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What General Are You Test

George MacClellan
You scored 46 Wisdom, 62 Tactics, 56 Guts, and 37 Ruthlessness!

i would suck being a general, oh well
The Terminator
You scored 75 Wisdom, 50 Tactics, 62 Guts, and 26 Ruthlessness!
Julius Caesar
You scored 51 Wisdom, 73 Tactics, 55 Guts, and 42 Ruthlessness
Yup, 'nother Ulysses S.Grant with 64 Wisdom, 58 Tactics, 66 Guts, and 53 Ruthlessness

How I compared to other people in my age and gender:
You scored higher than 50% on Unorthodox
You scored higher than 19% on Tactics
You scored higher than 89% on Guts
You scored higher than 71% on Ruthlessness

Which means that I truly do wonder what my peers think of me!    ;)

There are a lot of us Ulysses' on this forum!


You scored 72 Wisdom, 58 Tactics, 54 Guts, and 74 Ruthlessness!
Leader of the Gauls, a chieftain of the Arverni. He was the leader of the great revolt against the Romans in 52 BC. Julius Caesar, upon hearing of the trouble, rushed to put it down. Vercingetorix was, however, an able leader and adopted the policy of retreating to heavy, natural fortifications and burning the Gallic towns to keep the Roman soldiers from living off the land. Caesar and his chief lieutenant Labienus lost in minor engagements, but when Vercingetorix shut himself up in Alesia and summoned all his Gallic allies to attack the besieging Romans, the true brilliance of Caesar appeared. He defeated the Gallic relieving force and took the fortress. Vercingetorix was captured and, after gracing Caesar's triumphal return to Rome, was put to death.

I dont want to be put to death :(
George Washington
You scored 61 Wisdom, 71 Tactics, 52 Guts, and 27 Ruthlessness!

You scored higher than 40% on Unorthodox
You scored higher than 64% on Tactics
You scored higher than 31% on Guts
You scored higher than 5% on Ruthlessness

Wow, things are starting to look up for me if I got George Washington! :P
King Edward I
You scored 70 Wisdom, 73 Tactics, 47 Guts, and 66 Ruthlessness!
King Edward I......  hmmm not really a fan of this guy but what ever. this Wallace, Edward thing reminds me of the song O flower of Scotland.
Erwin Rommel
You scored 51 Wisdom, 77 Tactics, 65 Guts, and 35 Ruthlessness!

Interesting...  I guess..
Just call me George Washington

62 Wisdom, 81 Tactics, 50 Guts, and 37 Ruthlessness

Commander in Chief of the Continental Army in the American Revolutionary War (1775â “83), leading the Americans to victory over the British, although sometimes in not the most scrupulous of ways.

I can live with that

Oh, I wanted to be Rommel...

Julius Caesar
You scored 57 Wisdom, 75 Tactics, 43 Guts, and 49 Ruthlessness!

I'm pretty close. Looks like I need to work on my Guts a bit.
I am the Terminator?!        :threat:

74 wisdom 46 Tactics 74 guts 37 ruthlessness

I fit the characteristics of a special forces soldier.  Hehe
I got :king: Edward I  

modified to add: 62 Wisdom, 73 Tactics, 59 Guts, and 44 Ruthlessness
Ulysses S. Grant

You scored higher than 89% on Unorthodox
You scored higher than 14% on Tactics
You scored higher than 96% on Guts
You scored higher than 52% on Ruthlessness