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What is a Canadian Soldier?

Here is one source that supports the Devil's Brigade theory. Now don't read too much into this post, I'm just putting it out there okay.

The flaw in that article is in this line:

"In Canada, today's elite and highly secretive JTF2 military unit is also modeled on the Devil's Brigade."

I don't recall an anti-terrorist role for 1SSF. They were closer to the WWII role of Commando. Despite the media's use of "commando" in reference to JTF2, among others, there is little or no relation.

If you link to the wikipedia piece on JTF2 you'll also see the following:

"The Canadian Forces also has Army snipers, its Pathfinder courses held at 8 Wing/Canadian Forces Base Trenton and the Canadian graduates of the U.S. Army Ranger Course. In other countries these qualifications might be part of their Special Operations Forces units, but in Canada, they are embedded in conventional combat units and are not considered to be of a "special forces" nature."

And goes on to say:

"Lineage. The JTF2 states that it does NOT perpetuate the Canadian Airborne Regiment although some of its members have come from that now-disbanded unit. Rather it notes that Canadians served with distinction in several types of Allied Special Forces units during the Second World War. One such unit was the legendary U.S. and Canadian combined 1st Special Service Force or, as it was commonly known, "the Devil's Brigade." It achieved a sterling combat record despite overwhelming odds. While tactics, weapons and technology have changed, today's JTF 2 soldiers are perpetuating the basic qualities that define such units."

Which looks to me to be a claim to the "qualities" of those soldiers, not an actual claim to unit lineage. JTF2's origins are a matter of public record. Maybe their links should be to the RCMP?

As I had said. I was just putting the link out there. I saw someone post something and a few people immediately jumped on him telling him he was wrong witout backing up why they thought he was wrong. Sure maybe he should have posted something to back his comment up but, oh well he didn't. Honestly I don't think I could not care any less about the argument if I tried.
Hunter911 said:
It was a joint US Canadian operation that spearheaded the attack. They were known as the devils brigade and are now known in Canada as "Joint Task Force 2"  ;D :threat:

My great-uncle was in the Black Devil's Brigade during World War two. The JTF-2 is not a spawn of the Black Devil's Brigade... at least to my understanding.
NateC said:
My great-uncle was in the Black Devil's Brigade during World War two. The JTF-2 is not a spawn of the Black Devil's Brigade... at least to my understanding.

I think you may be confusing the Royal Winnipeg Rifles ("Little Black Devils" from the image on their capbadge) with the "Devils Brigade" which is the formation we are talking about. I've never heard of the "Black Devils' Brigade".

1st SSF was also referred to as "the Black Devils" as opposed to "The Little Black Devils" of the R Wpg Rifles. The former got the name from Germans because the 1SSF guys would infiltrate their lines using blackened faces.

The Black Devils Brigade = The Devils Brigade...


If you see that book, I've read it.. twice.
Michael Dorosh said:

He's surrendered his/her individuality and privacy in order to achieve a greater good.   In many cases, he's forfeited better paying jobs.

For me, that sums it up.