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What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

nuclearzombies said:
Listening to the election shenanigans on the radio this morning with my boss Dave.....on comes an ad that states

"Only Jack Layton can defeat Stephen Harper in Alberta"

We had to pull over, Dave almost lost control of the vehicle because we was laughing so hard. At face value, that statement is ludicrous, no matter which party you support.

... I don't think it's inaccurate. The NDP already has one MP in that province. The Liberals still have the "taint" of the National Energy Program souring their prospects for getting anyone elected in that province. NDP's definitely the best bet for getting left-leaning MPs from that province.

In my humble opinion of course.
Michael Harris, the very lefty talk show host on Ottawa's overtherwise right wing talk radio station, opined that Jack was heading to Edmonton at the start of the campaign, because he had a seat there already and sensed that he was poised to clean up in the Alberta capital.

At the risk of stating the blindingly obvious, Mister Harris is an easterner.
Especially after he just told Alberta....ooops...Canada that he's going to take 2 billion of the oil company's revenue's for some of his programs....that'll win him a lot of seats.... ::)
gcclarke said:
... I don't think it's inaccurate. The NDP already has one MP in that province. The Liberals still have the "taint" of the National Energy Program souring their prospects for getting anyone elected in that province. NDP's definitely the best bet for getting left-leaning MPs from that province.

In my humble opinion of course.

Even though I feel they have *limited* chances out here in Oil-berta, it may be interesting to note that Edmonton has been somewhat of a Liberal stronghold, and for a long time too. You're still on target gc :salute:
An infomercial on TSN today was selling american 2 dollar bills for 10 bucks each, a 20 dollar savings off the normal price of 30 dollars. For an American. Two. Dollar. Bill. Wow.
Sapplicant said:
An infomercial on TSN today was selling american 2 dollar bills for 10 bucks each, a 20 dollar savings off the normal price of 30 dollars. For an American. Two. Dollar. Bill. Wow.

Yes, but they are the collectable National Park notes, uncirculated, individually numbered and a limited edition.
PMedMoe said:
Yes, but they are the collectable National Park notes, uncirculated, individually numbered and a limited edition.

That don't make it no smarter, 'least not in my mind ;D
You don't see US $2 notes very often because they've never been popular.  Apparently they're bad luck - except around Baltimore, where they were very popular for awhile years ago for betting at the racetrack (Pimlico).
PMedMoe said:
Yes, but they are the collectable National Park notes, uncirculated, individually numbered and a limited edition.

You're funny Moe!
Sapplicant said:
An infomercial on TSN today was selling american 2 dollar bills for 10 bucks each, a 20 dollar savings off the normal price of 30 dollars. For an American. Two. Dollar. Bill. Wow.
The Royal Canadian Mint website is going to blow your mind.
In a discussion regarding religion and atheism:  "Can you give me an example of where atheism has ever had an Inquisition?  Where atheists tortured and killed religious believers simply because they weren't atheist?"

Apparently Soviet Russia and the Chinese "Cultural Revolution" aren't covered in school anymore.  :palm:
Rheostatic said:
The Royal Canadian Mint website is going to blow your mind.

Come on it would if our circulation coins had Dinosaurs!

In a thread, where a previous poster seemed to overlood the use of punctuation, came the response:


exactly as written above.  Oh, the irony...
The dumbest thing I heard today was "Wow is it ever quiet in here today" when I got to work this morning.  Of course all hell broke lose very shortly after that.  It was the classic - shoot yourself in the foot - statement.

NB. Perhaps I should mention that I was the person who said it!!  ;)
Someone asked if I was having a few beer tonight.....

Of couse Iam !!! ;D :nod: