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What is wrong with our flag?

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I am digging for more, but I know the MP's in Gagetown hold no power off the base, I am sure thats in threads here.  I know the rule is somewhere in the CFHA paperwork, and I will post if someone doesn't beat me to it. 

I looked (read with sarcasm) and totally didn't see how to hang the Canadian Flag as a curtain on a few web sites.  I did like this one for the details.
Your correct AJP.The RCMP police the PMQ patch.It was part of some deal to make the RCMP area bigger to make the super cop shop possible out by the highway.
CFHA would be your way to go,they will just send out their generic "fix this" letter and do a follow up.

And here's a little test for you all....if someone is using cardboard,taprs to block out their windows...they may be doing ______ (rhymes with rugs).It's a classic give away.
X-Mo (and read with sarcasm again) I Can't Immagine that happens in the Qs
PMedMoe said:
Hanging a Canadian flag inappropriately is a disgrace.

Absolutely, Moe. I remember when I was ten years old the very special assembly we had in the auditorium at school to introduce us to it. The flag we fly now, I mean. It's recognized and respected around the world. 
Edit: That was the year, 1965, when we got the "new" flag.  :cdn:
Incidentally, I notice that Prince Charles is wearing two poppies. I presume one for England and one for Canada? If so, it's a nice touch. 
X-mo-1979 said:
And here's a little test for you all....if someone is using cardboard,taprs to block out their windows...they may be doing ______ (rhymes with rugs).It's a classic give away.
They are doing mugs?  :endnigh:

Actually, I have never been happier to be out of the Q's.  As for dude, if he/she is subject to the NDA, then he can be ordered to take down the flag, lest he be charged under 129 (conduct prejudice to the good order and discipline, etc).
Any act, conduct, disorder or neglect to the prejudice of good order and discipline is an offence and every person convicted thereof is liable to dismissal with disgrace from Her Majesty’s service or to less punishment.

That's how I would look at it, if I were dude's superior.

Technoviking said:
That's how I would look at it, if I were dude's superior.

You're the Dude's superior? That's so kewl man.

Sorry couldn't resist.

As for the flag. There is a fine line between disrespect and just not knowing. Some like the guy in the article mean well but are just not up on all aspects of protocal. Not everyone has access to he with the large piece of lumber under his arm who can walk on water and knows all such important lore.  8)

The flag on the pole outside my house is displayed properly and with the utmost respect an reverence. In fact I recently replaced it as it was getting a bit faded.  It's kind of like poppies, not everyone knows that it should be on the left side, but I'd rather see someone wearing it on the wrong side rather than not wearing one at all. People for the most part mean well.
I am always amused at people being so picky in how a flag is presented or treated. I understand protocol/etiquette and giving respect to our flag, yet I take pride at the fact that we can do whatever we want with our flag without legal retribution as a form of representation of the sort of freedoms we have in Canada.

I even rub that point to friends and acquaintances in the states that if I want to turn a flag (or more) into a dress for Canada Day or some other event, I can. If my team would like to sign our names on the flag and present to a league in the states or anywhere else, we can. If some folks would like to burn the Canadian flag to make some kind of political point, they can. Why? Because Canada is awesome and so is our flag.

Talking about giving a flag to one of the leagues in the states, when we did in New Jersey and they put it up, they realize theirs was smaller. So they went to find and put up a bigger one right after.

Yay for one of the coolest flags in the world.  :cdn:
Something like this?


Except larger and sitting in a dark room behind a glowing monitor.
X-mo-1979 said:
You know over the past few weeks I have been on here a lot more than usual due to sickness.

Hey x-mo, glad to see you have time for the computer, but not that way! I hope you feel better soon.
What can I post that does not require some kind of military knowledge or experience?

The thread is about the flag and how it is used, not about myself. Think I am an attention whore or a "quiet" troll, then stop giving me attention and take the bait. It is the best method in dealing with them, not call them out and goad them to shoot themselves in the foot until a mod closes the thread and possibly ban them.

So yes, yay the Canadian Flag!  :cdn:

I too am an attention whore, so there's nothing wrong with that, per se

Anyway, regarding our country's flag, there is protocol, and the protocol of which we speak is just that: strongly recommended suggestions.  But this isn't about civilians wearing the flag, signing it, or what have you.  This is about military members improperly (according to protocol) displaying the flag.  Remember, for us military folk, we even have to salute the flag, we wear it on our uniforms, and in some cases, our caskets are covered with it when we return from war.  So, for a military person to use it as a curtain, wall hanging, whatever, is improper for us.  And we view said displays by non-military folk to be disrespectful.  Hence our reactions on here.

I hope this helps explain our position a bit better.
mellian said:
I am always amused at people being so picky in how a flag is presented or treated. I understand protocol/etiquette and giving respect to our flag, yet I take pride at the fact that we can do whatever we want with our flag without legal retribution as a form of representation of the sort of freedoms we have in Canada.

You're correct that the law allows a private citizen to do whatever he or she wants with a Canadian flag.  But using it as a curtain in a military accommodation is wrong on two fronts:

- It violates the proper use of the flag.  That may not be illegal, but it's still wrong or, at the very least, in poor taste.  (The law doesn't provide the answers to all of life's questions.  It's not illegal to close a door in the face of a little old lady who has her arms full of shopping, but few would argue that you shouldn't instead hold the door open for her.)

- It probably violates the orders or regulations that govern the military accommodation.  Any time I've ever stayed in a barracks there's been a policy against displaying any flag in the windows.  I've never lived in a PMQ but I'd be surprised if there weren't a similar policy for them.
mover1 said:
"there is a real looser" when i pass by those palces.

I'll add that to my list of awesome spelling errors like "Your stupid".
Right or wrong, whether I am or not, it is still bloody annoying when right from the first post, I get some people respond to me about me instead of discussing the topic, which eventually results into recceguy or another Mod to lock the thread due to the derailment. Worse when Mods themselves do this, who should know better about feeding and baiting trolls as some believe I am.


I understand protocol and what it means to those in the military or those outside of it like the government. The part that amuses me is people believing those not following protocol automatically mean they intentionally disrespect it, when there is different ways in showing one's pride in their flag and country. Yes, there is rules to be followed, but does not mean one is anti-flag or anti-Canada if they break them, or they do not follow protocol.
mellian said:
I am always amused at people being so picky in how a flag is presented or treated. I understand protocol/etiquette and giving respect to our flag, yet I take pride at the fact that we can do whatever we want with our flag without legal retribution as a form of representation of the sort of freedoms we have in Canada.

I even rub that point to friends and acquaintances in the states that if I want to turn a flag (or more) into a dress for Canada Day or some other event, I can.

  Yet another example of Mellian's disconnect with the cultural values of the CF. It will be one hell of a culture shock for her if she gets as far as  CFLRS.
I know this thread was started in 2002 and the current discussion has moved away from this, but

Why didn't the person challenge it in court as acting against his freedom of expression?

I'm sure if an immigrant had a foreign country's flag up in their window, and hell all the power to them, and a landlord told them to take it down, that's where the case would end up.
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