me. (Close to $1000.00 a month comes off my pay) How much am I in arrears for?

SEA: A dollar seventy five (I had to spell it out, as I had to have her spell it out for me!!)

Me: You're joking?

SEA: No sir, this is a serious issue. Arrears is arrears...

Me: (This is where it gets good) Fair enough - how about a cheque?

SEA: Sir we can't accept a cheque for less than $2.00.

Me: You want cash?

SEA: We don't accept cash for support payments...

I hung up. These yahoo's are about to suspend my driver's licence over a buck 75 and my money order and postage will cost more than I owe!!!
"Humpbacked geeks"  ;D  ::)


Thornton says CBC Radio blow-up gave 'humpbacked geeks' something to do
2 hours, 15 minutes ago

By Andrea Baillie, The Canadian Press

TORONTO - Billy Bob Thornton says he's shocked that his recent blow-up on CBC Radio made international headlines, adding that the incident gave "humpbacked geeks" something to do.

Thornton made the comments Tuesday on Jimmy Kimmel's late-night talk show. "The fact that that was news was astounding to me," he told Kimmel. "But it gave humpbacked geeks all over the world something to do for a couple of days."

The actor has kept a low profile since his bizarre CBC appearance earlier this month alongside his band, the Boxmasters.

During that interview, he was at turns belligerent and cryptic, apparently upset that host Jian Ghomeshi made mention of his acting career. Thornton says CBC had been asked to stay away from the topic.

The actor, who starred in, directed and wrote the Oscar-winning 1996 film "Sling Blade," told Kimmel that he was lied to about the conditions of the CBC interview.

"If they look you in the eye and say 'we promise' then that's the deal," he said. "If I tell some guy who lied to me, in my face, to not say something, it doesn't make any sense to me."

Ghomeshi has said he was never explicitly asked to stay away from questions about Thornton's movie career. Arnold Robinson, a spokesman for the actor, has echoed that sentiment, although he's admitted that his client doesn't like to be asked about his films when he's promoting his band.

Thornton told Kimmel it wasn't the first time he'd been difficult when a chat with the media hadn't gone his way.

He noted that a German interviewer had once asked about a subject that was ostensibly off-limits and he'd replied by telling her he received "signals from Venus through a metal plate in my head."

For his part, Kimmel provided a sympathetic ear.

"I understand," he said. "It's rude, you're sitting there with your bandmates, you don't want them sitting there saying nothing."

Thornton expressed disgust at the extensive media coverage of the CBC interview, telling Kimmel that if the recent rescue of a ship captain from Somali pirates had happened on the same day, no one would have known about it.

The clip of Thornton's tussle with Ghomeshi quickly became an Internet sensation.

In it he mumbled: "I don't know what you're talking about" in response to many of the questions. When pressed for details on his musical influences, he elliptically provided a non sequitur about a magazine he subscribed to called Famous Monsters of Filmland and a model-building contest he once entered.

He also managed to insult Canadian audiences, likening them to "mashed potatoes without gravy."

Thornton later tried to clarify those comments, saying he loved Canada, but he was greeted with boos and catcalls when the Boxmasters took the stage in Toronto as the opening act for Willie Nelson.

They subsequently announced they were cancelling the rest of their Canadian dates due to illness.
BinRat55 said:
Does this qualify:

Support Enforcement Agent: Sir, you are found to be in arrears with your support payments. This is a very serious issue - how did you want to take care of this?

Me: Arrears? News to me. (Close to $1000.00 a month comes off my pay) How much am I in arrears for?

SEA: A dollar seventy five (I had to spell it out, as I had to have her spell it out for me!!)

Me: You're joking?

SEA: No sir, this is a serious issue. Arrears is arrears...

Me: (This is where it gets good) Fair enough - how about a cheque?

SEA: Sir we can't accept a cheque for less than $2.00.

Me: You want cash?

SEA: We don't accept cash for support payments...

I hung up. These yahoo's are about to suspend my driver's licence over a buck 75 and my money order and postage will cost more than I owe!!!

A well-oiled machine...I love effeciency!! 
Cougar Daddy

I can kinda understand his fustration, he was on tour with his band, and agreed to do an interview about the band with the band, asked that the focus be on his band, not his acting career which was off topic, CBC agreed and then the interviewer did exactly what he asked him not to do...

and the Mashed Potatoes without Gravy bit was in reference to the fact that at shows in the US people were wild to the point of throwing stuff at the stage while Canadian locations people just sat in their seats and he thought that was a little boring... not sure why people are getting upset about it.

Now I do think he was immature in his handling of the situation, but I can understand how I'd be a little irritated if I was doing an interview for say my involvement with a volunteer group and the interviewer kept trying to tie in the fact that I'm in the army even though it had nothing to do with the subject at hand.
c_canuk said:
the interviewer kept trying to tie in the fact that I'm in the army even though it had nothing to do with the subject at hand.

Did you even watch the video?  I think the interviewer mentioned his acting (writing, directing) once at the beginning of the show and that was it.  It was Thornton himself, who brought it up again.  Not to mention, the rest of his replies were either "I don't know what you're talking about" or way the heck out in left field.  Don't even get me started on comparing himself to Tom Petty..... ::)
I watched the interview and Mr Thornton was an ***. The interviewer asked "who are your musical influences"... a valid question considering he's interviewing a -musician-. Billy Bob flew off the handle and replied "you wouldn't ask Tom Petty that". I don't know about you, but I would certainly ask Tom Petty about his influences.

Billy Bob Thornton is deluded by his own sense of celebrity.
From my mother in law today via email

Hi again,

I ordered a door chime for both your house and SILs. It is so neat. They will be in the store in a couple days and I'll mail it down to you so you have it right away.  FIL set the "ring tone" to play "Dixie". This is the tone he feels DH will really like.But there is 8 different sounds you can change it too, just by pressing a button on the outside of the cover. Even one tone for Xmas and one for New Years. So Cool!

so not only are my inlaws wannabe rednecks - they think WE are rednecks.  OMFG.
ArmyVern said:
Perfect for re-gifting!!  >:D

And then watch them show up at Christmas wanting to play the new Christmas tone......
You could have been given Big Mouth Billy Bass. Count your blessings.
Old Sweat said:
You could have been given Big Mouth Billy Bass. Count your blessings.

Awwww....that was next year's birthday present.......spoil sport!!!