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What exactly is AF1?


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Okay so, first things first hello everyone.
I’m new around here but since I can’t seem to find an answer anywhere else I’ll try here.
My background, I’m a ROTP OCdt (MOSID 183 Pilot) about to graduate and really hoping to get a PFT slot sometime within the next century...
To that end I managed to get a sneak peak at the upcoming PFT and other courses load list for a lot of us ROTP types and saw that I was one of the few individuals that had a “No” under a course labelled “AF1”.
So basically with a ULO that never responds to emails or answers the phone, fruitless google and forum searches, and friends who don’t have any idea either... what exactly if AF1?
Thanks for your help and time,
I'm going to take a guess and say that it is "Air Factor".  I believe that pilots require an AF of 1.  There is lots more on the site here regarding Air Factors.  I would think that at the position you are now that it would have already been determined what your Factor was.  There should be others around this topic soon to confirm this information, but in the meantime, enter "Air Factor" in the main search page on the site.
I knew there was a good link about this: http://forums.milnet.ca/forums/threads/37674/post-311436#msg311436  Scroll down to "AIR" and you will see that yes, AF1 is for Pilots.  There is also another link in that post with more details.

You should confirm soonest that you do have the correct AF for your position, although you will have to admit that you were "sneaking" information.
thanks guys... yeah, looks like the AF1 is basically succesful completion of the aircrew selection course... which I went on over a year ago and was told I succesfully passed a little over 6 months ago... So looks like I'll be making some phone calls tomorrow morning... In the meantime thanks for your help.

Hey, I gave it a quick look through and didn't see a way to do it myself... but if there's a mod around this thread can go the way of the trash can.
