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What is wrong with teens?

There is one thing I must say and that is most of you Teens who come here are switched on and know some what what you want :salute: but as Bruce said that will change when you get older.
When I was 17/18 I was in the doldrums as what to do with my life so I chose to go to sea,travel and see the world and came back and by fluke joined the Militia and I must say it was a good choice.
It happens for everyone at different times...I guess because I happened to be surrounded by people who knew what they wanted to do not only set me in some type of panic, but also the belief that everyone around me, not just my friends, had at least an idea for what they wanted to do when they we're older, and I was falling behind to pack. I realise now it was a stupid thing to worry about but at the time I was worried I wouldn't be able to do anything...lol.

It's safe to say that the Army was not my first career choice, I've been thinking about various careers now come to think about it, but nothing to serious because I just wanted to be a kid, and even though I may change my mind before I join the Army, it will only be about my career in the Army, because no matter what I end up doing, I know it will be in the Army somehow, I hope.
Well, when i tell people around me, that i would enjoy a career in the military they tell me that ill find myself in an old submarine, an old sea king or find myself dead because the people higher up dont care about the military, just their political careers. I think somolia left a great scare on the average canadian. They seemed to be ashamed of our peace keepers and goverment incompetence.

I read a book on the whole affair and i shocked me how we run our military. The majority of the soldiers were just doing their job, but the higher officails were all pointing the finger, and no one wasnt willing to take responsibility. The whole affair disgusted me. Not just somolia though, our role in the gulf war was pathetic. The handling or Rwanda  was simply disapointing. Even members of the CF critisize the way we canadians treat our military.

Before you critisize my comments, calling me an ignorant youth, or a little bastard, just think about what im saying. What i know is self taught, no one has influenced my oppinon, i create my own. I own books such as "The Patricias" and "marching as to war." Ive spoke with veterans of WW2 and the korean war, and was truly facinated with their stories. Ive spoke with a recruiting officer in person, and he told me my plan to join the British army, wasnt a bad one.

 Now, before i end this critical paragraph, id like to acknowledge the work and duty our forces commit themselves to. Im not trying to offend, just expressing what ive read and what ive been told. Ive formed an oppinon on this, and some agree with it. Now if you dont, thats fine and dandy, just dont flame my post.
I own books such as "The Patricias" and "marching as to war."

Canuck, with such profound statements, i really doubt you can read. This is a site to help people in recruitment, Supporting our troops,  and for c.f members to just shoot the breeze, amoung many other things. But it's not a place for civilian's to tell our service member's that there job is a failure. statements like The whole affair disgusted me. Not just somolia though, our role in the gulf war was pathetic. The handling or Rwanda  was simply disapointing. Even members of the CF critisize the way we canadians treat our military. is only used to critisize, and have no room here. If you want to enlist in the british forces, by all means do. But from now on please do it in silence.

cgyflames01 that came a bit out of left field there.
how can you possibly say you have a problem with someone saying the whole Rwandan genocide affair was disgusting/disapointing???  do a bit of reading up on the subject and then come back to us(I'm not bashing the cf here, and in my opinion neither was canuck_25) and give us your views on the subject.
i don't proclaim to know everything, and I'm sure neither does canuck_25 he was just putting forth his opinion of the some situations the cf have faced.
chill out a bit... if anyone has the "right" to get on his *** about this post, it certainly isn't you, a 19yr old who isn't even in the forces yet.
i respect the fact that you are coming to the defence of the cf, but there is no need to go about it in such a manner.
The whole rwandan affair was another example how our goverment treats our military. Canada didnt properly support its troops in the region. Canada couldnt provide the appropriate transports for reinforcments. As a result of a small amount of peace keepers without heavy weapons or proper munitions, they could do nothing of the mass slaughter.

  When I read canadian military history, i feel proud of the contributions our country made during the Boer war, WW1, WW2 and the Korean war. In the 50's canada, in my oppinon, was standing on its own 2 feet, not leaning on Britain or the U.S. Today, we cant properly defend ourselves from chineese migrants. I remember those refugees coming easily through our waters, and landing only 300 km from my home. I find that pretty pathetic. Our submarine purchase i disagreed of from when i was first informed of it 2 years ago.

The point im trying to make is we need to greaty increase our militarial abilities. One suggestion, is that we build or purchase similar to HMS ocean, and purchase merlin helicopters and station 1000 troops on board so that if a urgen situation comes about, we can quickly send them to their destination. Of course, new helicopters, and a new small carrier would be in a price range of 10 billion dollars.
Just to clear up a previous comment of mine...

I wasn't trying to attack Canuck_25 when I said he was a perfect example of what's wrong with teens today, what I was trying to say by that was what he said answered the original question as to why teens may seek to join other countries forces and not the Canadian.  I wasn't saying he was an idiot or a jerk or anything like that.

Sorry if it sounded that way, I'm not here to make enemies, just participate in conversations and expand my knowledge.
You guys are all wrong. I'll tell you what is wrong with teens today. They don't know when to use commas, apostrophes, capital letters, and they certainly know very little about sentence structure or spell checking. Just look at the last five or six posts.

Anyone else behind me?

Other than that, good on you guys for caring.
it's kinda tru that teens dont care about our military i (15) have been taking some flak from my peers for me joining the army. They label anyone in the army as war mongers so i have made it my mission to inform them that we are underfunded, overwored, underpaid peace keepers. personally i cant wait for the new defence white paper. and i think that part of that 9.2 Billion dollar surpus should go into capital spending for equipment. thats my 2 cents!
it's kinda tru that teens dont care about our military i (15) have been taking some flak from my peers for me joining the army. They label anyone in the army as war mongers so i have made it my mission to inform them that we are underfunded, overwored, underpaid peace keepers. personally i cant wait for the new defence white paper. and i think that part of that 9.2 Billion dollar surpus should go into capital spending for equipment. thats my 2 cents!

See what I mean!!!
Canuck_25 said:
we cant properly defend ourselves from chineese migrants. I remember those refugees coming easily through our waters, and landing only 300 km from my home. I find that pretty pathetic.

And where abouts did they land?
Rounder said:
See what I mean!!!
I couldn't agree more Rounder.

And since when did they start letting 15 year olds into the Army?  At least I think that's what youravatar was inferring.
At least I think that's what youravatar was inferring.

    No, what I'm getting at is that grammar is what is wrong with teens. I was trying to be subtle, but are they all as illiterate as the teens on this thread?
Rounder said:
    No, what I'm getting at is that grammar is what is wrong with teens. I was trying to be subtle, but are they all as illiterate as the teens on this thread?
I understand that, and agree.  Spell checkers are all that is evil and wrong!

But what I had issue with was youravatar stating that he/she is 15 and "in the Army".
Rounder said:
No, what I'm getting at is that grammar is what is wrong with teens. I was trying to be subtle, but are they all as illiterate as the teens on this thread?

lol...more then likely.  Even though our literacy test scores are high, a lot of people fail, even the smart ones (and what that means is even some of the kids who get 90's in English choke on the test). 

But if most of these kids aren't "that smart", and the stereotype of people in the Army are people with no education and no where else to go in life, then shouldn't the question here then be "Why is there such a high interest in our Army?"
Rounder said:
    No, what I'm getting at is that grammar is what is wrong with teens. I was trying to be subtle, but are they all as illiterate as the teens on this thread?
Not all of us.
Your contribution to this thread reminds me of a comic I once saw in the newspaper.....
There was a drawing of a wall and on it was written, "Illiteracy sux," and there were these two older fellows looking at it.
One of them said, "Well, you can't blame them for trying...!"

Another thing I think needs to be addressed... nobody's wearing poppies.
Hello people, it's November.
My kids on the bus, (I call them my kids 'cause I'm the bus patroller and I guard them like I would my own kids,) kept telling me,"You wear poppies on Rememberance Day!" It took forever to tell them WHY you would wear it ALL of November.
During the bus ride I saw groups of kids and parents walking to school, not one of them had a poppie pinned to their chest.
Do any of them care?
Out of all the staff and children at the school, I was the only child that wore a poppy throughout the whole school day. The Grade 3 teacher and an EA wore a poppy.
My sister mocks me for wearing a poppy, and if it weren't for the fact that my dad would smack me silly, I would have hung her from a tree by her hair.

So how many of you are wearing poppies?

Sundborg said:
I am, and I'm sure most others in the CF right now are aswell.

Not many in Shearwater are, it's FOD and we're not permitted to wear them on the flight line.   None of the aircrew or technicians are wearing them since we're off and on the flight line all day.

Of course I do have one on my civvy jacket.
