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What would you do if this was your kid?

aww ease up on the lad,

All he wanted was some Chocolate milk to cure his thirst while he was battling tangos!  Has anyone here played in a clan match?  Then you know how dehydrating the experience can be.  Maybe that mom is the one that needs the discipline.

Poor kid had to even raise his voice....



oh ya before I forget..

:gunner:          :nana:          :fifty:

That was ummm....loud?  Im kind of glad I grew up in the no internet/good video game era.  That sounded like this 12-yr old I knew for awhile, who would throw those kinds of fits.

But my kids will hopefully be scared of me...haha!

However one time in grade 9, I decided to play video games instead of studying for my math exam.  I got the highest mark in the class.  Ive never been able to repeat that, haha.
Having had the dubious pleasure of dealling with kids like this for the last 4 yrs most of the reasons are-no parental control, no control in the system (ie. psychology have SUGGESTED that is detrimental to a child's health and well being if you fail him/her for not achieving/meeting standards). I used to dread every October it was like posting season. All the little Sh*t heads get bounced out of their catchment area into another. If you had a new student show up then- you knew what you where getting. Again too much unproven Liberalization. You should see the paperwork involved in giving a simple detention these days.
I have a surefire method that heads these hissy fits off at the pass.  As soon as the whining even approaches the limit of pitch that is audible to humans, I, in my sweetest, quietest voice, say;  "You're more than welcome to find somewhere else to live, you're not a prisoner in my home.  I'm sure your mother would be glad to have you, and I know how much you like Kraft Dinner.  At her house, you'll get to live on it."  Usually deflates the situation pretty quickly.  For most of these little Ritalin junkies, a taste of my old mans web belt from his Brit army days wouldn't hurt.
Could always gun tape him to a chair while YOU play HIS clan match and force him to watch you go out and totally lose it on his behalf...

Not as violent, but just a s cathartic - the (muffled)wails that would accompany it would be just SOOOOO gratifying.

Something sneaky would be to go down to the rumpus room and deactivate the breaker to his bedroom or locale of xbox. When the kid comes out and claims there was a power failure (or something), make the most menacing "Indeed". Could blame it on the Nintendofairy.
Pull the plug; and then start cutting his privileges. I bet he would straighten up when he can't play Xbox, use the phone, use the computer, etc.
If it is not your kid, get his pears to straighten him out. The old BMQ method of punish the course works. I deal with kids on a weekly bases, and the key to discipline is there pears.
If that was my son, the game system would be removed and sold on ebay and then he would also lose any other electronics he has...and be imprisoned in his room when he is not at school.

That kind of language towards me would have resulted in my hand meeting either his face or his arse...one of the two.
"I want some mother-effing chocolate milk.  You're gonna get it for me."

What's up with his mother for taking that?  Maybe the kid is modelling on the dad?

To quote the little brat, "That's f#cked up."
If that would have been me as a child, I would have heard "Wait until your Father gets home" from my Mom. Very dreaded words at my house as a child. That meant Dad in a bad mood, after a long day at work, and a belt...Not a combination that worked in my favour at all...

I would never speak to my Mom like that...ever.

If I did that, my mom would have taken my Atari 2600 away....no more Yars Revenge for me.
9 years old...

(shakes head) Sorry to say but that starts with the parents. I'm not a parent but I firmly believe that there are better ways of handling a situation like that rather than validating the little sh*t's arguement by fighting back with him.

Sure as heck he'd loose the Xbox for a while, which would be the LEAST of his worries.
Its a shame but I'm sure that Kid is going to acomplish nothing in life - unless things are drastically changed.

You never know what will happen... he has another nine years before (I expect) his parents toss him out on his arse. That's a long time, and much can happen to a person. My solution would be to go camping out in the middle of nowhere, give him his own tent, and let him go about his own business. If he misses meals it's his fault (kid: where's breakfast? parent: we finished that up hours ago. If you're patient, lunch will be served in a few hours. If you're not patient, you can go to bed now so you can wakeup in time for breakfast), if he feels discomfort, its his fault (think - kid: it's damn cold out here. parent: I asked you to go gather wood. If you're still cold now, we'll go get some together), and in time he'll wise up and get accostomed to helping and respecting his peers. Camp therapy for delinquents. Just an idea...
Sheerin said:
Its a shame but I'm sure that Kid is going to acomplish nothing in life - unless things are drastically changed.

Kind of reminds me of most of the kids at my school...
I don't know how real this picture is, but I think that's what this kid's parents should have done...
If I say what I would do it would probably violate my right to remain silent and have an attorney present....:D
Parents please read the packaging for XBOX Live; NOT INTENDED FOR CHILDEREN UNDER THIRTEEN YEARS OF AGE!

Parents really need to be more pro-active in their childrens habits.
Probably very. He really does need his chocolate milk. He's also got an impressive set of lungs on him.