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What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

In an e-mail at work:

"Due to our departmental email screening, the Public Service Survey will be in your Junk Mail."
Shec said:
In an e-mail at work:

"Due to our departmental email screening, the Public Service Survey will be in your Junk Mail."

Where it should be.
Do we actually have to do that survey, or can I just bin it? I hate crap like that, I have better things to do with my time than to fill out a damned survey. Stuff like trying to get some of our trucks off the VOR list maybe. It's just an idea, maybe a little crazy, but hey, shouldn't the army have trucks that are on the road? (Sarcasm intended, just slightly bitter about the slow go with them)
slowmode said:
I asked what day is new years...yes I know...I was not thinking at all
New years eve Wednesday,  New years day Tuesday.  Legitmate question.
Zell_Dietrich said:
New years eve Wednesday,  New years day Tuesday.  Legitmate question.
but always on Jan 1st......

Also... don't I have the option to revoke my own right to hold the CF accountable if anything would happen to me if I consumed peanuts?
kincanucks said:
Also... don't I have the option to revoke my own right to hold the CF accountable if anything would happen to me if I consumed peanuts?

Some people's children...
I’m at work can we change the title of this thread to “What’s the dumbest thing you heard said (or read in a memo or email etc.) in the past 30 seconds.”  ::)
Danjanou said:
I’m at work can we change the title of this thread to “What’s the dumbest thing you heard said (or read in a memo or email etc.) in the past 30 seconds.”  ::)

Second that.
Danjanou said:
I’m at work can we change the title of this thread to “What’s the dumbest thing you heard said (or read in a memo or email etc.) in the past 30 seconds.”  ::)

Oh god...

On Facebook somebody wrote: "We will Remember their Sacrifices"
Somebody comment : "Quel Sacrifice?"  ::)

While hiking yesterday out in the Musquodobit area with a few other geocachers.

"Oh I almost forgot tomorrow is a holiday!  sleep in day!"   ::)

A friends MSN status this morning:

"Happy Rememberance Day!"  (please..atleast spell it correctly).
Eye In The Sky said:
While hiking yesterday out in the Musquodobit area with a few other geocachers.

"Oh I almost forgot tomorrow is a holiday!  sleep in day!"   ::)

Ugh! That is the type of attitude that irks me. "Sleep in day"...yeah, that's what it's about, eh? Two days a week aren't enough?  >:(

A friends MSN status this morning:

"Happy Rememberance Day!"  (please..atleast spell it correctly).

Happy?  ::)

I tell you, I was so annoyed to see people trickling in to the auditorium today at 11:05, some of them in their sweats, looking like they just rolled out of bed. What's wrong with some people?  :blotto:
I don't get it either.  Its like they are trying to win the "Dummy of the Month" award or something, IMO.

the_girlfirend said:
Oh god...

On Facebook somebody wrote: "We will Remember their Sacrifices"
Somebody comment : "Quel Sacrifice?"  ::)

another comment has been added... I thought it was already bad enough...

Somebody added : " I don't remember lol"  ::)
So what if my father and grandmother(fathers side) both have varicose veins from work?
Would they see that potential even tho it has been deemed non hereditary but a work related issue?